michael jantzen
예술가 마이클 얀첸
The Shadow House
source: designboom
‘the shadow house, friday march 13th 8:35AM 2014′ is one in a series of conceptual public art projects by michael jantzen. the idea is based on the observation that when a shadow is cast by the sun, there is an entire three-dimensional volume that makes up the form, not just a two-dimensional shape projected from the originating object. in addition, the figure continually changes as the sun moves around the massing from minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day, and month to month. in this project, jantzen uses this phenomenon to create an unexpected space expansion of the original conventional symbolic house form.
at the beginning of the process, a small representation of the home was first built and placed in the sunlight on a platform. ‘the specific date and time was noted as I traced the outline of the shadow cast onto the horizontal surface by the model. I then expanded the shape of the original model to include the full shape of the shadow volume. this was done by drawing straight lines from the edges of the models sunlit surfaces to the edges of the shadow plain projected onto the horizontal surface. the smaller shadow spaces projected from the windows, door, and steps, were also added,’ says jantzen. ‘the shadow space extensions were then painted black to contrast with the original structure.’
the miniature version of the expanded dwelling will be used to direct the construction of a full scale adaptation for an exterior installation in a park. after the structure is built, every year from then on, as long as it exists and as long as the sun is shining, on friday march 13th at 8:35 am, the shadow of the original house will be absorbed by the formal extension.
source: michaeljantzen
My work is very well known around the world. It has been featured in thousands of articles in books, magazines, newspapers, and on the Web. My work has been shown in many galleries, and on various TV documentaries. It has also been exhibited at the National Building Museum, the Canadian Center for Architecture, the Harvard School of Design and Architecture, and at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
source: archiru
Родился в 1948 году. Закончил Университет Южного Иллинойса (1971) и Университет Вашингтона в Сент-Луисе (1973).
Его работы представляют собой смесь актуального искусства, архитектуры и дизайна. Еще студентом он построил несколько экспериментальных домов небольшого размера.
В 2001 он основал Исследовательский институт человеческого жилища [Human Shelter Research Institute].
Одним из последних его проектов стал “М-Хаус” – дом, который можно взять с собой за город на выходные и собрать самостоятельно на любом понравившемся месте.