يوشيهيكو ساتو
source: tbbt
Yoshihiko Satoh takes mass-produced goods that have become part of our every day life, enlarges and/or multiplies them, creating sculptures that unleash the energy residing in their function and shape. In 2002, he won the KIRIN ART AWARD Grand Prix for “Present Arms”, a 12-neck guitar conceived as a challenge to a rock guitarist he idolizes. In 2005 he placed second at the 6th Spiral Independent Creators Festival. Born in 1968, Satoh lives in Saitama, Japan and has a Masters degree from the Tokyo National University of Fine Art & Music.
Candy Apple Red challenge to the media of the counter electrode with a fast-acting sculpture that music. Feelings rather than the sense of three-dimensional sculpture =, that want to establish in the context and the viewer to share the space of “in kind”. By presenting is symbolized by Strasburg caster with a neck that grew, the American culture that has been amplified, this ArcType that has evolved from there, trying to find a sense of beauty of the two countries hidden dwells in Japanese culture.
source: thisiscolossal
Japanese artist Yoshihiko Satoh takes mass-produced goods and alters or multiplies them to “unleash the energy residing in their function and shape”. Or, simply speaking, he multiples them by awesome. His guitar sculptures above are by far his most impressive works, however he’s also experimented with exaggerated length in irons, toy trucks, and even functional mopeds.
source: tbbt
1968年埼玉県出身。1993年東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科彫刻専攻修了。キリン・アート・アワード2002では敬愛するロックギタリストへの挑戦状をコンセプトに制作した12本ネックギター「Present Arms」が最優秀作品賞受賞。現代人の生活に無意識に溶け込んでいる大量生産された製品を素材に、『伸ばす』『増殖する』などのアレンジによって、そこに潜む機能や形態のエネルギーを増幅させた彫刻を制作。2005年6thSICF(スパイラル・インディペンデント・クリエーターズ・フェスティバル)準グランプリ受賞。
※ 同性同名同漢字のデザイナーの方がいらっしゃるようですので、お間違えのないようご注意下さい。
source: pipocadebits
O artista japonês criou uma série de guitarras com doze braços como um desafio ao guitarrista conterrâneo Char, de quem é fã. Intitulada “Present Arms”, a série produziu algumas das mais estranhas guitarras que você já viu.
source: bokunoblog
Mungkin jika Anda melihat bentuk Gitar ini akan berpikiran gimana memainkannya, namun ini adalah bentuk karya seni dari alat musik Gitar yang dibuat oleh seniman Jepang bernama Yoshihiko Satoh. Hasil karya seni dari Yoshihiko Satoh, yang sangat terkenal adalah Gitar listrik yang memiliki dua belas leher.
source: songmoivn
Trong khi đó nghệ sĩ người Nhật Yoshihiko Satoh lại biến những cây đàn guitar thành các tác phẩm điêu khắc lạ và đẹp. Sáng tạo nổi tiếng nhất của Yoshihiko Satoh làguitar điện có mười hai cổ.
source: istylelv
Japāņu mākslinieks Yoshihiko Satoh pārveido mūzikas instrumentus par stilīgām un neparastām skulptūrām. Viņa slavenākās skulptūras ir elektriskās ģitāras ar 12 grifiem.
source: muz24
Японский художник Ёшихико Сато (Yoshihiko Satoh) переделывает обычные гитары в оригинальные скульптуры. Представляем вам самые известные его скульптуры, у каждой из которых двенадцать грифов. Двенадцатиголовые гитары от художника из Японии.
source: desbellesphotos
L’artiste japonais Yoshihiko Satoh transforme les instruments de musique en sculptures cools et inhabituels. Ses créations les plus célèbres sont les guitares électriques à douze têtes.
source: vschupyguays
De hecho nadie toca estas guitarras porque son esculturas, obra del artista japonés Yoshihiko Satoh que transforma instrumentos musicales en esculturas tan flipantes como estas guitarras.