

فنسنت أبنية فنست

asian cairns

source: vincentcallebaut

In 2013, establishing his sterling reputation as practitioners of sustainable architecture, Vincent Callebaut is selected to be in the list of the Top 50 Sustainable Architecture Award Members of the Green Planet Architects. In Frankfurt, he is nominee for the “Design German Awards 2014” for his project in Shenzhen “Asian Cairns, Sustainable Farmscrapers”. For the documentary presented by Arte Television called “Future by Starck”, he is selected to illustrate the future of our ecological cities. Vincent Callebaut, lead architect, participates to lectures in Bucharest, Bratislava, Moscow, Singapore, Paris, etc. in order to exhibit all his prospective and very positive visions for our eco-lifestyles inspired by biomimicry. His company is invited on several international competitions in all the emergent countries. The publishing house “Hachette” devotes to Vincent Callebaut a monograph in the Masters of Architecture Series.

In 2012, Vincent Callebaut presents his work at The International Art Fair of Abu Dhabi and he is invited to design, by the Abu Dhabi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, some green projects as a New Presidential Rest Houses Complex in Morocco and a New Panoramic Majlis in United Arab Emirates. In New York, he is nominee for the “World Technology Awards” in the Environment Category.

In 2011, Time Magazine has referred to his work as the best eco-utopian architect: “Imagining fantastical projects that address the world’s environmental and social ills.”

In 2010, Vincent Callebaut Architectures is awarded by BES Engineering Corporation as the first prize winner for the design and the construction of an ecological residential tower at the bottom of the Tower 101 in the heart of Taipei, Taiwan. This ecological tower called “Agora Garden” is under construction and will be delivered in 2016.

In 2009, the main sustainable projects of Vincent Callebaut are exhibited at the World Expo at Shanghai in 7 pavilions to illustrate the future of Ecopolises of tomorrow. In New York City, he creates the first emblematic eco-concept of Urban Farming called “Dragonfly, a metabolic farm for urban agriculture”.

In 2008, he publishes his second monograph “Archibiotic” in English & Chinese with the support of the United Asia Art & Design Cooperation at Beijing. He is confirmed as one of the most important leader in green architecture and low carbon emission living. From New York to Hong Kong crossing Brussels and Paris, Vincent Callebaut proposes with determination and conviction prospective and ecological projects by insufflating locally dialogs and meetings that try to raise our questionings on the society in which we live as citizen of a global world! Since, in the framework of his architectural firm and great collaborations (Jakob+MacFarlane, Claude Vasconi, Jacques Rougerie), he militates continuously for the sustainable development of the new Ecopolises via transdisciplinary strategies for an investigation architecture mixing biology to information and communication technologies. For the Principality of Monaco, Vincent Callebaut designs his self-sufficient manifest project called “Lilypad, a floating Ecopolis for Climate Refugees”.

In 2005, he was the finalist of the “RE-New Architecture Pleasures” awarding the 12 best figures of the Architecture in the French Community of Belgium. During the same year, the Edition Company Damdi of Seoul dedicated to him at the age of 28 its first architecture monograph detailing the story of his awarded and exhibited projects during worldwide spontaneous proposals and international competitions.

In 2001, he won the Grand Architecture Prize Napoléon Godecharle of the Fine Arts Academy in Brussels awarding the best hope of the Belgian architecture with its ecological project « Elasticity, an aquatic city of 50 000 inhabitants entirely autonomous». The jury appreciated at the same time « his dynamism, his expression force and the coherence of his concept » and recognised « a personality endowed with a remarkable aptitude giving well-founded expectations of great success and able thus to contribute to the fact that reputation of Belgium becomes a truth ». In 2000, Vincent Callebaut, is graduated with the Great Architecture Prize René Serrure awarding the best diploma project at the Institute Victor Horta in Brussels for its Parisian project «Metamuseum of Arts and Civilisations» Quay Branly. Then, thanks to the bursary Leonardo da Vinci attributed by the European Community, he decided to live in Paris to extend its critical thinking and its spatial inventiveness during two years of internship in agencies that fascinate him (Odile Decq Benoit Cornette Architectes Urbanistes, Massimiliano Fuksas).
source: dezeen

Belgian architect Vincent Callebaut has developed a concept to introduce natural ecosystems into cities with designs for “farmscrapers” made from piles of giant glass pebbles for a site in Shenzhen, China (+ slideshow).

