Woongyeun Park
source: evolous
The Skinscape project was inspired from the idea that the natural environment modifies architecture as time passes by and in some instances nature even reclaims it. For example, Banyan trees now cover the Angkor Wat Temple in Cambodia built in 12th century. Experts have decided not to remove the trees because they now serve as part of the structural system – building and nature have become one.
source: evolous
The Skinscape project was inspired from the idea that the natural environment modifies architecture as time passes by and in some instances nature even reclaims it. For example, Banyan trees now cover the Angkor Wat Temple in Cambodia built in 12th century. Experts have decided not to remove the trees because they now serve as part of the structural system – building and nature have become one.
This project explores the possibility of creating a building tissue between skyscrapers. This tissue not only adds unto the buildings but also modifies them to allow for new programs. The idea is that buildings need to evolve with time because their initial design intentions and programs morph with time. Vacant space become active and a new hybrid emerges from the integration of two distinct buildings.
To commemorate the 2013 Skyscraper Competition, eVolo published a collector’s edition of its highly acclaimed book “eVolo Skyscrapers”. The book is a two-volume, 1300-page set with the best 300 projects received during the last years. Only 150 copies are available worldwide.
source: asb-portalcz
Skinscape je stavební tkáň, která propojuje často nesourodé výškové budovy. Myšlenkou je nutnost proměny budov v čase, nové možnosti využití hluchých prostorů a slučování zdánlivě neslučitelného.
Čestné uznání, Woongyeun Park, Jaegeun Lim, Haejun Jung, Karam Kim, USA
source: dailygeekshow
Inspiré par l’idée que l’environnement naturel modifie l’architecture avec le temps, afin de rendre plus vivant les gratte-ciel.
source: shooshnews
در رقابت 2013، صدها معمار مفاهیم خود را برای ساختمانها پیشنهاد دادند که برخی از آنها علمی-تخیلیترین ایدههایی هستند که تا کنون با آنها روبهرو بودهایم: آسمانخراشی شناور بر بالنی عظیم، سپری که از گرمای آتشفشانها استفاده میکند، و طرحی برای شهرهای ساختمانی در گودالهای ناشی از برخورد شهابسنگها.
چتر قطبی: این ایده برای آسمانخراشی قطبی در رقابت eVolo رتبه نخست را به خود اختصاص داد. درک پیروتزی ساختمانی چتریشکل را تخیل کرده است که به عنوان ایستگاه تحقیقاتی عمل میکند؛ جاییکه دانشمندان میتوانند به آزمایش و نبرد با ورقههای یخی در حال نازک شدن بپردازند.