

precarious situation


source: mapolizzi

Marc-Anthony Polizzi was born in 1983 in the post-industrial city of Utica, NY. He attended PRATT at Munson Williams Proctor Institute of Art, The New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, and received his Masters in Fine Art from Tulane University in New Orleans. His education was punctuated by time spent as a traveling carnie, factory brazier, video store clerk, set designer, among other jobs. These diverse and happily demeaning experiences would later help shape his work. Also heavily influential was his time spent living in post-Katrina New Orleans and growing up in the failing rust belt city of Utica, NY.

Polizzi’s work has been shown in cities across the United States, including Chicago, New York City, New Orleans, and Kansas City. He has also appeared in numerous publications from New Glass Review (Corning Museum of Glass) to Staging Spaces, Scenic Interiors (Gestalten Publishing). His current body of work further developed while in residency at Sculpture Space, a time which allowed him to establish new techniques and experiment with paint, texture, and form.

Currently Marc-Anthony Polizzi Lives and works out of Utica NY, where he enjoys hiking, canoeing, and long walks on the beach.
source: pliedesign

A arte contemporânea é talvez o melhor exemplo de pós-modernidade que temos, é nela que vemos o quão simbiótico e híbrido é o nosso mundo atual. As possibilidades são infinitas e a troca de informações, idéias, imagens, cores e formas se constitui da melhor maneira, a arte. E é nesse trabalho do artista americano Marc-Anthony Polizzi que ele “vomita” toda sua referência mundana. Suas esculturas cheias de cores vibrantes e suspensas do chão nos permitem imaginar a nossa sociedade de consumo, a cultura pop, o poder das imagens e uma infinidade de outras informações que o mundo nos bombardeia a todo momento e que aqui é regurgitado em pura fantasia!