

Fade out

source: pauldestieu

Paul Destieu lives and works in Marseille, France.
His researches question tech­nology and its impact on our envi­ronment. His work exa­mines the situation of machines within our society noti­ceably fed by the history of media. He uses cali­bration, syn­chro­ni­zation pro­cesses or setup confi­gu­ra­tions as many means for art pro­duction. His art pro­duction focuses on the virtual and phy­sical ter­ri­tories of our contem­porary society in order to reveal affi­nities between structure and emp­tyness. Pro­cesses of des­truc­tions, high­ja­ckings or attacks are then used to shape and question the border between emer­gence and col­lapsing of a system through video, new media or ins­tal­lation works. Since several years his work has been exhi­bited in France and abroad.
He is co-​​founder of Otto-​​Prod /​ La Vitrine and cur­rently orga­nizes cultural exchanges and events between France and Slo­venia.
source: chance-projecteu

The project focuses on the progressive burying of a drumset under a gravel flow. Each impact is amplified in contact with the different instrument’s parts. The gravel flow produces a rythm section which turns into a sound and visual chocking. In opposition with the process of traditional music composing, the instrument is taken away from the hands of musician towards a rough experience. The sequence shot proposes an experimentation around the technical state of Fade-out, by materializing the decrease of sound and visual signal, until a complete silence and disappearance.

Paul Destieu lives and works between Marseille, France and Maribor, Slovenia. His works result from constant tensions between space and a viewpoint noticeably fed by media, cinema and technologies. His art production focuses on the virtual and physical territories of our contemporary society in order to reveal affinities between structure and emptyness. Processes of destructions, highjackings or attacks are then used to shape and to question the border between emergence and disappearance of a system through video, new media or installation works. Paul Destieu graduated from the Institute of visual arts in Orleans (Fr.) in 2006 and studied at the Fine Art Academy of Warsaw (Pl.). Since several years his work is exhibited in France and abroad. He is the co-founder of Otto-Prod / La Vitrine and currently works as part of the collective by organising cultural exchanges between France and Slovenia or events around this initiative.
source: pauldestieu

Paul Destieu vit et tra­vaille à Mar­seille, France.
Il poursuit une recherche autour de l’influence de la tech­no­logie sur notre envi­ron­nement. Ses réflexions sont sen­si­blement nourries par un regard sur les dif­fé­rents médias ou le cinéma et se concré­tisent dans sa pro­duction artis­tique par des gestes de para­mé­trages, de cali­brages, de syn­chro­ni­sation. Ses pièces entre­tiennent une forte dimension archi­tec­turale en tension constante entre construction et effon­drement d’un sytème. Avec la nécessité d’incorporer dans ce travail des codes issus de notre culture contem­po­raine, il pro­voque une mise à dis­tance du spec­tateur pour lui pro­poser d’observer les rap­ports de forces entre recherche du progrès et phé­nomène d’obsolescence en orga­nisant des confron­ta­tions entre dif­fé­rents médias et formats.
Il est à l’initiative d’Otto-​​Prod /​ La Vitrine et par­ticipe à la mise en place d’échanges entre la France et la Slo­vénie ainsi que dif­fé­rents évène­ments culturels autour de cette dyna­mique.
source: instantschavires

« Fade-out » ou fondu de sortie est un terme technique utilisé en audiovisuel comme en musique désignant une transition ou une fin : une baisse du niveau sonore ou visuel jusqu’au silence, jusqu’à la disparition.
Ce projet s’inscrit comme une tentative de représentation de cette transition progressive entre deux états prenant la forme d’une oeuvre video dans laquelle dimensions sonores et visuelles entrent en tension.
Le projet met en scène l’enssevelissement progressif d’une batterie sous une coulée de gravier.
Chaque impact est amplifié au contact des différentes parties de l’instrument. La coulée produit une composition rythmique radicale qui au fur et à mesure se transforme en un étouffement sonore et visuel.