source: vimeo
Emmanuel Le Cerf created BILL from a simple paper bill. It deals with a piece of material supposed to last on the long-term, which gets turned into a never ending animation.
Artist Emmanuel Le Cerf describes BILL :
“Bill is kind of a “mechanical cinema”. I tried to divert the heat paper mainly used as a basic bill. Its chemical properties struck my mind as I realized this material could become something different with a few operations. The paper becomes blue where it has been overheated. Afterwards, it becomes possible to actually mark it: a new contact with heat colors the paper back to white, a mark which ends up by vanishing after a few second tenths, which is a real paradox since a bill is supposed to be a long-lasting proof.
The paper used for this creation has been turned blue thanks to a flame. It is now totally useless since it has been entirely “developed”. A mechanism makes the paper strip go round through the window of a large white frame. The strip grazes a hot iron point. This short contact creates a white mark in the blue, a mark which lasts for a short while. It creates a never-ending travelling on a plane flying in the sky or a cruise smile without any target.” BILL was created in Digitalarti’s Artlab.
Project assistant : Jason Cook (Artlab Manager)
Video : Quentin Chevrier
source: emmanuel-lecerf
Après avoir suivi des études de graphisme de 2002 à 2004, j’intègre en 2005 les Arts Décoratifs de Paris (ENSAD) en photographie et vidéo. Un séjour de 5 mois à L’Ecole de Recherche Graphique (ERG) à Bruxelles en 2008 marquera le début de mes recherches en volume. En 2010, j’obtiens le diplôme de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris avec les Félicitations du jury en présentant Tribune, Woman On Top et Bronco.