

טוני קראג
Тони Крэгг

source: encafacn

A renowned British sculptor and the 1988 Turner Prize winner, Tony Cragg plays a leading role in the remarkable generation of sculptors that emerged in the late Seventies and he serves currently as the director of the respected Kunstakademie, Düsseldorf. His first museum show in China has just opened last Friday at the art museum of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

The afternoon we met Tony Cragg in the third floor gallery at the art museum of the Central Academy of Fine Arts to talk about his new show, he was pretty occupied with his preparations for this exhibition. He would not regard it as a retrospective exhibition to summarize his career since he is endowed with boundless energy to create new works. This major exhibition, part of the event UKNOW, offers the first full survey of Cragg’s work in China, which also has been exhibited in Scotland, Venice, Duisburg, Paris and Dallas. Featuring nearly 50 major sculptures, the show is focused on work from the past 15 years, with some earlier pieces.
source: yishuzs

Tony Cragg(托尼·克拉格)1949年4月9日生于英国利物浦,Cragg 起初是一名实验室技师,后来在格洛斯特郡艺术与设计大学学习艺术,之后在温布尔登艺术学院学习。1977年搬到德国伍珀塔尔,至今他一直在那里生活和工作,目前在德国杜塞尔多夫艺术学院任教。

Cragg 的作品都使用自己制造的材料制成,材料包括废弃的建筑材料和家庭垃圾等。Cragg 的雕塑以对各种材料的运用而著称,尽量避免使用日常生活常见的线条与形状,造型奇特又充满自然生机。
source: culchina


