

تاكاهيرو ماتسو
타카히로 마츠오
Такахиро Мацуо

white rain

source: artiumjp



 本展は松尾の制作活動10年の節目として、インスタレーション「White Rain」(2011)などの近作や、未発表の新作を含めてインタラクティブアートの魅力を凝縮した展覧会です。“光”という素材の原点に踏み込み、光の振る舞いから生まれる無限性と光そのものの美しさを追求した「White Rain」、座ると色彩が変化する光のチェア「OLED COLOR CHAIR」など、一貫して光とインタラクティブ要素を追求してきた松尾の多彩な作品を展示します。
 時間や空間を超越する “光“は、自然科学や芸術、信仰などあらゆる分野において、時代や文化を問わず人間を惹き付けてきました。展覧会タイトル「LIGHT EMOTION」には、光(LIGHT)によって人それぞれの原初的な感情や感覚(EMOTION)が引き出される体験という、松尾が制作にあたって普遍的に取り組んできたテーマが込められています。その魅力を最大限に引き出された繊細かつダイナミックな作品からは、鑑賞者の本能や感情、情緒、記憶、心理と響きあう様々な時間が生み出されることでしょう。
source: inspir3dnet

White Rain, an interactive light installation by Tokyo-based artist Takahiro Matsuo brought down the rain inside Pola Museum Annex. With the help of LED bar lights and lighting software, the artist was able to create an exquisite scenery of illuminated raindrops falling from the ceiling. When the viewers interacted with the droplets of light, it trickled and changed its form. A motion sensor was used to synchronize the lighting and the sound.
source: ilightmarinabaysg


Takahiro Matsuo graduated from the Art and Information Design Department of the Kyushu Institute of Design, Japan. Combining the physical movement of participants with computer graphics, sound and light in interactive creations, Matsuo’s work is a fantastical experience which never fails to evoke imagination, associations and memories.


White Rain is an installation of white light which focuses on the sense of infinity produced by the behaviour and beauty of rain. Employing a specially-designed acrylic bar encasing energy efficient LED, sensors and other motion-sensor equipment, a truly immersive experience is created as an irregular rain of light falls and changes as the visitor moves inside the space.

White Rain is supported by Color Kinetics Japan Inc.
source: fromamtopmegloos

Takahiro Matsuo(일본), White Rain, 2011

타카히로 마츠오는 참여자들의 움직임과 컴퓨터그래픽, 소리, 빛을 결합한 상호작용적 작품을 주로 만든다.

White Rain은 전시장 천장에 유기적인 형태로 매달린 LED와 아크릴 막대가 비의 형상을 이루어 관람객이 작품 속에 들어갔을때
움직임을 인식하고 빛의 비를 더욱 강렬하게 뿌린다.