
Vitor Freire

Projeto IJO

Vitor Freire Projeto IJO  FILE 2015

source: fileorgbr

“IJO” significa dança em Yorubá. O projeto nasceu dentro de uma série de ações com objetivo de ressignificar o lugar da dança e uma reapropriação dos espaços públicos. Adaptado ao FILE, o projeto desdobra sua ambição inicial, de pintar as paredes e prédios da cidade com dança. Ao se posicionar na frente do “IJO”, os participantes terão uma representação visual dos seus corpos exibidos em tempo real no prédio da FIESP. Dance para dizer quem você é.
Vitor Freire é um designer de experiências sociais e inventor de narrativas. Formado em Comunicação em Multimeios pela PUC-SP e com Mestrado em Artes Interativas pela NYU. No Brasil, já realizou projetos de conteúdo e experiências de entretenimento para diversas marcas. Atualmente é brand director da CI&T, multinacional inovadora na área de tecnologia e lidera o selo criativo Tangible, onde realiza projetos que especulem e inspirem novas possibilidades de interação social.
source: fileorgbr

“IJO” means dance in Yoruba. The project was born inside a series of actions with the objective of reframing the place of dance and a re-appropriation of the public spaces. Adapted to FILE, the project unfolds its initial ambition, painting the walls and buildings of the city with dancing. By positioning themselves in front of “IJO”, the participants will have a visual representation of their bodies exhibited in real time on the FIESP building. Dance to tell who you are.
Vitor Freire is a designer of social experiences and an inventor of narratives. Graduated in Multimedia Communication from PUC-SP and having a master’s degree in Interactive Arts from NYU. In Brazil, he has held significant projects and entertainment experiments for several brands. Currently he is a brand director for CI&T, an innovative multinational in the area of technology, and leads the creative label Tangible, where he works in projects that speculate and inspire new possibilities of social interaction.
source: circuitosescsp

Dance para dizer quem você é: esse é o lema do projeto IJO, concebido pelo artista baiano Vitor Freire. Na língua ioruba, ijo quer dizer “dança”. E nesta instalação, a dança dos participantes é transformada em pontos e projetada em paredes e muros. O IJO foi apresentado pela primeira vez em Nova York, em 2014, na Washington Square. As imagens “pintaram” as fachadas dos prédios com o movimento livre do corpo.
source: vitorfreire

I’m a storyteller, a designer, a creative director. I use technology to create unique human connections and awesome social experiences. I use different skills to engage, entertain, and connect people through ideas, cultural movements, and emotions. I began my career in Montreal, working in digital design and video editing. After 2 years in Canada, I moved back to Brazil and studied Multimedia Communications at the Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo (PUC-SP) and started working as a video director. Afterwards, I became a Transmedia Director at the TV1 Group, working on integrated projects which involved digital strategy, creative content, storytelling, and video direction. The main brands I’ve worked with were O Boticário, Electrolux, Banco do Brasil, and Guaraná Antarctica. In 2010 I founded a creative studio in Sao Paulo named Chá de ideias (Tea of ideas) focused on storytelling, working for clients like Ambev, ESPM, Cyrela, DM9DDB and SapientNitro.
In 2012 I moved to New York to pursuit my masters at ITP/NYU. It’s a two-year graduate program located in the Tisch School of the Arts whose mission is to explore the imaginative use of communications technologies — how they might augment, improve, and bring delight and art into people’s lives.