source: abookcc
西班牙設計師Nacho Ormaechea將這個想法具體化,她先在街頭將具有簡單故事性的單人風景拍下,再將人形部分挖空只留下腳部,填入具象化,或是別富意涵的物件及風景。這種特殊的效果讓人形內的景物,自動導入畫面中人物的內心,像是在訴說他的內心世界一般,然後讓內外兩個場景互相交錯,引發大量的故事與趣味性。
source: ormaecheaeu
Freelance and proud of it, I use my independence to promote the tailor-made and to go along with any project from A to Z. I love the dialogue and exchange to find out what is the identity of a project and, when I have doubts, I always know whom to ask, I lead a network of creative people who complement my skills: architect, printers, editor, webmaster…
I avoid “trendy” solutions on behalf of the concept. My education in Fine Arts and Graphic Design allows me to create, by my stagings and my photographs, new and powerful images that meet the expectations of my clients.
As a professional graphic designer, I refuse to participate in unpaid invitations to tender or competitions.
source: lecarnetnoir
A Spanish graphic designer and artist, my name is Nacho Ormaechea. I’m a regular user of the cafés in Paris where I’ve been living and working for over a decade.
I’m mostly comfortable with cities which I see as perfect theaters full of inspiring yet anonymous characters.
Within those urban landscapes, the inhabitants and their opaque lives are the roots of my conceptual projects; those works call upon the viewer’s experiences and induce moments of introspection.
source: ormaecheaeu
Freelance et fier de l’être, je cultive mon indépendance et m’en sers pour favoriser le sur-mesure, accompagnant tout projet de A à Z. J’aime le dialogue et l’échange pour trouver ce qui correspond à l’identité d’un projet et, quand je pense ne pas savoir faire, je sais qui trouver ; j’anime un réseau de créatifs qui complètent mes compétences : architecte, imprimeurs, rédacteur, webmaster…
Je fuis les visuels à la mode et je privilégie le concept. Ma formation en Beaux-Arts et Graphisme me permet de créer, par mes mises en scène et mes photographies, des images fortes et nouvelles qui répondent aux attentes de mes clients.
En tant que professionnel de la création graphique, je refuse de participer aux compétitions et appels d’offre non rémunérés.
source: bitaitesorg
Parte das nossas vidas e do que somos está em galerias de imagens. Montagens de nós próprios e da nossa visão do mundo. Do Facebook aos blogues, do Twitter ao Instagram, estão ali os rostos, os locais onde estivemos ou que desejamos, as nossas referências, gostos e ideologias.
As fotos do designer gráfico espanhol residente em Paris, Nacho Ormaechea, são narrativas igualmente fragmentadas, padrões de memórias que me fazem lembrar a forma como nos expomos ao mundo através do online.
source: sanatblog
İnsanın bazen içi başka söyler, dışı başka. Bu ikilikten yola çıkarak bir dijital kolaj serisi hazırlayan Nacho Ormaechea çalışmalarını Paris’te sürdüren İspanyol bir fotoğrafçı ve grafik tasarımcı. Le Carnet Noir isimli bloğunda yer verdiği bu seri ile sokakta karşıdan karşıya geçen, bir yerde oturmuş dinlenen veya telefonla konuşan insanları birer silüete çevirip, onlara sanki birer iç dünya yerleştiriyor.