Holmenkollen ski jump
source: europaconcorsi
Project 145 years ago the first Norwegian took off from a hill, catapulting himself to the sky, creating a sport that would spread all over the world and captivate millions.Today Oslo remains the undisputed capital of ski jumping, having had annual competitions at Holmenkollen since 1892, served the Olympics in 1952 and hosted several world championships. The Holmenkollen site has been the cradle of evolution in ski jumping and the facility was revisited and improved more than twenty times. Its building history represents a form of record or architectural fossil of the discipline’s progress. As the city of Oslo will host the 2011 world championships, the facilities required a renovation beyond what the existing structures could manage. Symbiotic relationship between architecture and experience
The design aims at unifying the various elements present in a ski jump into one single expression, shape and action. Rather than having a series of dispersed pavilions on site, we’ve managed to combine them into one organism. The judges booths, the commentators, the trainers, the royal family, the VIPs, the wind screens, the circulations, the lobby, the entrance to the arena and the arena itself, the lounge for the skiers, the shop of souvenirs, the access to the existing museum, the viewing public square at the very top, EVERYTHING, is contained into the shape of the jump in a symbiosis of programs and experiences giving the jump a harmonic contextual relationship to the surrounding landscape. The resulting simplicity of the solution improves the experience of the spectators and the focus of the skiers. There’s an impressive feeling of intimacy at Holmenkollen: both audience and jumpers are enclosed in the arms of the skijump in a form of an architectural embrace.
Looking at the Olympic models of Barcelona, Sydney and Munich, architecture was at the forefront of redefining how the city was perceived. We believe that the Holmenkollen ski jump could liberate Oslo from regional perceptions and help leverage a more international status. The ski jump also invigorates the capital with an icon, adding to the city’s collection of exemplary civic buildings like the new opera house and reinforcing the city’s wave of regeneration. There is another crucial aspect to this iconographic issue that our project emphasizes: from its strategic position, at the highest peak over the city, the structure offers the most breathtaking views of Oslo, the fjord and the region beyond. We have designed a public square, on top of the jump, literally a plaza, to let visitors experience Oslo from this exceptional vantage point. It’s a new form of public space, using an unlikely architectural form as its host — allowing for a dialogue between the city and its inhabitants.
source: dezeen
The Holmenkollen ski jump by JDS Architects has opened in Oslo, Norway. Although the overall project is unfinished, the jump has been certified as safe and was used at an opening ceremony earlier this month and the Ski Federation World Cup Nordic last weekend. A bar and viewing platform will be added later this year. The project is expected to be fully completed in 2011.
source: norwayorjp
設計を手がけたのは建築家Julien de Smedt率いるデンマークの設計事務所JDS Architectsです。 新スキージャンプ台についてJDS Architectsは次のように説明しています:「このプロジェクトの狙いは、スキージャンプが持つ異なる要素をひとつの表現に凝縮させることでした。一連のパビリオン/インフラをひとつの有機体にまとめました。審査員・解説者ブース、VIP室、防風スクリーン、動線、ロビー、アリーナとエントランス、選手控え室、博物館へのアクセス、ショップ、展望台など、あらゆるエレメントが”ジャンプ”という形の中に共生します >>JDS Architects>」
オスロ市内の丘に建つホルメンコーレンスキージャンプ台の歴史は古く、第一回大会は 1892 年に開催されています。その後18回にわたる改修・建替えが行なわれ、この度再び生まれ変わりました。
source: arquitetonico
Smedt é um arquiteto premiado, bastante jovem, teve a oportunidade de trabalhar junto com um dos arquitetos contemporâneos mais aclamados o holandês, hoje também professor de Harvard, fundador do OMA (Office for Metropolitan Architecture), Rem Koohaas e utiliza um grande arcabouço visual e conceitual em suas obras.
Seu escritório JDS está em várias capitais européias e conta com a participação de arquitetos de várias partes do mundo, assim como atua em várias partes do mundo, principalmente em concursos internacionais.
Possui obras interessantes, entre elas uma obra icônica, uma torre inclinada que serve de plataforma de “ski jumping”, projetada para competições na Noruega, em Oslo. A plataforma de saltos é uma obra que transcende o usual para se tornar uma referênci
a visual, torna-se parte integrante da imagem da capital norueguesa, numa comparação, talvez exagerada, da mesma forma que a Torre Eiffel é parte da memória coletiva dos parisienses e da imagem que o estrangeiro tem de Paris.
