Anarchy Dance Theatre
الفوضى الرقص المسرح
תיאטרון מחול אנרכיה
무정부 댄스 극장
Seventh Sense
source: highlike
Work: Seventh Sense is the collaborative project between Anarchy Dance Theatre and Ultra Combos focusing on building up a new viewer centered performance venue. In this space all movements including the dancers’ and audience’s can be detected and interact with each other through visual effect. The audience is not merely watching the show but actively participating in it. Seventh Sense combines new media and dance to present a wonderful space atmosphere. The elements of interaction, theater and dance are rubbed in to a successful balance. by Sakai Naoki.
Photographer: Shou-cheng LIN
source: mymodernmet
We’re living in an age where technology is a staple of our lives. We function through the use of technology on a daily basis and numerous branches of the art community have embraced this fact, incorporating it into their work. Now, even dance has welcomed the power and immersive quality of the digital age. Interactive new media design company Ultra Combos has teamed up with Taiwanese dance company Anarchy Dance Theater to produce an interactive dance experience that is a feast for the eyes.
The audiovisual performance titled Seventh Sense utilizes the practice of projection mapping to allow both the dancers’ and audience’s movements to be detected. The projected light reacts to all motion, accordingly. Every individual in the performance venue is a participant that contributes to modifying the visual spectrum of the room that ranges from soft ripples to visual space alterations.
source: taiwanembassyorg
Anarchy Dance Theatre was founded in 2010, dedicated to creating dance theatre to express its concern on human beings and their life through the body movements.
Specialized in architecture and dance, the artistic director of Anarchy Dance Theatre, Chieh-Hua Hsieh’s choreography breaks with tradition, and shows his creativity and strong ambition in utilizing the performing space; in addition, his sensitivity in applying the new media art and technology in his choreography. Seventh Sense is the first production of the integrated technological dance, collaborating with Ultra Combos, an interactive new media art design company. Dancers’ movement will trigger the interactive projection. Audiences will have the opportunity to appreciate not only the dance work itself, but the impromptu moving images and sound with the high technology. Seventh Sense is commissioned by the New Media and Techno Performing Arts Collaborative Creation Project of the Ministry of Culture in 2011, and was invited to present in TodayArts Festival in Netherlands and Centro Parraga in Spain.
source: ctrlbarbarawordpress
Seventh Sense é um projeto que explora a interseção entre dança e tecnologia. Os cenários virtuais se transformam de acordo com o deslocamento dos dançarinos no palco. Aparentemente este é um trabalho em andamento, que vai estreiar em novembro de 2012, mas os grupos chineses 安娜琪舞蹈劇場 Anarchy Dance Theatre e 叁式 UltraCombos já tem bastante documentação destes “testes”.
source: lamanufacturera
Creaciones de movimiento corporal de la mano de elementos visuales increíbles, dan a luz lo que la compañía taiwanesa de danza contemporánea Anarchy Dance Theatre denomina como “escenografías vivas”.
Desde el 2012, la compañía de 9 miembros ha tenido una exitosa exploración artística en donde se prueba una vez más que el uso correcto de diversos elementos del arte pueden ampliar el espectro de la danza contemporánea.
Las piezas coreográficas de Anarchy Dance Theatre muestran una fusión complementaria del mundo audiovisual, el espacio, sonido y expresión corporal que trasladan al espectador a un fenómeno sensitivo diferente al acostumbrado.
Una relación sublime de formas y luces se comulgan en los cuerpos de los bailarines, dándoles de esta forma las herramientas necesarias para esta creación escenográfica que deriva en poética en movimiento.
La compañía exalta que utiliza el teatro-danza contemporánea para expresar, a través del movimiento, las preocupaciones de la gente, sus relaciones personales y de la vida misma en las estructuras sociales y de poder. De igual manera, busca ahondar en la exploración de los elementos, tiempo, espacio y el público mediante la conciencia corporal de una forma distinta al teatro y danza ya establecidos, de manera que se produzcan formas no convencionales, así como interactivas entre el bailarín y el público.
Una forma y estilo de expresión dancística nace en Anarchy Dance Theatre gracias a las posibilidades tecnológicas y la exploración de los límites ya establecidos de la danza.