

Interactive shop window

source: onzeeonze

rban Prairie e uma vitrine interativa inspirada na reduçao das areas verdes nas grandes cidades. O projeto e uma parceria entre o escritorio de arquitetura londrino In Square Lab, o especialista em efeitos especiais MPC Digital e os softwares da Existential.

Atraves de sensores opticos, a Urban Prairie captura o movimento dos pedestres e transforma em movimento, primeiro na grama “real” para depois se alastrar pela imagem que esta na tela.
source: aiakcorg

A different type of architectural firm. We love what we do.

With over a quarter of a century of architectural experience, we’ve had the opportunity to share in the design and development of just about one of every type project. Our residential projects have garnered critical acclaim. The commercial projects range from modest tenant improvement projects to large historic renovations to completely new facilities. The Collaboration decided we’d rather do fewer project better. In doing so we’ve created fantastic designs and enduring relationships.