source: studio5555de
Die dänischen Architekten Julien de Smedt Architects haben die Preisausschreibung um den Neubau der Skisprungschanze am Berg Holmenkollen gewonnen. Diese wird mit dem Projektnamen “The New Holmenkollen Fyr – Extending Tradition” geführt und soll dieses Jahr 2010 fertiggestellt sein. Das Skispringen in Oslo reicht auf eine alte Tradition zurück und gilt in Fachkreisen als Neckar des Skispringens. Dort gibt es unter anderem die zweitälteste Skisprunganlage sowie ein Museum, welches 1923 eröffnet wurde, mit der dazugehörigen Thematik. Die New Holmenkollen Skisprungschanze ersetzt nun diese alte Schanzenanlage und bietet Platz für 30.000 Zuschauer. Kosten für dieses gigantische Projekt liegen bei 73.000.000 Euro. Durch die hohen Kosten wurde auf einige bauliche Details, wie den namensgebenden Lichtkegel (Leuchtturm = „Fyr“) an der Spitze des Anlaufturmes und auf eine Überdachung des Anlaufs gänzlich verzichtet. Die Sprungschanze Nye Holmenkollen Fyr hat seinen K-Punkt (Absprungpunkt) bei 117 Metern. Der Skispringer fliegt durch Zuschauerränge und landet anschließend in einer ovalen Arena.
source: bufetetecnicoes
Julien de Smedt nació en Bruselas el 3 de Diciembre de 1975. Después de cursar sus estudios en Bruselas, París y Los Ángeles, se graduó en Barlett School of Architecture, Londres, en 2000. Durante 1997-1998 y 2000-2001 trabajó con OMA en Rotterdam.
En 2001 fue co-fundador del estudio PLOT, con el que recibió varios premios, en 2003 el Henning Larsen Price y una Medalla Eckersberg en 2005. En 2004 el ‘Stavanger Concert Hall’ fue nombrado mejor sala de conciertos de la Bienal de Venecia y la ‘Maritine Youth House’ fue nominada al Premio Mies van der Rohe y ganó el Premio AR+D en Londres.
En 2006 Julien de Smedt fundó su actual estudio, JDS architects, en Copenhague. En 2007 ganó el concurso internacional para la nueva rampa de saltos de eskí de Holmenkollen en Oslo, Noruega. En 2008, JDS abrió nuevos estudios en Bruselas y Oslo. En 2009 el proyecto ‘Mountain Dwellings’ recibió el primer premio al mejor edificio residencial en el Festival Mundial de Arquitectura de Barcelona y el Mipim en Cannes. JDS es el ganador del premio alemán Maaskant de 2009.
Proyecto ‘Mermaid’ (dibujo)Julien de Smedt se dedica a la enseñanza como profesor invitado en la Rice University de Huston (Texas) y en la Universidad de Kentucky. Ha realizado conferencias en la Universidad de Harvard, en la Sendai Mediatheque (Japón), en la Architectural Association de Irlanda, en la Tate Modern (Londres), en el Pabellón de Mies van der Rohe (Barcelona), en el pabellón de L’Arsenal (París), en Mc Gill University (Montreal), en la Universidad de Yale (New Haven), en Sciarc y Usc (Los Ángeles).
Julien De Smedt is the founder and director of JDS Architects based in Brussels, Copenhagen, Belo Horizonte and Shanghai. Julienʼs commitment to the exploration of contemporary architecture has helped to re-energize the discussion of the practice with projects such as the VM Housing Complex, the Mountain Dwellings, the Maritime Youth House and the Holmenkollen Ski Jump.
Prior to founding JDS Architects, Julien worked with OMA/Rem Koolhaas, Rotterdam and co-founded and directed with Bjarke Ingels the architecture firm PLOT in Copenhagen.
Among other awards and recognitions, Julien received the Henning Larsen Prize in 2003 and an Eckersberg medal in 2005. In 2004 the Stavanger Concert Hall was appointed Worldʼs Best Concert Hall at the Venice Biennale, and the Maritime Youth House won the AR+D award in London and was nominated for the Mies van der Rohe award. In 2009, Julien De Smedt received the Maaskant prize of Architecture, and in 2011 he received the WAN-World Architecture News ʼ21 for 21ʼ Award – leading architects of the 21st century.
Julienʼs has given lectures and been exhibited in numerous locations around the world. His academic contributions include visiting professorships in Rice and Lexington University.
JDS Architects released 2 monographs entitled PIXL to XL and Agenda which are distributed worldwide.
source: jdsaeu
JDS / Julien De Smedt Architects is a multidisciplinary office that focuses on architecture and design, from large scale planning to furniture. Rich with multiple expertises, our office is fuelled by talented designers and experienced architects that jointly develop projects from early sketches to on-site supervision. All of which, regardless of scale, outlines an approach that is affirmatively social in its outcome, enthusiastic in its ambition and professional in its process. At the core of our architecture is the ability to take a fresh look at design issues through experienced eyes. Our approach aims at turning intense research and analysis of practical and theoretical matters into the driving forces of design. By continuously developing rigorous methods of analysis and execution, JDS is able to combine innovative thinking and efficient production.
Founded and directed by Julien De Smedt (co-founder of PLOT), JDS currently employs some 30 people with offices in Copenhagen, Brussels and Shanghai. We work with corporate, government and private clients in numerous countries to realize major civic, hotel, residential, office, commercial, health care, educational, and waterfront developments. We carefully limit the commissions we take on to help ensure a high degree of professional attention and overall project quality. JDS envisions itself as a proactive partner for its client, rather than a consultant. The office has a wide portfolio of international work and the attitude of involving external consultants to improve the design intelligence of a given project team. The use of complementing teams ensures that a project will never suffer from being neither too conventional nor too naive.