source: newmediaarteu
The performance installation “Hemisphere” by the Austrian artist Ulf Langheinrich is among the most recent pieces of this exhibition, relatively speaking, because it dates from 2006-2007. The public is invited to sit comfortably above a demi-sphere whose interior surface provides the screen for the images being projected. The experience is truly immersive since one’s visual field is entirely inhabited by the image, during which, sounds emit from the perimeter of the hemisphere. At the beginning, the image is only made of moving noises that are amplified by a buzzing. Then blotches take shape and come apart on the surface of asphalt heated by the summer sun. Later on, concentric lines appear to marry the inside of this demi-sphere which then takes on the allure of a clay bowl turning at high speed. The experience is communal, so some people exchange their sensations while others let themselves be carried along by the voyage being proposed. It is when the images combine with sound and manage to take us out of our sluggishness that we seem to be falling through space for the period of an endless fall. Toward the end of the performance, it even becomes impossible to extricate oneself, the coloured and stroboscopic lights being so powerful. Any resistance is practically useless when the images cross our eyelids and the sounds resonate in our flesh.
source: epidemicnet
Ulf Langheinrich was born in 1960, in Wolfen, Sachsen Anhalt, Germany.
He lives and works in Dresden and Hong Kong.
When he moved to West Germany in 1984, he set up a studio for electronic music, developed the basics of his musical language and engaged in painting, drawing and photography. In 1988, he left for Vienna where a studio at the WUK (Werkst”tten und Kulturhaus) was put at his disposal. From 1988 to 1991, he devoted himself again to regular painting and drawing, had a solo exhibition at Kunsthalle Exnergasse and released a catalogue of his work.
In 1991, he and Kurt Hentschläger founded the Media-Art duet GRANULAR-SYNTHESIS and have realised for more than a decade a number of international large scale projects including MODELL5, NOISEGATE and POL. They exhibited and performed at the Museum for applied Arts ICA London, Hull Time based Art, MAK Vienna, Museums of Contemporary Arts of Lyons, Montreal and Seoul, The Stedelijk Museum, Kunstverein Hanover, ISEA Montreal and Liverpool, ICC Tokyo, Creative Time New York and the Austrian Pavilion at the Venice Biennial 2001.
GRANULAR-SYNTHESIS received an Austrian state stipendium, the first prize of the International Biennial in Nagoya (1995) and a PS1 stipendium for a residence at PS1, New York (1999). The work is published on a number of DVDs including REMIX/INDEX (Arge Index / Medienwekstatt Wien & sixpack films) and IMMERSIVE WORKS (ZKM / Cantz).
In that context, he composed SINKEN for symphonic orchestra and electronic as a part of the Dangerous Visions project commissioned and performed by Orchestre National de Lille and Art Zoyd. Later, SINKEN was also performed by the National Orchestra of Mexico and Tonkünstler-Orchester Niederösterreich.
MINUS for the grand pipe organ of the Viennese Konzerthaus was commissioned and presented as the opening concert by Wien Modern in 2002.
Since 2003, Ulf Langheinrich has started to realise various large scale solo projects including DRIFT (2005), WAVEFORM(2005), HEMISPHERE (2006) hemispheric film on a suspended dome granted by the Federal Culture Foundation of Germany and his first stereoscopic film commissioned by Liverpool Biennial ’08, LAND.
His artworks were exhibited among others, in Barcelona (MACBA), Berlin (Martin-Gropius-Bau), Dresden (Hellerau European Centre for the Arts), Eindhoven (STRP Festival), Gent (Film Festival), Hong Kong (Run Run Shaw Centre), Madrid (ARCO), Melbourne (ACMI), Moscow (Red October and Platforma Winzavod Art Centre), Perth (PICA), Roma (Romaeuropa Festival, Palladium, MACRO—La Pelanda), Rotterdam (DEAF), Seoul (Incheon Digital Arts Festival), Shanghai (Zendai MoMA, Shanghai Sculpture Space and Science and Technology Museum), Taipei (Taipei Fine Arts Museum), Vienna (Wien Modern).
In 2005, he got a Siemens stipendium and was “Featured artist” at Ars Electronica Festival.
He got several special commissions, among others: SYNTONY for cello, English horn, French horn, bass-clarinet, javanese gongs, electronic and HD image (Festival d’Art Lyrique of Aix-en-Provence, 2005), DRIFT LIVE for three bass-clarinets, three bassoons, electronic and HD image (Wien Modern, 2006) and KU for pipe organ, electronic and stereoscopic HD image (TONLAGEN Festival for contemporary music, Dresden, 2010).
