Cao Fei
Golden Fighter’s
source: rodoviniwordpress
Cao Fei nasceu em 1978 na Província de Guangdon, em Pequim, China. Se formou aos 23 anos na Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou. Produtor de vídeos Fotografo e realizador de obras multimídias. Participou do Projeto “Yuannam New Film” em 2006, exibiu em 2004 The San Yuan Li Project. Em 2008 lança a obra RMB City, mas só é aberta ao publico em 2009.
source: cinaforumnet
È nata a Guangzhou (nel 1978), vive e lavora a Pechino, e il suo avatar si chiama “China Tracy”. Nella realtà “non virtuale” risponde al nome di Cao Fei 曹斐, ed è una delle artiste più promettenti e provocatorie della Cina contemporanea. La sua caratteristica? Mettere in risalto gli aspetti più alienanti della sua generazione e della Repubblica popolare post-riforme, insieme a elementi della tradizione rivisitati in chiave grottesca, per trasfigurarli fino a renderli paradossali, a volte poetici.
Il passo successivo è una trasposizione di tutto questo nella comunità virtuale Second life (SL), un mondo digitale, specchio di quello “reale”, in cui ognuno può avere il suo avatar, incontrare l’amore, fare figli, scegliere se vivere in città o in campagna, gioire e soffrire. Uno spazio migliore di quello “reale”, dove basta un click per staccare la spina. Anche se, su quest’ultimo punto, Cao Fei sembra non essere del tutto d’accordo.
source: art-itjp
曹斐 (ツァオ・フェイ)
1978年、中国広州生まれ。2001年、広州美術学院装飾芸術設計系卒業。99年、当時の中国でも数少ないDV作品『失調257』を発表。以降、『Hip Hop』(03~06)、『Cosplayers』(04) 、『Un-Cosplayers』(06)など、ポップカルチャーを現代美術に巧みに取り込み、映像や写真、パフォーマンスなどの手法で表現している。05年、広州トリエンナーレで発表した『珠三角梟雄伝』や翌年の『們在這里做什麼?』など、中国が抱える都市の諸問題を独自の視点で鋭く、かつ軽やかに描出した作品も制作。06年には、中国現代美術賞(CCAA)で最優秀若手賞を受賞し、同年、広州から北京へ活動拠点を移した。07年は、第52回ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレの中国パビリオン、第9回リヨン・ビエンナーレに出展。ZAIM(横浜)で開催された『ART LAN@ASIA~アジアの新☆現代美術!!』にも参加した。
source: caofei
Cao Fei (b. 1978, Guangzhou) is one of the most significant and innovative young artists to have emerged on the international scene from China. Her multi-media projects explore the lost dreams of the young Chinese generation and their strategies for overcoming and escaping reality. She will premiere new work in her September exhibition La Town (2014) at Lombard Freid Gallery, NY. Cao Fei’s recent movie Haze and Fog (2013) screened at the Tate Modern, the art Institute of Chicago, collected by Pompidou Center.
Her previous online project RMB CITY (2008-2011) has been exhibited in Deutsche Guggenheim (2010), Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo, Japan (2009), Serpentine Gallery, London (2008), Yokohama Triennale (2008). I. Mirror, 52nd Venice Biennale (2007), Chinese Pavilion; RMB CITY- A Second Life City Planning has been exhibited in Istanbul Biennale (2007); Whose Utopia, TATE Liverpool (2007), Cao Fei also participated a number of international biennales, 17th & 15th Biennale of Sydney (2006/2010), Moscow Biennale (2005), Shanghai Biennale (2004), 50th Venice Biennale (2003). She also exhibited video works in Guggenheim Museum (New York), the International Center of Photography (New York), MoMA (New York), P.S.1 (New York), Palais de Tokyo (Paris), Musee d’Art Moderne de la ville de Paris (Paris), Mori Art Museum (Tokyo).
Cao Fei was a nominee for the Future Generation Art Prize 2010 and was the finalist of Hugo Boss Prize 2010, and won The 2006 Best Young Artist Award by CCAA (Chinese Contemporary Art Award).
source: photographerru
Чао Фей, несмотря на свою молодость (художнице еще не исполнилось 30 лет), — настоящая звезда современного искусства. Она участница самых престижных международных выставок, таких, как Стамбульская, Московская, Сиднейская биеннале. Чао Фей представляла Китай на последней 52-ой Венецианской биеннале. Художница родилась в Кванчжоу в 1978 году, где она закончила Академию художеств. Чао Фей представляет новое поколение китайских художников, которые не только успешно интегрировались в международный художественный процесс, но сделали современное китайское искусство одним из самых заметных феноменов.