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Entoptic Phenomena

source: snapmeca

Based out of Austin, Texas, William Hundley has received acclaim for his experimental photography which combines figurative elements with often surreal settings and landscapes to create something confronting and bizarre.
source: freshlandmag

En Austin, Texas, vive y trabaja el artista que os presentamos en este artículo, se llama William Hundley y en su obra no falta ni el ingenio ni la belleza bizarra. De su boca salió la frase :” la mayoría de ideas que persigo nacieron como errores” y partiendo del error ha acumulado en poco tiempo un enorme repertorio. Nunca estudió fotografía, tampoco se basta de photoshop para crear las levitaciones de su serie Entoptic Phenomena. En ella envolvió a sus modelos en telas de paracaídas y los hizo saltar mientras él disparaba ráfagas de fotos. En su otra serie w/ cheeseburgers parece recrear un mundo sostenido por hamburguesas, es un buen ejemplo de su dominio de la imagen y del humor.
source: theworldofphotographers

In 2006 he began an ongoing series of photographs that he titled “Entoptic Phenomena” in which he photographs people jumping underneath fabrics and other various materials. The instant of the jump can be thought of as super ephemeral sculpture, lasting only a few seconds before reverting to their base components. The resulting photographs appear to have been made by computer manipulation, but Hundley stresses that “they are just photographs” and that there were absolutely no computer applications used in creating the images. He goes on to say that having “acrobatic models” is the key to the success of the imagery. A few of his “Entoptic Phenomena” photographs were featured in the 2007 Texas Biennial in which he was awarded the Juror’s Choice Award.

Another series of photographs, entitled “Little Naked Person Storage,” consists of photographs of naked people hiding in various places around the average American household.

In an article on Sight Unseen, Hundley is quoted as saying, “My work started with the influence of Erwin Wurm and Maurizio Cattelan, these absurdists. I love the practical-joke nature of it; if I can make humor and beautiful aesthetics come together, that’s the biggest powerhouse I can imagine.”

His photography has been featured in numerous publications and countless blogs and websites. In 2007 Hundley was nominated for Best Artist in the Austin Critics Table Awards.

Though not initially mentioned in the credits, a few of his ideas were re-created in the music video “Heaven Can Wait” by Charlotte Gainsbourg featuring Beck. Eventually the director, Keith Schofield, contacted Hundley to apologize for not crediting his work as “inspiration” for portions of the video.

Although most widely known for his photography, Hundley’s work also includes sculptures and installation and has been exhibited across the US and in Berlin. Recent works have focused on assembled collages and a series of tribal inspired masks with the idea of gathering objects from contemporary culture and using them in a “tribal” way.
source: edgeoftheplank

Titled ‘Entoptic Phenomena’, photographer William Hundley has created a series of fascinating imagery using fabric and placing them in a dramatic, emotive and sculpted composition. The duality with other objects, contrast and shape has been clearly developed, the striking results being extremely evocative.
source: culturacolectiva

William Hundley, fotógrafo profesional residente en Austin, Texas, cubre a personas con una sábana y las hace saltar. En el momento del salto, cuando todo el cuerpo esta oculto detrás de la sábana, congela la escena oprimiendo el obturador. El resultado es la colección Entoptic Phenomena.

Así es como de la nada, surgen seres amorfos e invaden escenarios cotidianos, generando con su sola presencia un ambiente abstracto. Entoptic Phenomena es creada gracias al manejo de la velocidad de la cámara fotográfica y la habilidad de captar personas saltando, envueltas en tela, en el momento preciso.

Hundley estudió pintura y escultura, pasó la primera parte de su carrera como director de arte, sólo ha obtenido beneficios con sus obras en su empleo en el hospital con el fin de liberar a su trabajo creativo de cualquier carga financiera.

De acuerdo con las declaraciones que ha hecho el artista estadounidense, su trabajo inició con la influencia del escultor y fotógrafo austríaco Erwin Wurn y Maurizio Cattelan, escultor de sátira.
source: lensefr

Ces derniers temps, il y a un effet de mode chez les photographes pour les gens en train de voler ou de flotter dans les airs. Techniquement (plus ou moins) impressionnants, les portraits d’adolescentes en lévitation ont quand même fini par lasser un peu.

Mais avec le plasticien américain William Hundley, l’apesanteur devient mystérieuse, graphique, voire cocasse. Et pour cause: les modèles lévitent enroulés dans des draps…

Plus qu’un photographe, Hundley est ce qu’on appelle un “artiste contemporain” avec les sous-entendus qu’on met dans ce terme fourre-tout.

Comprenez: le sens profond de ses oeuvres n’est pas toujours évident à capter (sa série d’installations composites avec des cheeseburgers par exemple pourrait en faire grimacer certains) mais le monsieur a tout de même un sens de la couleur et de la composition non négligeables.

Dans sa série Entoptic Phenomena, il s’amuse à jouer sur les volumes, sur les contrastes de poids, de formes, de couleurs en créant des oeuvres volantes de tissu. De la sculpture ultra-éphémère pour un résultat léger et amusant.
source: blognaver

미국태생의 포타그라퍼 윌리암 헌들레이
그의 사진을 보고 처음에는 정말 깜짝놀랐고 섬뜩했다.
공중에 떠있는 유령이라니…

작가는 피사체를 패브릭으로 싸고 모델에게 공중으로 뛰라고 지시한다. 그래서 그의 사진은 믿음에 있어서 확실함과 모호함을 준다.

분명 엄청 의도된 사진들이지만, 새로운 시도와
시각적으로 엄청난 임팩트를주기때문에 나쁘지않다고본다.
source: designontherocksxpgcombr

Não temos tantos trabalhos realmente artísticos e surreais surgindo na fotografia, ou mesmo com caráter experimental, mas a série fotográfica “Entoptic Phenomena”, do fotógrafo William Hundley, faz uma brincadeira divertida com o tema sobrenatural. Ele fez uso do conceito de que fantasmas usavam lençóis para assustar as pessoas, já que o espírito é invisível.
source: d3ru

Американский фотограф William Hundley подбрасывает в воздух простыни, одеяла, полотенца и снимает их. Результаты.