In 2011, MOVEMENT B was performed for the opening of the Hong Kong City University School of Creative Media, where Ulf Langheinrich is Visiting Fellow.
In 2012, MOVEMENTC, was performed as opening of Transart Festival in Bolzano (Italy) and later at CynetArt in Dresden.
He collaborates with Japanese dancers Akemi Takeya (CE_I, WEATHERING) and Toshiko Oiwa (MOVEMENT A, MOVEMENT X, MOVEMENT Y) as well as with Chinese dancer Maureen Law (MOVEMENT C), British artist Gina Czarnecki (SPINTEX) and French choreographer Angelin Preljocaj (N).
Ulf Langheinrich also released his first CD, DEGREES OF AMNESIA in 1998 (Asphodel Records), re-released in 2012 by DSX.org, and more recently IT WOULD HAVE BEEN FANTASTIC, a recording of his installation sounds (DS-X.org, 2012).
His solo works between 2002-2010 are featured in a DVD, VISIONARIES 21 : THE AESTHETIC OF SENSORY, produced by Artfilms, U.K. – Australia in 2013.
He was Guest Professor at HGB University for Graphics and Book Design Leipzig (Germany), Guest artist and Lecturer of audiovisual Design at FH Salzburg (Austria), at RMIT in Melbourne (Australia) and at China University of Art in Hangzhou (China) and Guest Artist and Professor at Le Fresnoy, Studio national des arts contemporains in Tourcoing (France).
source: artfilms-digital
Ulf Langheinrich was born in Wolfen, Sachsen Anhalt, Germany in 1960. Ulf’s projects utilise photography, sound and video, light, and technology, to create sensory environments that seek to question the conventions of multimedia. The career of Ulf Langheinrich is best known for his internationally acclaimed work in the two-man group, Granular Synthesis. The project, which began in 1991 with these two self-proclaimed “media terrorists”, does more in the way of a performance than it does to define the men involved.
A number of his recent solo installations and performances have been held in group exhibitions and international art fairs, and include Hemisphere, Sensi sotto sopra/Roma Europa, Roma, (2006); and Perm, Cinemas of Future/Lille 2004 Cultural Capital of Europe, Dutch Electronic Art Festival, Rotterdam, Body Media/Shanghai Culture Space (2003-07).
Their numerous projects have been exhibited at a variety of locations over recent years, including Modell 5, premiered in a first version at the ICA London (1994) and most recently presented either in installation or performance versions at Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne, VEO Festival, Valencia, Body Media/Shanghai Culture Space (1994-2007), among others;
Since 2003, Ulf has received much recognition, working as a guest professor at both the Academy of Visual Arts, University of Leipzig, Germany at the FH Salzburg University, Austria. He was also the featured artist at Ars Electronica in 2005 and an artist in residence at RMIT University, Melbourne in 2006. www.epidemic.net WAVEFORM B was originally developed for ARS ELECRONICA with a SIEMENS stipendium.
The film has a compilation of Langheinrich work:
Sound, Lag, Ku, Movement Y, Movement X, Movement A, Land, Spintex, De Natura Sonoris
Hemisphere, Drift, Osc, Waveform B, Waveform A, Cell & Weathering, Soil, Perm, Granular, Synthesis, Digital Stills, Analogue Photos, Paintings, Drawings.
source: brde
Ulf Langheinrich kam 1960 in Wolfen in Sachsen-Anhalt auf die Welt. Derzeit lebt und arbeitet er in Wien und Accra (Ghana).
1984 zog er nach West-Deutschland – hinter sich ließ er 18 Monate Wehrdienst in der Nationalen Volksarmee der DDR, soziale Arbeit für alte Menschen und einen Studienaufenthalt in Industrie-Design in Halle, außerdem Malkurse und Audio-Experimente mit Orgeln, Harmoniums und verschiedenen Bandgeräten.
Über Westdeutschland nach Wien
In West-Deutschland richtete er sich ein Studio für elektronische Musik ein, entwickelte die Grundlagen seiner musikalischen Sprache und engagierte sich in Malerei, Zeichnung und Fotografie. 1988 ging er nach Wien, wo er u.a. an der Gründung der Multimedia-Gruppe PYRAMEDIA beteiligt war und sich für zwei Jahre dem Direktorium der unabhängigen Kulturorganisation WUK anschloss.
1991 gründete er zusammen mit Kurt Hentschläger die Media-Art-Gruppe GRANULAR-SYNTHESIS. Seitdem haben die beiden eine Reihe von internationalen Großprojekten wie “Modells”, “NoiseGate” und “Pol” umgesetzt.