
Veronica Brovall

Veronica Brovall 22

source: aptglobalorg

Veronica Brovall (b. 1975 Falun, Sweden), studied at the Academy of Arts in Umeå, Sweden. Besides her participation in diverse solo and group shows in museums, institutions and galleries , she has already gained numerous grants and scholarships. Since 2003 Veronica Brovall lives and works in Berlin.

In her collages and installations Veronica Brovall deals with existential questions of human life. There is a focus on the verb, the act. How to deal with life and death, time, norms and structures. She constructs monumental sculptures that on the one hand are very clear with regard to the form, and impressive because of the size. On the other hand, they look in some way ambivalent as they often link seemingly familiar objects in a very strange way. She once created a whole tunnel system within an inhabited house and fitted the same house with furniture that was made impossible to use. The sofa has knives attached to it; the table has bamboo sticks covering the tabletop. The bed is covered with a net, knives, and toothpicks making its intentional use impossible. The mirror in the bathroom has razor blades on the surface while the TV screen has sharp tools knitted to it. The visitors could step into the house and then walk around inside the sculpture. Size matters for this artist. With broad gestures she draws the viewer’s attention. Then details, such as texture, cause the work to speak. The juxtaposition between rational logic and emotion, or instinct and reflection is crucial to all of the artist’s works. Thus her collages combine images of meat parts, forks and knifes, tires and cupboards into an amazing and surreal landscape.
source: eternalreturnnu

Veronica Brovall, född 1975, har gått på Hälsingbergsskolan, Hälsinggårdsskolan och Haraldsbogymnasiet i Falun. Som konstnär är Veronica Brovall känd för sina skulpturer. På Eternal Return visas tre verk som alla för tankarna till någon slags kraftmätning. Skulpturerna Miss Bended (2011), Coexist (2011) och Muscle Life (2011) ger alla känslan av att vara framtvingade ur sina egna råmaterial. De kantiga, hårda och metalliska skulpturerna verkar genomgått en vårdslös bearbetning där formen och konceptet gått i närkamp med varandra. Veronica Brovall har en magisterexamen i Fri Konst från Umeå Konsthögskola. Förutom flertalet soloutställningar och medverkan i grupputställningar i både Sverige och internationellt har Veronica Brovall även mottagit stipendier och utmärkelser från bland annat Konstnärsnämnden och IASPIS. Idag bor hon och verkar i Berlin.