Robert Mathy
Light Frequency Fingertips
source: highlike
Work: “Light Frequency Fingertips” is composed of four fingercaps, each containing light sensitive phototransistors. The fingercaps are especially customized for the thumb and forefinger of both hands, and transform light frequencies into acoustic signals.Light, emitted by the displays of activated mobile phones, functions as the origin of the sounds. As each mobile phone’s display generates a different light frequency, each results in an audio signal with a different pitch. Any subtle movement of the fingertips creates a slightly audible change in sound. Fading and mixing is also done by moving the fingers. In addition, other electronic devices, such as flashing bicycle lights, can be used to generate rhythmic tones.
Photographer: Robert Mathy
source: fileorg
Light Frequency Fingertips is composed of four fingercaps, each containing light sensitive phototransistors customized for the thumb and forefinger of both hands that transform light frequencies of cell phones displays into acoustic signals.
Robert Mathy is concerned with possibilities of electroacoustic sound generating and the overlapping between art and daily-used-media. He has been exhibited his works around the world.
source: fileorg
Light Frequency Fingertips é composto por quatro dedais, cada um deles contendo foto-transistores sensíveis à luz, especialmente projetados para o polegar e para o dedo indicador de ambas as mãos, que transformam a freqüência da luz de displays de celulares em sinais acústicos.
Robert Mathy interessa-se pelas possibilidades de geração eletro-acústica de som e pela superposição entre arte e a mídia de uso cotidiano. Expõe seus trabalhos pelo mundo inteiro.
source: gearfuse
I played guitar off-and-on for about ten years, but I gave up my musical aspirations once I realized my fingers just weren’t made for rapid chord progressions. All the practice in the world couldn’t solve my coordination issues, or change the fact that my fingers more closely resemble sausages than most human anatomy should. Some talents you just have to be born with. And my genes did not carry the guitar virtuoso strand.
It’s good to know that just because some of our fingers don’t move the way our brains want them to move doesn’t mean we’re completely musically-disabled. Robert Mathey’s Light Frequency Fingertips strap right onto your fingers and use light to create stirring musical sounds. The fingercaps of these musical gloves are fitted with light sensitive phototransistors that allow the wearer use photons to compose music. A 3-volt battery and a mobile phone are all that stands between you and musical genius. Plus, they sort of make you look like a cyborg. Check out a video of the Fingertips in action after the jump.