
Tobias Stretch


Tobias Stretch  Unity

source: ai-ap

In his five-minute stop-motion animated video Unity, Tobias Stretch tells a timeless story of love, death, and resurrection in haunting visuals. Set to music by avant-garde composer Christopher Bono, the piece is made up of more than 10,000 photographs and features 10-foot-tall tree-like puppets with articulated limbs and soulful, human eyes. “The deeply expressionistic, operatic work relies less on linear structure than on evocative mythological notions of time and change,” notes Feature Shoot..
source: shortpluskortblogspot

Tobias Stretch is an American stop-motion specialist that was born in the Appalachian Mountains of Northeastern Pennsylvania and lives in Philadelphia Pennsylvania U.S.A. You will have to look for a long time to find a person with as an inexhaustible fantasy and patience, that has the same talent for creating the kinds of worlds within our world like Tobias Stretch is capable of. World class!