Тоби Диксона
source: ycwb
迪克森1959年出生于突尼斯斯法克斯(Sfax)。他刚学会走路就跟随家人来到了英国,在伦敦长大。1980年从艺术学校辍学后,他加入乐队范卡波力坦(Funkapolitan),司职低音电吉他手,组织过多次仓库派对(warehouse parties)。自学焊接则是后来的事。
迪克森通过DIY进入设计界的方式符合80年代早期的后朋克倾向。通过制作和销售限量版焊接家具S椅及派伦椅(Pylon Chair),他开始小有名气,但钱景依然不佳。于是,他尝试家具零售,并开了一家名为“空间”(Space)的门店销售自己的产品。后来,他委托一家叫欧朗奇(Eurolounge)的公司制造自己设计的产品。其他设计师如麦克•杨也曾委托这家公司进行生产。
迪克森“第一份合适的工作”是哈比泰家具连锁集团的设计主管。这段工作期间,他继续和其他设计师携手合作,重新发布了弗纳•潘顿(Verner Panton)、埃托•索特萨斯(Ettore Sottsass)和罗宾•代伊(Robin Day)的历史设计,并委任罗南和厄尔文•保罗莱克兄弟(Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec)、伊内克•汉斯(Ineke Hans)和马克•纽森(Marc Newson)进行设计创作。现在,作为一名独立设计师的迪克森兼任阿太克集团创意主管,继续进行新的项目创作。芬兰家具制造商阿太克由建筑大师阿尔瓦•阿尔托(Alvar Aalto)于20世纪30年代创立。迪克森说:“一个好朋友曾经把我形容为‘脊椎动物设计师’,意思是说我从内在的骨头开始向外设计,对表面并不感兴趣。”
source: ustralianphotography
Toby Dixon began taking photos as a way of documenting his nomadic upbringing, and soon found he was drawn to the unconventional individuals and landscapes that still make up his subject matter today.
With a background in visual arts, a degree in communications and a long stint assisting some of the finest image-makers in Australia, Canada and The United States, Dixon’s images have a disarming quality to them.
His landscape series, ‘Concrete’ won both the Judges’ and People’s Choice Awards in the 2006 Projections Competition. In the commercial sphere he has shot campaigns for Cadbury, Toyota, Canon, Kodak, LG, Smirnoff, UBank, Hahn, Vodafone and Sunbeam among others. Dixon’s work is driven by a desire to capture warmth hidden beneath a rough exterior, and a hunger to prove that first appearances are often misleading.
source: krutayatemaru
Задумав новый проект, фотограф Тоби Диксон (Toby Dixon) решил отказаться от Photoshop и воспользоваться для создания образов народными средствами — ножницами, гримом и декоративной косметикой. Идея проекта состояла в том, чтобы показать в одном человеке две личности. Для этого Тоби понадобилось пожертвовать одеждой и аксессуарами, разрезав их на две части, и при участии друзей сделать на лицах двойной мэйкап.
source: desktopmagcomau
Toby Dixon is a photographer who primarily shoots environmental portraiture and conceptual still-life as personal projects as well as major advertising campaigns. In his first year of shooting professionally, his landscape series ‘Concrete’ won both the Judges’ and People’s Choice Awards in the 2006 Projections Competition, and in the commercial sphere, he has shot acclaimed campaigns for Cadbury, Toyota Prius, Sage, Canon, Kodak, LG, Smirnoff, UBank, Hahn, Vodafone and Sunbeam among others.