

Peace Pavilion


source: transformersiblogspot

Jeżeli pamiętacie jeszcze projekt paryskiego pływającego mostu z trampoliną, nowy pawilon w Museum Gardens w Londynie powinien również Was zainteresować. Stworzony przez to same biuro – Atelier Zündel Cristea obiekt wygrał tego roczną edycję konkursu na letni pawilon. Bryła stworzona jest elastycznej powłoki wypełnionej powietrzem. Miękko wygięta tuba posiada przezroczysty dach, który nie tylko chroni gości przed niekorzystnymi warunkami atmosferycznymi, ale również spełnia funkcję trampoliny. Całość przytwierdzona jest dyskretnie do aluminiowej platformy pełniącej funkcję posadzki.
source: edilizianewsit

La struttura autoportante, sviluppa 4 metri in altezza con una superficie occupata complessiva di circa 20 mq. L’intera struttura portante è stata realizzata utilizzando 77 mq di membrana in pvc riempita con 20 mc di aria compressa. Superiormente è chiusa da una membrana completamente trasparente per offrire riparo in caso di pioggia ma al tempo stesso consentire alla vista di continuare ad ammirare il paesaggio.
Per raggiungere questa particolare forma, gli architetti hanno impiegato software di progettazione parametrica in grado di controllare, oltre le caratteristiche fisico/chimiche delle membrane tese, anche l’intera geometria della struttura composta da superfici a doppie curve.
Una volta sviluppato il modello in digitale si è passati alla fase di realizzazione attraverso l’utilizzo di macchine a controllo numerico che ne hanno tagliato i vari elementi, unici nell’acabo, che una volta assemblati hanno permesso la realizzazione della struttura.
La struttura gonfiabile consente di avere in pochissimo tempo uno spazio coperto in grado di infondere un senso di tranquillità, aggiungendosi al valore dei giardini in cui è inserito.
source: aiweibang

这是一款建筑造型特别的充气凉亭和蹦床结合起来的艺术装置,是父母带着孩子玩耍的好去处。巴黎建筑师Atelier Zündel Cristea把这座名为“PEACE”的户外亭台放在了伦敦东区。白色的充气管道蜿蜒起伏形成了一个稳定的空间,人们可以在下面休闲小憩也可以爬上去蹦蹦跳跳。



建筑师告诉我们:“结构的设计是一个简单的拓扑变形的圆环形状的数学方法生成的” 。







source: parqmag

No âmbito do Festival de arqui­te­tura de Londres, foi ins­ta­lado num jar­dim al lado do Victoria & Albert Museum , um pavi­lhão cri­ado pelo ate­leier fran­ces CAZ Atelier Zündel Cristea. O pavi­lhão inti­tu­lado — Peace Pavilion- é cri­ado a par­tir de um insu­fla­vel e tem um aspecto lúdico. Este pro­jecto resulta de um con­curso ao qual qual­quer ate­lier de arqui­tec­tura podia con­cor­rer, mas na ver­dade o Atelier Zündel Cristea já não era um per­feito des­co­nhe­cido depois do impacto mun­dial que teve a ponte no mesmo mate­rial insu­fla­vel cins­truído entre mar­gens do Sena.
source: lecourrierdelarchitecte

L’objectif de ce concours est de concevoir un pavillon temporaire autonome et transportable, une vitrine contemporaine reflétant la paix. ‘Triumph Pavilion’ doit donner l’image d’un espace pacifique, incitant à l’espoir et mettant en évidence la nécessité de l’architecture écologique et durable et des principes de conception.

Les candidats doivent prévoir un lieu qui soit une source d’inspiration, où les architectes, les designers, les familles ou le grand public peuvent se tenir debout mais aussi s’asseoir autour pour admirer, embrasser la diversité et partager leurs impressions sur la conception, l’importance et les bénéfices de la paix.

Le Pavillon Triumph de cette année est intitulé ‘The Peace Pavilion’ et sera dédié aux nations nouvellement créées au Sud et au Nord du Soudan, afin d’encourager un avenir pacifique à travers l’architecture. L’ensemble du Soudan est une région qui a contribué à l’architecture, notamment avec la construction d’un plus grand nombre de pyramides que l’Egypte.

Le pavillon sera conçu par un architecte ou une équipe de conception sélectionné(e) via le concours lancé à cet effet et sera installé au Museum Gardens, à Londres. Le jury sélectionnera le projet gagnant parmi les soumissions qui satisferont le mieux le cahier des charges.

Le pavillon ne doit pas dépasser 4 mètres de hauteur et 20 mètres carrés. Le budget alloué est de 10.000USD ou l’équivalent en livres sterlings (soit environ 7.485€, ndt.), matériaux, fabrication, construction et coûts de transport compris.

