
Vlatka Horvat

Vlatka Horvat

source: pogledajto

U videu i fotografijama koji se temelje na performansu Vlatka Horvat istražuje tjelesne korelacije u različitim situacijama, kao susret između osobe i određenog sustava, a njezin je interes usmjeren na nelagodne i neizvjesne aspekte običnog proživljenog iskustva, emocije i situacije poput sumnje, straha, oklijevanja; različite proturječne impulse i opsesivne pokušaje. Njezini radovi zaigrano pristupaju egzistencijalnim uvjetima kao što su frustracije, nijekanja i proturječnosti.
source: racheluffnergallery

Vlatka Horvat (b. 1974, Čakovec, Croatia). She currently lives and works in London, UK. Selected exhibitions include: “New Commission” – in collaboration with Tim Etchells, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Vigo, Spain; “As Opposed to the Front, Back, Top and Bottom,” Bergen Kunsthalle, Bergen, NO (solo); “Out of Left Field,” Museum of Contemporary Art, Rijeka, CRO; “By Bending Back,” annex14, Bern, CH (solo); “Remodeling Systems,” Hessel Museum @ Bard CCS, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY; “Or Some Other Time,” The Kitchen, New York, NY (solo); “Greater New York,” 2010, MoMA PS1, Queens, NY; “For Example,” a project for the 11th Istanbul Biennial: “What Keeps Mankind Alive?”, Istanbul, TR; “Aichi Triennale,” Nagoya, Japan (a collaborative projects with Tim Etchells); among others. She is a recipient of the 2010 Rema Hort Mann Foundation visual art grant. Horvat was nominated for the Ernst Schering Foundation Art Award and The Deutsche Börse Photography Prize in 2011.
source: aptglobalorg

Born 1974 in Čakovec, Croatia. Lives in New York and London.

Vlatka Horvat’s work seeks to investigate the relationship of lived experience to language, modes of representation, and social/cultural economies of interaction. She is particularly interested in the discomforting or uncertain aspects of lived experience – doubt, stuckness and hesitation, strained or uneasy presence. Through an investigation of various conflicting impulses and obsessive attempts, her work playfully approaches strategies and conditions often deemed negative – frustrations, denials and contradictions, the breakdown of systems, the limits of an activity, transitory states and fleeting conditions, the inadequacies of language and representation.

Typically, Horvat’s practice combines a systematic, almost rule-based approach with the unstable performative processes of improvisation, repetition, re-doing. Exploiting the tension between her own provisional frameworks and restrictions on the one side, and live play on the other, the projects frequently adopt the form of a catalogue, compiling the multiple attempts in a simple image or an action.

Spanning a range of media – from photography and video, to works on paper and projects with text – the work often focuses on an encounter between a person and a particular system, state, or physical space. Evident across the different media is a preoccupation with frames – frames as the edges or limits of the visual image and as the boundaries of possibilities in language or other systems; as well as limits and borders of physical spaces and bodies, of objects, boxes, and containers. Drawn to a paradox, Horvat’s work often seeks to present disappearances, absences, concealments – the vanishing of traces, the ‘not being there’ while ‘being there’ – resulting in images and documents that are at once comical and unsettling, imbued with fragments, holes, and gaps.

Horvat’s recent exhibitions including Vlatka Horvat: Beside Itself, Zak Branicka, Berlin, Germany (2011); Out of Left Field, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMSU) Rijeka, Croatia (2011); Family Matters: The Family in British Art, Norwich Castle Museum and Art Gallery, Norwich, UK (2011); Vlatka Horvat: As Opposed to the Front, Back, Top and Bottom, Bergen Kunsthall NO5, Bergen, Norway (2011); Invocations of the Blank Page, Spike Island, Bristol, UK (2011); Powders, A Phial and A Paper Book, Marlborough Chelsea, New York, NY (2011); This Here and That There, Fusebox Festival, Austion, Texas (2011); Take Space For Example, Annex14 Gallery, Bern, Switzerland (2010); Metamorphoses: Error, Braverman Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel (2010); Remodeling Systems, Hessel Museum @Bard CCS, New York (2010). What Keeps Mankind Alive, 11th Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul, Turkey (2009); Vlatka Horvat: Or Some Other Time, The Kitchen, New York, NY (2009).