As a response to the rapid urbanisation going on in the country, Vincent Callebaut wanted to completely rethink the current structure of cities and do away with suburbs. “The more a city is dense, the less it consumes energy,” he explains.

He continues: “The challenge is to create a fertile urbanisation with zero carbon emissions and with positive energy. This means producing more energy that it consumes, in order to conciliate the economical development with the protection of the planet.”

The architect proposes a new type of urban habitat based on the rules of the natural world, with stacks of giant pebbles housing entire communities. All energy would be sourced from the sun and wind, anything produced would be recyclable and local expertise would be capitalised wherever possible.

Residents of each tower would also work there, reducing the need to travel. All food and commodities would be produced within the building, in suspended orchards and vegetables gardens, plus all waste would be fed back into the ecosystem.

“The garden is no more placed side by side to the building; it is the building!” says Callebaut. “The architecture becomes cultivable, eatable and nutritive.”

Entitled Asian Cairns, Callebaut’s proposals are for a series of six towers, with some containing as many as 20 glazed “pebbles”. A steel structure would create the curved shapes, while solar panels and wind turbines would be mounted onto the outer surfaces. The project was commissioned by private Chinese investors. Vincent Callebaut has developed a number of conceptual architecture projects in recent years. In 2010 he revealed a conceptual transport system involving airships powered by seaweed and has also been working on a tower with the same structure as a DNA strand.
source: wantoday

一個由六組鵝卵石狀結構組成的名為“摩天農場(farmscrapers)”的可持續發展項目總規劃已經由法國的文森特嘉利寶建築事務所揭開面紗。這個位於中國深圳的“亞洲凱恩斯項目”展示了一個獨特的城鎮體系,每個“摩天農場”均用三個互相交織的鵝卵石狀生態螺盤編織成各自的兩個巨石塔。該項目是因應深圳不斷增加的人口而設計,以滿足減少二氧化碳排放量的需要,並促進該地區的城市發展。 在談到該項目的設計時,建築師文森特嘉利寶(Vincent Callebaut)介紹:“在城市化快速發展以及經濟高速增長的情況下,這個亞洲的的凱恩斯項目爭取建設一個多功能,多元文化的城市生態杆。顯然地,這是一個建立原生態綠色密集型智慧城市的項目,同時緊密聯繫了資訊和通信技術(TIC)以及生物環保技術設計!”

source: archplatforma

Архитекторы французского бюро Vincent Callebaut Architectures предложили свой вариант решения проблемы перенаселенности китайских мегаполисов. В их концепции экогорода отсутствует принципиальная новизна, но интересные предложения есть.

Как известно, Китай захлестнула волна урбанизации. Еще 30 лет назад в городе жил каждый пятый гражданин КНР, сегодня – более половины от числа всех жителей. К 2030 году этот показатель составит 75% (!). А к 2020 в Поднебесной будет уже 23 мегаполиса с населением свыше 5 млн. человек в каждом.

Что же в целом предлагают архитекторы Vincent Callebaut Architectures? Первое – функциональная диверсификация, отказ от монофункциональных городских зон (спальные районы, бизнес-кварталы, пустующие полдня). Второе – использование в городском строительстве исключительно биологических форм (термитники, конструктивная система пчелиных сот, гидродинамические формы ракушек и других морских организмов). Третье – замена обычных зданий «фермами-небоскребами» («farmscrapers»), вертикальными городами, способными производить больше электричества и тепла, чем нужно для потребления, благодаря использованию солнечной и ветровой энергии. В них люди будут жить, работать, выращивать продукты питания, перерабатывать отходы и превращать их в биотопливо. При этом планируется широко использовать современные коммуникационные технологии. Все это напоминает концепцию Smart City , которая частично реализуется в Барселоне.

Архитекторы разработали генплан нового района Шеньчжэня площадью 320 000 кв. м. Они собираются застроить район подобными экобашнями. Всего ферм-небоскребов будет шесть. Комплекс получил название «Азиатские каирны». Каирны – мегалитические ритуальные структуры или же нагромождения камней, при помощи которых в горах обозначаются тропы и направления движения. Каждый «камень» в каирне – это многоуровневый экоблок, несколько жилых платформ, конструктивно соединенных стальными кольцами. Кольцевые элементы структуры связаны с ядром жесткости – центральной опорной колонной – балками Виренделя.
source: kaskuscoid

Pada tahun 2000, Vincent Callebaut, yang lulus dengan Architecture Prize René Besar Serrure pemberian proyek diploma terbaik di Institut Victor Horta di Brussels untuk proyek Paris «Metamuseum Seni dan Peradaban» Quay Branly.

