

On Shame
foto: Luiza Ananias


“On Shame” é uma interface digital em forma de um dome espelho que distorce a pessoa que olha. O trabalho é da série Psicossomáticos.

Desenvolvido em colaboração com Scott Simon durante residência no Creativity and Cognition Studios em UTS, Universidade de Tecnologia de Sydney, Austrália.
Prêmio da EMAN EMARE European Media Art Network.

Anaisa Franco, 1981. Formou-se em Artes Visuais na FAAP, em São Paulo em 2004 e concluiu Mestrado em Arte Digital e Tecnologia pela Universidade de Plymouth, na Inglaterra, Reino Unido em 2007.
Desde 2005 desenvolve trabalhos em Medialabs por meio de residências artísticas e fomentos, em Instituições como Medialab Prado, Mecad, Mediaestruch e Hangar na Espanha, MIS e SP_Urban em São Paulo, Taipei Artist Village em Taiwan, China Academy of Public Art Research Center em Hanghou, China, Cite des Arts em Paris, ZKU em Berlin, Creativity and Cognition Studios e VIVID Sydney na Austrália.
Tem realizado exposições internacionais na Europa, Austrália, Ásia e Américas desde 2002, tais como: EXIT Festival na França; ARCO Madrid na Espanha; Europalia em Bruxelas; Live Ammo no MOCA Museum of Contemporary Art em Taipei, Taiwan; TÉKHNE no MAB em São Paulo; Sonarmática no CCCB Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona na Espanha; the 5th Seoul International Media Art Bienalle em Seul, Coreia; Vision Play no Medialab PRADO; Experimenta Biennial na Austrália entre muitas outras. Representada pela Galeria Adora Calvo na Espanha.
“On Shame” is a digital interface shaped as a dome mirror, which distorts the person looking into it. This work belongs to the Psicossomáticos series.

Developed in cooperation with Scott Simon while on residency in the Creativity and Cognition Studios in UTS, University of Technology Sydney, Australia.
Awarded by the EMAN EMARE European Media Art Network.

Anaisa Franco, born in 1981, graduated in Visual Arts at FAAP, São Paulo, in 2004, and finished her MA in Digital Art and Technology at the University of Plymouth, England, UK, in 2007.
Since 2005, she has been developing works in Medialabs by means of residencies and fostering in institutions such as Medialab Prado, Mecad, Mediaestruch and Hangar in Spain, MIS and SP_Urban in São Paulo, Taipei Artist Village in Taiwan, China Academy of Public Art Research Center in Hanghou, China, Cite des Arts in Paris, ZKU in Berlin, Creativity and Cognition Studios and VIVID Sydney in Australia.
Since 2002 she has carried out international exhibits in Europe, Australia, Asia and the Americas, for instance: EXIT Festival in France; ARCO Madrid in Spain; Europalia in Brussels; Live Ammo at the MOCA Museum of Contemporary Art in Taipei, Taiwan; TÉKHNE at the MAB in São Paulo; Sonarmática at the CCCB Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona in Spain; the 5th Seoul International Media Art Bienalle in Seoul, Korea; Vision Play at the Medialab PRADO; Experimenta Biennial in Australia, among many others. She is represented by the Galeria Adora Calvo in Spain.
On Shame gehört zu der 2010 begonnenen Serie Psychosomatics, in der Franco Emotionen wie Freude, Angst, Verwirrung, Glück oder Scham mit Hilfe digitaler Technologie erfahrbar macht. Als Werkzeuge für den Dialog von Mensch und Maschine dienen ihr Kameras, Bewegungsmelder oder Berührungssensoren. Für die sensitive Skulptur On Shame nutzt Franco ein halbkugelförmiges Interface, dass das Spiegelbild der hineinblickenden Person sowie die begleitenden Geräusch- und Dialogfetzen verzerrt.
On Shame is part of the series Psychosomatics which was initiated in 2010. In these works Franco makes it possible to tangibly experience such emotions as joy, fear, confusion, happiness or shame by means of digital technologies. Cameras and motion and tactile sensors serve as tools to facilitate the dialogue between humans and machines. The sensitive sculpture On Shame features a semi-spherical interface that distorts the reflected image of the person peering inside as well as the accompanying fragments of sound and dialogue.