source: robertwun
Robert Wun is a luxury fashion label, aimed to create ingenious garments with sophistication visions, to inspire independent individuals with originality beliefs. The chaos between Nature and artificial forms the centre of the design ethos, through resourcing in the novelty nature and the revolutionary artificial world, Robert Wun believe in such contradiction, promising ideas will be generated through the process of perplexity. Dictating the new ‘futuristic’ through innovative manufacturing yet with uncompromising attention to traditional values. Creating the harmony by combining enlightening ideas with sophistication craftsmanship, brining in a new dimension to luxury garments and also to the young London fashion industry.
source: jd5
黑与白的缓慢的蜕变,这只披着时尚外衣的独角兽,正将逐步展露头角,一步步的进化中出又一个令人惊艳的作品!Burnt,来自香港的设计师 Robert Wun 就读伦敦艺术大学的毕业作品,在此个系列中,利用折皱堆叠出层层的立体轮廓,衬着黑与白两色的颜色渐层,除了静态照片,更用以动态的影片呈现,每一个动作都揭示着每件作品的张力表现,不同的视觉美感与艺术型态亦倾巢而出!