Kemudian, berkat beasiswa Leonardo da Vinci disebabkan oleh Masyarakat Eropa, ia memutuskan untuk tinggal di Paris untuk memperluas pemikiran kritis dan keahlian spasial selama dua tahun magang di instansi yang mengasyikkan dia (Odile Decq Benoit Cornette Architectes Urbanistes, Massimiliano Fuksas ).

Pada tahun 2001, dia memenangkan Grand Architecture Prize Napoléon Godecharle dari Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts Brussels pemberian harapan terbaik dari arsitektur Belgia dengan proyek ekologi «Elastisitas, kota air dari 50 000 jiwa sepenuhnya otonom». Juri dihargai pada saat yang sama «dinamisme nya, kekuatan ekspresi dan koherensi konsepnya» dan diakui «kepribadian diberkahi dengan bakat yang luar biasa memberikan beralasan harapan sukses besar dan mampu memberikan kontribusi sehingga fakta bahwa reputasi Belgia menjadi »kebenaran.

Pada tahun 2005, ia adalah finalis Pleasures Arsitektur RE-baru pemberian 12 tokoh terbaik Arsitektur dalam Komunitas Perancis Belgia. Pada tahun yang sama, Edisi Perusahaan Damdi Seoul mendedikasikan dirinya pada usia 28 perusahaan arsitektur monografi pertama merinci kisah proyeknya diberikan dan dipamerkan selama proposal spontan di seluruh dunia dan kompetisi internasional.

Pada tahun 2008, ia menerbitkan monografi kedua “Archibiotic” dalam bahasa Cina dengan dukungan Amerika Asia Seni & Desain Kerjasama di Beijing. Ia dikukuhkan sebagai salah satu pemimpin yang paling penting dalam arsitektur hijau dan rendah emisi hidup. Dari New York ke Hong Kong persimpangan Brussels dan Paris, Vincent Callebaut mengusulkan dengan tekad dan keyakinan proyek prospektif dan ekologis dengan insufflating lokal dialog dan pertemuan yang mencoba untuk meningkatkan questionings kami pada masyarakat di mana kita hidup sebagai warga dunia global! Karena, dalam rangka architecturalhis tegas dan kolaborasi besar (Jakob + MacFarlane, Claude Vasconi, Jacques Rougerie), ia deduksi terus menerus untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan Ecopolis baru melalui «parasit» strategi untuk penyelidikan arsitektur pencampuran biologi untuk teknologi informasi dan komunikasi

Pada tahun 2009, proyek-proyek berkelanjutan utama Vincent Callebaut yang dipamerkan di World Expo Shanghai di dalam 7 paviliun untuk menggambarkan masa depan Ecopolis besok.

Pada tahun 2010, Vincent Callebaut Arsitektur SARL adalah pemenang hadiah pertama untuk desain dan pembangunan sebuah menara perumahan mewah di bagian bawah Menara 101 di jantung Taipei, Taiwan. Menara ini ekologis dalam pembangunan dan akan dikirimkan pada tahun 2016!

Pada tahun 2012, Vincent Callebaut menyajikan perusahaannya di The International Art Fair of Abu Dhabi dan diundang untuk merancang, oleh Abu Dhabi Departemen Luar Negeri, beberapa proyek hijau sebagai Presiden Baru Rest Houses Complex di Maroko dan Majlis Panoramic Baru di UEA.
source: designmagazincz