La fabrication du pavillon débutera le 1er avril 2013 afin que la mise en place ait lieu le 12 mai 2013.
source: dezeen

An inflatable pavilion covered with a clear tensile membrane has been installed in east London by Paris architects Atelier Zündel Cristea.

A continuous white tube twists and undulates to create a three-armed form that visitors can walk or sit underneath and climb on top of.

“The design of the structure is a simple topological deformation of a torus and the shape was mathematically generated,” the architects told us.

The clear plastic sheet stretched over the top and attached with zips forms a springy surface, which can be reached by clambering up one of the sections that touch the ground.

An anodised aluminium platform with the same plan as the inflated structure forms the base, anchored to the ground at six points around the edge.

Atelier Zündel Cristea’s design won first prize in a summer pavilion competition organised by ArchTriumph.

It is located in Museum Gardens in the east London area of Bethnal Green, next to the Museum of Childhood, and will be in place until 16 June.

Over in west London, this year’s Serpentine Gallery Pavilion by Sou Foujimoto was unveiled earlier this week. See the first photos of the structure here, additional images here and watch our interview with Fujimoto here.

Our other stories that feature blow-up design include the entrance to last year’s Design Miami fair that was covered by inflatable sausages and a balloon shaped like a naked fat man pressed up against a gallery window.

The architects sent us the following information:

Enhancing the experience of the city does not always require projects of significant cost and time, but can often come about as the result of modest, temporary interventions and events, in key places, at chosen times.

Our office is dedicated to the conception of interventions likely to appeal to city residents, transforming the way in which they view the places around them and the practices possible in their cities.

Human beings carry within them nostalgia of a primordial happiness from ancient times. The notion of a return to these origins of happiness is often associated with Nature.

Our intention is to encourage inhabitants to participate in fun, uncommon events taking place within the urban landscape: an inflatable bridge equipped with giant trampolines rises above the Seine, a pavilion erected in a London park, a museum traversed by a roller coaster.

These projects offer, in the heart of the city, new forms of Elysian Fields, given over not to the Champs-Élysées of shopping and strictly urban activities, but rather to fundamental human practices, which liberate strong emotions calling on all our senses.

The site of this competition is the Museum Gardens, Cambridge Heath Road in Bethnal Green, London. It lies within the Tower Hamlets and Hackney boroughs. The gardens are on the English Heritage Register for Historic Parks and Gardens. It is approximately 1.05 hectares in size and is surrounded by: Cambridge Heath Road, Museum Passage, V&A Museum of Childhood, St John’s Church and Victoria Park Square. The site’s main use is as a recreational garden for living, working and visiting communities. Given it’s prominence within the community it serves, it is clear to us that it is important that the most is made of the site through our pavilion.

Our project responds to the desire to create a temporary transportable pavilion for the summer of 2013 in such a public space, with a need for inclusion, socializing, relaxation, discussion, reflection, escape, view and enjoyment of a high quality space.

It will provide an inspirational space where visiting architects, designers, families and the general public can stand and sit whilst admiring, embracing diversity and engaging with each other in discussions about design, the importance and benefits of peace and co-existence, or even novel stories they have to tell in a peaceful setting.

The Museum Gardens, and nature in general are the perfect settings to promote the idea of peace, to encourage the sharing of joyful stories and provoking discussions about architecture and design.

We propose a Pavilion which is visually and aesthetically engaging. We think it is capable of providing an ideal contemporary space which offers a sense of tranquility, beauty and an exceptional aesthetic value to the very heart of the Museum Gardens.

Peace is one of the highest possible human ideals. It is a state of equilibrium; it means NO WAR, but also harmony, silence, pureness, kindness, happiness, appeasement, calm, reconciliation, serendipity, tranquility…

To express all of these ideas, we have created a perfect and symmetrical sculpture, obtained by a precise geometrical manipulation. The beauty of the shape lies in its perfect symmetry and fluidity; we feel there is no need to explain it a great deal as it is a pavilion that speaks to everyone. It allows visitors looking at the volume for a split second to get a sense of the pavilion and its layout with minimum effort.

The symmetrical geometry of the pavilion blurs our notions of inside and outside, however the simple act of motion through the exterior and interior spaces of the pavilion bringing an understanding to the visitor.

The Pavilion is 4 meters in height and 20 square metres in area. Designed entirely with lightweight materials – 77.96m² of PVC membrane and 20m3 of air – our project is a self-supporting structure; it is easily scalable to inhabit larger dimensions of other sites.