

توماس سانشيز
토마스 산체스


source: tomassancheznet

En mi vida ha habido desde siempre dos intereses fundamentales: el arte y la meditación. Ambos íntimamente relacionados. Los espacios interiores que experimento en meditación se convierten en paisajes en mi pintura; la inquietud de mi mente se traduce en los basureros. Al pintar experimento estados meditativos; en meditación realizo mi unión con la naturaleza, y la naturaleza a su vez me conduce a la meditación. La experiencia interior es la de unidad de todo lo que existe; la experiencia exterior es de la unidad en la diversidad. Esto me sensibiliza con todo lo que me rodea. Respeto la diversidad y la libre expresión, tanto en la vida como en el arte.

Tomás Sánchez nació el 22 de mayo de 1948 en Aguada de Pasajeros, provincia de Cienfuegos, Cuba. Es el mayor de dos hijos de una familia de clase media que residía en el Ingenio Perseverancia. Su padre fue obrero azucarero y comerciante, y con su madre compartió la sensibilidad por la pintura.

A los 16 años se traslada a La Habana y comienza sus estudios de pintura en la Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes San Alejandro en 1964. Dos años más tarde interrumpe sus estudios en esta Academia y pasa a la recién fundada Escuela Nacional de Arte (ENA), en el año 1967; la cual ofrecía un programa de estudios más acorde a la época. En 1971 se gradúa de la ENA y ese mismo año obtiene el Primer Premio de Grabado del Salón Nacional para Artistas Jóvenes, el cual es el primer reconocimiento en su carrera.

Desde su graduación hasta 1976 Tomás Sánchez permanece en la Escuela Nacional de Arte como Profesor y Jefe de Cátedra de Grabado; en 1975 gana el Primer Premio en Pintura y el Primer Premio en Litografía del III Salón Nacional de Profesores e Instructores de Artes Plásticas en La Habana. Luego de esto, ingresa al Taller de Muñecos de la Dirección de Teatro del Ministerio de Cultura con el nombramiento de diseñador escenográfico y de muñecos de Teatro para Niños e integra, además, el Grupo de Marionetas de la UNESCO, que lo introduce –y mantiene hasta 1978 – en un universo completamente diferente al de su obra hasta ese momento.

En 1980 participa en la XIX Edición del Premio Internacional de Dibujo Joan Miró, el cual le es otorgado por su obra Desde las Aguas Blancas y así comienza su meteórica carrera internacional. Al año siguiente realiza una exhibición individual en la prestigiosa Fundación Joan Miró, Centre de’Estudis d’Art Contemporani en Barcelona, España.

Entre los reconocimientos más importantes de su carrera vale la pena mencionar el Premio Nacional de Pintura. I Bienal de La Habana en 1984; la Medalla de la V Bienal de Arte Gráfico Americano, Cali, Colombia, 1986 y la Mención de Honor. I Bienal Internacional de Pintura, Cuenca, Ecuador en 1987.

Su obra ha sido exhibida de forma individual y colectiva en más de 30 países; que incluyen México, Estados Unidos, Japón, Italia y Francia. Entre sus más significativas exhibiciones personales están: Tomás Sánchez. Retrospectiva en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, La Habana, Cuba en 1985; Tomás Sánchez. Different Worlds en el Museum of Art, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA, en 1996 y la celebración de su 60 aniversario con Tomás Sánchez Retrospectiva, en mayo del 2008 en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey, México.

Aunque los paisajes son la línea identitaria de su obra (incluyendo los majestuosos basureros), su carrera es la de un artista prolífico que ha incursionado en la pintura, el grabado, la escultura y la fotografía. Recurrentemente críticos, curadores y el propio artista han vinculado su trabajo a la experiencia de la meditación.

Tomás Sánchez ha residido sucesivamente en La Habana, México, Miami (Florida) y Costa Rica.
source: visualmelt

Tomás Sánchez, one of the most important and celebrated living Cuban artists. His work is meticulous in its breathtaking detail, but the objective of the artist is not so much the recreation of reality as it is displaying the magnificence of a lyrical universe.

