

infuse OLED

source: archisearchgr

“KANEKA coroporation has presented its OLED lighting installation “Infuse” at the Milano Salone 2013 this April placed at SuperStudio in Tortona, Milan. The 2013 installation was designed by rising young talent, architect Chikara Ohno, well established lighting designer Izumi Okayasu and noted textile designer Yoko Ando.

In this installation, our goal is not to illuminate an object or display a source of light, but to create an environment defined by an intermediate condition of light. The exhibition area is not so much an interior, but an environment like a landform where the soft light provided by many OLED panels infuses the space, forming a large ‘light-scape’. Through the use of a detailed light control program, a space with shifting changes is created. The act of moving through a landscape permeated with light provides a new lighting experience that is richer than a purely visual one.”
source: archdailymx

Infuse, una instalación de iluminación presentada por Kaneka Corporation, fue diseñada por el arquitecto Chikara Ohno-Sinato con la colaboración del iluminador Izumi Okayasu y la diseñadora textil Yoko Ando. Este espectáculo de luz fascinante posee la nueva evolución OLED, la cual proporciona una iluminación que es energéticamente más eficiente, más duradera y más sostenible. Tras utilizar la tecnología OLED en paneles, el objetivo recae en crear un entorno definido por un estado intermedio de la luz.
source: tortonadesignweek

The exhibition area is not so much an interior, but an environment like a landform where the soft light provided by many LED panels infuses the space, forming a large ‘light-scape’. Through the use of a detailed light control program, a space with shifting changes is created. A new experience of lighting that is richer than a purely visual one.