V roce 2011 se Čína stala ukázkovou zemí problému vylidňování vesnic, když zde začalo více lidí žít ve městech. Stejně by měla podle studie dopadnout v roce 2020 i Evropa. Výhledově se má totiž ze současných 40 megapolí má stát postupně až 221 měst s více než milionem obyvatel. Navíc města jsou údajně největší spotřebitel energie a to až z 80 procent celkového objemu. Tomu chce zabránit Vincent Callebaut, který pro soukromého klienta navrhl projekt mrakodrapů Asian Cairns, které by mohli vyrůst nedaleko čínského města Shenzhen. Studio Vincent Callebaut Architectures a partnerské SARL Paris šlo na problematiku vylidňování vesnic trochu jiným způsobem. Navrhli mrakodrapy, které by nabízely luxus města, ale zároveň by umožňovaly částečný venkovský život. Šestice staveb by byla poskládána po patrech ze skleněných kamenů. Každé patro má nabízet rozdílný počet bytových jednotek, parkovací stání na patře a především malé pole v podobě skleníku s otevřenou střechou a integrovanými solárními články. Na každém patře mají být namontovány i malé větrné elektrárny, takže zástavba by produkovala více energie než by spotřebovávala, pěstovala by si plodiny a byla by do velké míry nezávislá. Samozřejmostí projektu, o užitné ploše 320 000 metrů čtverečních, je i několikapatrové podzemní parkoviště, kulturní vyžití v podobě integrovaných divadelních či filmových pater, kanceláře, obchody a veřejné setkávací prostranství. Callebaut a jeho šestičlenný tým vymysleli kompletní systém recyklace, zavlažování, využití biologické rozmanitosti, změny odpadních vod na přírodní zdroje i obvyklosti místního trhu tak, aby byl projekt realizovatelný a hlavně dlouhodobě udržitelný. Kdy by se však mohly vizionářské megality začít stavět zatím nebylo oznámeno.
source: noticiasarq

El arquitecto belga Vincent Callebaut es conocido por tomar temas de urbanismop y reformulación de ellos dentro de una visión ecologista. “Cairns Asiático” su reciente proyecto apunta a un recurrente éxodo rural y la urbanización incontrolada. (Mie, 13 Mar 2013). Proponiendo “farmscrapers” (granja-rascacielos) sostenibles que producen más energía de la que consumen a través de la producción de alimentos, el aprovechamiento de la energía eólica y solar. Asumiendo que la densidad es inversamente proporcional al consumo de energía, las torres toma influencia del biomorfismo y la biónica para hacer una arquitectura que se hace cultivable en la megalópolis emergente china del Río Perla. Compuesta en Hong Kong y Shenzhen, la megaciudad floreciente está en una posición favorable albergar el apilamiento en forma de huevo de Callebaut. Una práctica neolítica residual de amontonar piedras en los marcadores altos. Estas pilas de rocas cónicas asumem nueva vida como módulos megalíticos que forman seis torres de usos mixtos que sirven para acumular viviendas, oficinas y espacios de oscio. Los edificios son la cima de tres entrelazados eco-espirales, la implantación de la biodiversidad y densidad en una extensión de huertos y campos públicos de agricultura urbana. Las guas pluviales de las granjas se recogerán de las cuencas y serán recicladas utilizando fito-depuración, una combinación de factores biológicos, físicos y químicos que significa que los contaminantes se eliminan para tener un eficiente proceso de absorción, sedimentación de microbios y plantas. El marco estructural de cada torre es un boulevar central vertical, en forma ortogonal y optimizado para el compostaje y la circulación. Cada ‘guijarro’ adjunto a la presente columna vertebral es un microcosmos de la eco-ciudad. Anillos de acero delimitan el espacio alrededor de una cubierta doble y está rodeada por una piel vidriada con incrustaciones de un campo de placas solares y aerogeneradores.

Jardines colgantes llenan los espacios intersticiales y da la bienvenida a una variedad de programas de agricultura urbana. La arquitectura propone una solución al problema de crecimiento exponencial y el consumo a gran escala que las ciudades pueden ser ecosistemas viables con bloques de la ciudad imitando los bosques y edificios emulando la eficiencia de los árboles.
source: zupi

Conhecido por explorar questões de urbanidade e propor soluções eco-sustentáveis, o arquiteto belga Vincent Callebaut, aborda no projeto Asian Cairns a questão do êxodo rural em massa e a urbanização desenfreada. A proposta é um tipo de moradia sustentável, que produz mais energia do que consome, por meio de produção de alimentos, aproveitamento da energia solar e eólica.

Asian Cairns, é uma cidade vertical, localizada estrategicamente entre Hong Kong e Shenzhen, composta de seis torres, inspiradas na antiga prática budista de pedras empilhadas, também comum em outras culturas antigas. A idéia é que cada “pedrinha” seja um módulo, uma parte da coluna vertebral da cidade.

Cada torre surge de uma eco-espiral, com uma biodiversidade de área verde com, em jardins e campos campos suspensos para agricultura urbana. A cidade ecológica também possuí um sistema onde água poluída da chuva é recolhida e filtrada por um sistema de fitodepuração. Cada módulo é envolto por vidro com células solares. Callebaut propõe uma solução arquitetônica para o crescimento urbano em larga escala, onde cidades podem ser ecossistemas viáveis imitando a natureza e construções verticais, por exemplo, podem simular características de grandes árvores.