

فيكتور إثراء

Víctor Enrich

source: highlike

Work: #59 of a series of 88 pictures based on the Deutscher Kaiser hotel in Munich.
Photographer: Víctor Enrich
source: foolsjournalswordpress

Si può ipotizzare lo stesso edificio in 88 modi diversi? Se si è fotografi, maestri dell’arte digitale e appassionati di architettura, sì. L’artista in questione è il catalano Victor Enrich, il progetto si chiama ”NHDK“ e l’edificio è un palazzone situato a Monaco di Baviera, in Germania.
source: thisiscolossal

As part of his latest project NHDK, photographer Víctor Enrich challenged himself to digitally reconfigure the same building in Munich, Germany in 88 different configurations. The Barcelona-based artist is known for his warped and skewed interpretations of architecture in locations around the world including an extensive series of images shot in Tel Aviv back in 2010.
source: fubiznet
Le créatif Victor Enrich aime s’amuser à imaginer une architecture urbaine plus vivante et fantaisiste. A l’aide de manipulations photographiques, ce dernier nous plonge dans son univers où certains bâtiments sont surréalistes. Un rendu à découvrir dans une série de visuels.
source: design42day
3D Illustration and Visualization is one of the newest and most intriguing forms of visual art. When architecture, photography and graphic design meld together, the result can only be fresh and exciting. As artist Victor Enrich put it, 3D Illustration is ‘Where real, non-real and surreal can collide, appear, disappear, come and go’; imagination is the only limit! One of the pioneers of the genre and currently one of the most praised artists in the field, Victor leaves the audience mesmerized with his ideas and works of art.
Ever since he was a youngster, Victor has been crazy about drawing, painting, getting crafty etc. At the age of only 10, he started imagining and designing whole cities with intricate road systems and impossible skyscrapers; he even gave names to the streets, that’s how passionate he was! Upon turning 13, the first CAD drawing software appeared; deciding to take things to a new level, the boy left behind the good old pencil and paper and shifted his focus towards the new technology available. The program allowed him to work only in 2 dimensions, until a couple of years later when CAD 3D appeared. That was the moment Victor knew what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. After finishing high school, he regarded architecture as being the closest to his real object of interest, so he chose to pursue a university in this field. During his university years, teachers noticed his passion for architectural visualization and started requesting his services in this field. His consulting activity expanded rapidly as 3D was seen more and more as an absolute must. Naturally, Victor followed a career in this field and worked for 10 years, until he finally decided that that is not actually what he expected and wanted to do; he just got carried away meanwhile and it was time for a change of plans…
He dropped everything and decided to start from scratch in his real field of interest, pursuing his deepest aspirations. Victor Enrich, artist at heart, decided that the best way to express his ideas and feelings was through a novel form of art: 3D Illustration. For this, he had to rapidly catch up with the latest technology, as 3D Illustration is based on excellent computer skills. The basic idea in this field is that the artist takes a random snapshot of a city and in this he inserts the buildings, roads, and whatever other items (which he creates himself in a software) he imagined would fit there. All the elements have to be perfectly balanced and in accordance to the final idea the artist wants to convey! Also, the artist needs to possess paramount attention to detail in order to make the final picture look as authentic as possible. That’s the whole catch: give the viewer a mind-blowing piece of architecture placed in an average city, and make it look 100% real.
Taking this one step further, it’s safe to say that what Victor actually achieved through his work, was to show the audience that there are absolutely no limits to imagination, nor to the creative act; with the right tools, and the necessary dedication, everything is possible!
The artist definitely made a strong impression on the world of visual arts with his concepts. The ideas behind all his illustrations are very strong and full of substances, and manage to grasp the attention of the public from the first second. Aside from that, he also sends other, more subtle messages, regarding his own perspective upon the world, how he deems everything as possible for those who believe and who understand the power of imagination etc. The works of Victor Enrich really are something special, and worth taking a closer look. Without further ado, we invite you to admire the results of his restless imagination, his bold symbolism and his courageous approach to life and the world around us.
source: gizmodouol
O fotógrafo de arquitetura Victor Enrich faz esses prédios impossíveis usando uma combinação de fotografia, retoques digitais e gráficos 3D. O resultado é tão incrível que me faz acreditar de verdade que alguns deles são reais.
source: blogartevedana
Der spanische Fotograf Victor Enrich fotografiert zunehmend interessante Architektur, die er aber dann durch…
seine Photomanipulation gekonnt verformt, dass man meinen könnte, dass jene Gebäude aus den Launen irgendwelcher Architekten hervorgegangen seien.
Weltweit hat der Fotograf Architekturen festgehalten aber er selbst sagt, dass in seinen Werken nichts Tiefgründiges zu finden sei, sondern es lediglich seine Art sei, sich auszudrücken.
source: designerblogit
Architettura e arte, surrealismo e creatività: i lavori del designer catalano Victor Enrich manipolano la realtà dello scenario urbano in modo ancora più estremo di Filip Dujardin (che ce lo ricorda molto da vicino). Utilizzando una combinazione di fotografia e visualizzazione 3D, Enrich sceglie non solo il soggetto, ma l’angolazione più riconoscibile, così da aumentare la sensazione di disorientamento.
Una foto che chiunque potrebbe fare, volutamente ’semplice’, a cui applicare tecniche fotogrammetriche molto dettagliate per realizzare un modello che si adatti perfettamente al resto dello scatto, assecondando esposizione e messa a fuoco. Quasi nessuna delle immagini risultanti è verosimile: un motivo in più per lasciarsi sorprendere e – perché no? – suggestionare per eventuali nuove soluzioni.
source: designstyle4info
Victor Enrich氏によってデザインされた、現実的にはあり得ない形状の建物いろいろ。
source: plataformaarquitecturacl
Estas imágenes que les presentamos a continuación son parte del trabajo realizado por Víctor Enrich, quien desde su infancia se ha dedicado a través de varias técnicas a crear imágenes de escenarios ficticios, vinculando siempre a las ciudades y a la arquitectura.
El avance en el mundo del software y las tecnologías de representación marcaron importantes cambios a lo largo de su carrera. Su estudio de la carrera de arquitectura los realizó pensando en que eran lo más cercano a su verdadera pasión de crear estos escenarios ficticios. Actualmente en su estudio se dedica cada vez menos a realizar visualizaciones para otros estudios de arquitectura y poco a poco se dedica a la creación de estas imágenes.
Estas imágenes intentan representar la figura urbana, aquella figura de una ciudad que es la resultante de permanentes adiciones y sustracciones de edificios y espacios, donde aparecen sorpresivamente elementos que pueden cambiar completamente la lectura que se tenía de ese lugar previamente.
Este trabajo requiere de mucho tiempo y precisión en cada una de sus etapas, y es sorprendente ante los ojos de cualquier arquitecto.
source: ionesnet
西班牙摄影师Victor Enrich通过对他的建筑摄影作品进行了数码修改得到了一系列不可能出现的魔幻照片,比如头一张被分裂为两半的大厦。这一处理给人许多启迪,有些改动其实也游走在现实 与不可能的边缘之间,也许有一日技术突破也能实现,或者已经实现在较轻较小的构造之中。这一系列更是给设计师思想上的启迪作用。
source: rehletnas
المباني الخرسانية والأسمنتية واحدة من الأشياء في عالمنا التي لا نستطيع الإبداع فيها إبداعاً مطلقاً حيث تقيدنا عوامل قوى الطبيعة والجاذبية، لكن الفنان والمصور الأسباني “فيكتور إنريتش” كان لديه الحل!
حيث قام الفنان بعمل سلسلة لمباني ومنازل يستحيل إنشاؤها بهذه الطريقة لتعارضها مع قوانين الطبيعة أو لوجودها في أماكن غير مناسبة، يمكننا تسمية هذه السلسلة بـ “المباني المستحيلة” وهي عبارة عن صور معمارية يقوم بإلتقاطها والتلاعب بها وتعديلها بواسطة برامج الـ 3D ليقوم بصناعة بنايات وهياكل تبدو مستحيلة وخيالية!
فمن خلال خبرته لأكثر من عشر سنوات في مجال التصوير المعماري ثلاثي الأبعاد والجرافيك، ومن خلال إهتمامه بأدق التفاصيل فيه هذه الصور إستطاع الفنان أن يقوم بالتلاعب بهذه المباني وجعلها تثور على الطبيعة الموجودة بها!
الفنان الأسباني Victor Enrich والذي يتخذ من برشلونة مقراً له قام بعمل هذه الأعمال الفنية المثيرة والمدهشة عن طريق مزج خبرته في التصوير الفوتوغرافي والبرامج ثلاثية الأبعاد، لتكون النتيجة مدهشة للغاية وأقرب للواقع مما تجعلنا نعتقد بأن هذه المباني حقيقية وليست مجرد صور تم تعديلها.
source: muh-awaluddin-nurblogspot
Victor Enrich memotret bangunan dan konstruksi yang tidak mungkin, ia mengubah arsitektur menjadi bentuk yang mustahil dan tidak nyata melalui sentuhan ulang dan montase foto.
source: ucnauri

