source: yoy-ideajp
source: yoy-ideajp
A canvas shaped chair with a drawing of a chair. It can be used by leaning against a wall. A frame made of wood and aluminum is covered by an elastic fabric printed with texture of a canvas and a drawing of chair. There are 3 types of size, a stool, an armchair and a sofa.
source: designboom
presented at salone satellite during milan design week 2013, japanese design studio YOY have developed ‘canvas’, a series of two-dimensional hanging furniture pieces. constructed out of wood and and aluminum, the volume is covered by an elastic fabric – screen-printed with drawings of different types of furniture.
the piece works when the frame is leaned against a wall, stretching when weight is applied – accommodating the user within the newly formed void. available in three different sizes, the hanging seats come in stool, love seat and sofa variations.
source: themagit
The first project that we present today could only come directly from the Salone Satellite in Milan. “CANVAS” is an original and interesting seating system created by designers Naoki Ono and Yuuki Yamamoto from Japanese studio YOY. We have to admit at first we didn’t focused on their stall, maybe due to hurry, or maybe because at first glance it seemed merely a stage set, a bizarre idea to replace real furniture. But fortunately, almost stepping to the next stand, we were caught by the congeniality of Naoki Ono, who invited us to try with him their “paintings”. Pure comfort: what appeared to be a simple canvas leaning against a wall, is in reality an extraordinary seat, the result of research and careful planning between elastic fibers silhouettes and aluminum resistances. Different prints in black and white depicting baroque pieces of furniture, able to give life to a suggestive, pop and essential line that can meet every need. Three unique models: chair, armchair and the triumph of comfort, the two-seat sofa. With CANVAS art not only enters our homes, but is transformed into comfortable and functional design solutions to live.
source: themagit
Il primo progetto che vi presentiamo oggi non può che arrivare direttamente dal Salone Satellite di Milano. “CANVAS” è un originale ed interessante sistema di sedute ideato dai designer Naoki Ono e Yuuki Yamamoto dello studio giapponese YOY. Dobbiamo ammetterlo, inizialmente non ci eravamo soffermati sullo stand, anzi lo stavamo quasi saltando, vuoi per la fretta, vuoi perchè ad un primo sguardo sembrava semplicemente un allestimento scenico, un’idea bizzarra in sostituzione di mobili reali, ma per fortuna, ad un passo dallo stand successivo siamo stati catturati dalla simpatia di Naoki Ono che ci ha invitato a provare con lui i loro “quadri”. Comfort allo stato puro: quello che si presentava come una semplice tela appoggiata ad una parete, è in realtà una straordinaria seduta frutto di ricerca e di un’attenta progettazione tra sagomature in fibre elastiche e resistenze in alluminio. Differenti stampe in bianco e nero raffiguranti pezzi d’arredamento dallo stile barocco, capaci di dare vita ad una linea suggestiva, pop ed essenziale in grado di soddisfare ogni esigenza. Tre modelli unici: la sedia, la poltrona e il trionfo della comodità, il divano a due posti. Con CANVAS l’arte non solo entra nelle case, ma si trasforma in soluzioni d’arredo da vivere, confortevoli e funzionali.
source: youpouch
壁に飾られた1枚の絵。イスやソファが静かに佇むこちらの作品に……おや? 女の子が腰を下ろしたぞ!?
『CANVAS』と名付けられたこちらの作品は、驚くなかれ、木やアルミ、伸縮布で作られた、本物のイスでありソファなんです! だからもちろん、女の子は空気イスをしているわけではありません。本当に、本当に座っているんですよぉっ!
こう語るのは、製作者である小野さん。「2次元と3次元」、たしかに言い得て妙! この遊び心がたまりませんねぇ。
異なる概念の間に生まれる、新しい概念。それを体現している『CANVAS』を見ているだけで、なんだかワクワクしちゃいますね! 他では出会えない家具を求めているあなたは、ぜひ。
source: techweiphone
来自日本设计工作室 YOY 在今年的米兰国际家具展上带来了特别的椅子设计 canvas,这是一系列的二维式家具。Canvas 由木头和铝打造,整个框架上覆盖了印制椅子或沙发造型图案的弹性织物。整个设计产品底色为白色,图案采用灰色和黑色,给人一种低调简洁的视觉效果。
这样的家具不仅仅只是摆设,它是真真切切可以使用的。用户只需要将它的背面靠墙放置,然后坐在印制图像的正面上,随着框架上的重量的增加,canvas 会形成一个全新的座位空间,使用起来和真正的家具一样简便。
设计师为 canvas 推出了三个不同尺寸和图案的版本设计,消费者可以根据喜好和家居空间自主选择。这样一款简单又不失创意的设计相信会有不错的市场。
source: apogeudoabismoblogspot
Que tal unir a beleza de um quadro com a praticidade de uma cadeira ou sofá? Impossível? Pensando nessa possibilidade, um designer teve a brilhante ideia de produzir quadros com materiais feitos de madeira e de alumínio, cobertos por um tecido elástico impresso com textura de uma tela e um desenho de cadeira, resultando em uma pintura que pode se tornar o que está retratado.
Para usá-la, basta incliná-la de encontro a uma parede e usufruir de sua poltrona. Existem três tipos de tamanho…