

What a Loving and Beautiful World

SISYU+teamLab    What a Loving and Beautiful World

source: fileorgbr

Estamos em plena era digital e a mídia digital faz parte do nosso cotidiano. Assim, esta instalação participativa insere a caligrafia de Sisyu em uma obra de arte com mídas digitais, de forma que as pessoas apreciem a caligrafia de uma nova maneira. A caligrafia é projetada em uma parede grande e os sho (caracteres da caligrafia japonesa) parecem ser sugados para a sombra da pessoa participante. Essa ação gera uma série encantadora de vívidos efeitos visuais e sonoros. Os caracteres sho flutuando na parede reagem à sombra do participante e se abrem para revelar seu próprio mundo. Um novo mundo é criado pela sobreposição e combinação do mundo dos sho com o da calígrafa Sisyu, seus próprios pensamentos e os pensamentos da humanidade que estão contidos nas origens dos caracteres. Este trabalho utiliza um sensor que lê a ação dos participantes. Se o espectador coloca a mão no caractere de “arco-íris”, surge a imagem de um arco-íris; se o caractere é “umi”, que significa “oceano”, a imagem de uma onda será criada. Cada elemento visual reage com outros recursos visuais, o que permite variações infinitas.
TEAMLAB é um grupo ultratecnológico formado por especialistas da sociedade da informação, como programadores (programadores de aplicativos, engenheiros de interface de usuário, engenheiros de banco de dados, engenheiros de rede), engenheiros de robótica, matemáticos, arquitetos, web designers, designers gráficos, desenvolvedores de animação, editores e artistas.
source: fileorgbr

In the current digital age, digital media is part of our everyday life. So this participatory installation inserts calligraphy by Sisyu into a digital media art work that gives people the chance to enjoy calligraphy in a new way. The calligraphy is projected onto a large wall and the sho (Japanese calligraphic characters) appear to be sucked into the shadow of the person participating. This action causes a series of enchantingly beautiful and vivid visual and sound effects. The floating sho characters on the wall react to one’s shadow and open up to reveal each character’s world. A new world is created by overlapping and combining the sho’s world with that of Sisyu, the calligrapher, one’s own thoughts, and the thoughts of humankind that are contained in the origins of the characters. This work uses a sensor that reads a participant’s action. If a viewer holds their hand against the character for “rainbow”, a rainbow’s image will be produced; if the character is “umi”, which means “ocean”, a wave’s image will be created. Each visual reacts with other visuals allowing for an infinite number of variations.
TEAMLAB is an ultra-technological group comprising specialists in the information society such as programmers (application programmers, user interface engineers, DB engineers, network engineers), robot engineers, mathematicians, architects, Web designers, graphic designers, CG animators, editors, and artists.
source: ouest-francefr

Achetez votre journal numérique
L’artiste calligraphe japonaise Sisyu présentera une installation vidéo artistique interactive, créée en collaboration avec le laboratoire Teamlab.

L’idée du projet : insérer la calligraphie de Sisyu dans un environnement numérique, dans le but de la faire découvrir et apprécier du plus grand nombre. Les nouvelles technologies vont permettre d’aller au-delà de la simple découverte : le public pourra apporter sa patte à cette création en temps réel. L’installation présentée au salon réagit en effet à la présence des spectateurs en générant des séries d’événements visuels ou sonores.

What a loving and beautiful world (c’est le nom de la création) entraîne le visiteur dans un monde poétique et onirique, qu’il peut modifier au gré de ses mouvements près de la toile numérique. Des idéogrammes semblent tomber doucement de l’écran, comme de la neige où une douce pluie d’été.

En approchant sa main, les mots et les lettres en japonais se transforment comme par magie. Un idéogramme devient un papillon qui s’envole dans le ciel numérique. Un autre se transforme en arc-en-ciel… Il s’agira d’une première dans l’Hexagone : What a loving and beautiful world n’a, à ce jour, jamais encore été présenté en France. On est très loin de l’univers guerrier de RV border guard 3 (voir ci-contre). C’est là toute la magie de la réalité virtuelle et des nouvelles technologies : permettre de passer d’un monde interactif à l’autre, totalement différent.

L’oeuvre de Sisyu et du laboratoire Teamlab est à mettre entre toutes les mains et devrait plaire à tous. En guise d’avant-goût, elle est à découvrir sur youtube.
source: mizuma-artcojp

A calligrapher, Sisyu has been practicing calligraphy since the age of 6.
Through her calligraphy she breathes life into characters, charging them with images, emotions as well as information. Sisyu also actively promotes the use of Japanese traditional calligraphy globally as a universal way of “expressing Human will”.

Formed in 2001: Representative: INOKO Toshiyuki.
teamLab is an “Ultra Technologist Group” made of specialists such as programmers, engineers, mathematicians, architects, designers, CG animators, artists and more. With “reinventing Japan” as their corporate motto, teamLab restlessly promotes Japan’s cutting edge technology and promotes it from Japan to the world.