A creator of deeply spiritual images of nature; his various scenes of lush vegetation create an ambience of profound peace, achieving a transcendent, meditative state that radiates spirituality. His paintings may, on one level, represents metaphors for a paradise long-lost to humanity.
source: tomassancheznet

I have always had two fundamental interests in life: art and meditation, both of them intimately related. The interior spaces that I experience in meditation are converted into the landscapes of my paintings; the restlessness of my mind transformed into landfills. When I paint, I experience meditative states; through meditation I achieve a union with nature, and nature, in turn, leads me to meditation. Interior experience is the unity of all that exists; external experience is unity in diversity. This sensitizes me to my surroundings. I respect diversity and free expression, in life as in art.

Tomás Sánchez was born on May 22, 1948 in Aguada de Pasajeros, in the province of Cienfuegos, Cuba. The eldest of two sons, he comes from a middle class family in Ingenio Perseverancia, where his father was a sugar worker and merchant. He shared a sensibility for painting with his mother.

At the age of 16, he moved to Havana to study painting at the San Alejandro National Academy of Fine Arts in 1964. Two years later, he took a hiatus from the Academy, transferring in 1967 to the newly founded National School for the Arts (ENA), whose program of study was more contemporary. In 1971 he graduated from the ENA and that same year won first prize in Graphic Art from the National Young Artists’ Salon,earning him the first recognition of his career.

After graduating, Tomas Sanchez stayed on at the National School for the Arts as Professor and Chair of Engraving until 1976. In 1975, he won two first prizes, in Painting and Lithography, from the Third National Salon of Art Professors and Instructors in Havana. He subsequently joined the Theater Department of the Ministry of Culture’s Puppetry Workshop as a designer of scenery and children’s theater puppets. Until 1978, he collaborated with UNESCO’s Marionette Troupe, which introduced him to a universe very different from that of his previous work.

In 1980 he received the XIX Joan Miró International Drawing Prizefor his piece Desde las Aguas Blancas, thus launching his international career. The following year he participated in an individual exposition at the prestigious Joan Miró Foundation’s Centre de’Estudis d’Art Contemporani in Barcelona, Spain.

Among the most important recognitions of his career are the National Prize for Painting at Havana’s First Biennial (1984), the Fifth American Graphic Arts Biennial in Cali, Columbia (1986) and an honorable mention at the First International Painting Biennialin Cuenca, Ecuador (1987).

He has participated in individual and collective expositions in over 30 countries, including Mexico, the United States, Japan, Italy and France. Among his most significant individual exhibitions are: Tomás Sánchez: A Retrospective at the National Museum of Fine Art(Havana, Cuba, 1985); Tomás Sánchez: Different Worlds at the Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art (Florida, USA, 1996); and a 60th anniversary celebration, Tomás Sánchez: A Retrospective,at the Museum of Contemporary Art (Monterrey, Mexico, 2008).

Although best recognized for his landscapes (including his majestic landfills), his career is that of a prolific artist who has made incursions into painting, engraving, sculpture and photography. Critics, curators and the artist himself have often associated his work with the experience of meditation.

Tomás Sánchez has subsequently lived in Havana, Mexico, Miami (Florida) and Costa Rica.
source: interestingformewordpress

ფოტომასალა, რომელსაც ამჯერად შემოგთავაზებთ, ფერწერული ტილოების ამსახველი ნიმუშებია და არა ფირზე აღბეჭდილი ბუნების პეიზაჟები. მათი ავტორი, კი კუბელი მხატვარი – Tomas Sanchez-ი გახლავთ, ვინაც ლანდშაფტების თემატიკაზე სპეციალიზირდება და კუბის წამყვან მხატვართა შორის მოიხსენიება.
source: alanedsontrelhablogspot

Artista que nasceu em Cuba em 1948, tem seu atelier em Havana. Tomás é daqueles artistas que admira a natureza, e nos dá a impressão que o ser humano é apenas um detalhe em suas pinturas. Aliás pinturas magníficas, retratando uma natureza exuberante, que em meu país está sumindo.
source: skiranet

Nato a Cuba nel 1948, Sánchez vive e lavora in Florida e Costa Rica; paesaggista sensibile e originale, è autore di immagini profondamente spirituali dedicate alla natura.
Si potrebbe dire che, da un lato, i suoi dipinti rappresentano le metafore di un paradiso da tempo ormai perduto dall’umanità mentre dall’altro possono essere analizzati come allegorie del paesaggio meraviglioso di Cuba, un luogo difficile da ritrovare anche nei ricordi.
Come tutti i grandi dipinti di paesaggio del passato, la visione della natura in Sánchez comunica rispetto e comunione con le forze della terra.