

The Shape of the Air

source: katyanngilmore


Katy Gilmore attended Greenville College where she received a BA in Art, Mathematics, and Spanish. She moved to the Los Angeles metropolitan area in 2011 to pursue her MFA at Azusa Pacific University. With an expected graduation of 2014, Katy works as a Finance Coordinator by day, artist by night.


Everything gives off data. This data may be calculable, rendering itself to organization or may simply be intriguing. This obsession with data ultimately stems from a deep curiosity of the world around me, both the visible and the invisible. I collect data, whether through mathematical formulas, daily rituals, or molding grids around actual visual objects.

Each work begins with a desire to come to a deeper understanding of the world around me. I conduct experiments, take notes, create sketches, and build objects hoping to instill knowledge. This knowledge may not be concrete, factual information, but simply a deeper understanding or appreciation of given phenomena represented by the data I accrue. I am not simply content to gain this knowledge but feel compelled to make a visible object based on my curiosity, by responding to my study or creating an object that depicts concrete information.

It is my hope that a viewer comes to a better appreciation of the world as well, possibly seeing seemingly mundane processes as something ultimately nontrivial.