წარმოგიდგენთ კატალონიელი ფოტოგეაფის და არქიტექტორის ვიქტორ ენრიჩის (Victor Enrich) ახალ პროექტს.
source: sifiryuz

Barcelona’lı fotoğrafçı Victor Enrich, bir fotoğraf sanatçısı için oldukça iddalı bir hedef koymuş ve Munih’teki tek bir binayı 88 kez baştan yaratmaya karar vermiş. 4 duvardan oluşan bir yapıyı 88 farklı şekilde sunmak için oldukça geniş bir hayal gücüne sahip olmanız gerekir. Bunu yapabilecek sayılı insandan biri olduğu aşikar olan Victor, gerçekten etkileyici bir koleysiyon yaratmış.
source: thepapergr

Ο Victor Enrich, αρχιτεκτονικός φωτογράφος, δημιούργησε 88 φωτογραφίες που αντιστοιχούν στα 88 πλήκτρα του κλασσικού πιάνου, αναδιαμορφώνοντας τη μορφή του ξενοδοχείου NH Deutscher Kaiser Hotel,στο Μόναχο, μέσο του Photoshop.
source: vinglenet

스페인 출신의 포토그래퍼 Victor Enrich 는 그가 찍은 건축 사진들을 3D 모델링과 포토샵을 통해 독특하고도 불가능한 구조로 바꿉니다.

그는 그의 이미지에 대해 “건축 또는 도시주의에 연계된 무엇이든 똑바로 얘기하는 척 하지 마세요단지 내 스스로를 표현하는 채널이 되고 선택된것일 뿐입니다.”라고 말합니다.