


source: toppli

Surreales y distorsionadas son las imágenes que componen la serie “Upside Down (Faces)” del fotógrafo Davide Tremolada. El fotógrafo se encargó de retratar los rostros y las nucas de diversas personas para después, por medio de la manipulación digital, unirlas en una sola fotografía. El resultado es bastante peculiar ya que parece como si la gran mayoría de las personas tuvieran enorme barbas.
source: behancenet


This project is part of a broader artistic research based on the concept of Identity, both in its psycological and phisical sight (the face, the body, what rapresents its outward appearance).In this work I wanted to bring together two sides that characterize Photography and Art: one isits value as a document and the other is the creative possibilities that it offers.

These portraits are made with an aesthetic that recalls the didactic photography used in the firstscientific-police departments and hospitals, which we have now in our ID-cards. Together with thisway of photographing a subject, which aims to bring along the most informantion possible, there isa creative side, made through a digital process.

The faces are joined with their own nape (in differentways according to the single person) and are both visible at the same time, a sight that is impossibleto have in real life. This act of “merging” creates a surrealistic effect, where the people watchingthe photos tend to move the eyes from one side to the other, without finding a fixed place, a sightthat can give a whole vision of the face. Here document and fantasy are brought together, playingwith the thin limit that characterizes photography. We are here between reality and a the way the artistcan use and modify it with its own will.

Davide Tremolada, 2012.
source: petapixel

Upside Down (Faces) is a bizarre portrait project by Milano, Italy-based photographer Davide Tremolada. The photos show the front and back sides of individuals digitally blended into a single head, with the backside of the head serving as a giant beard. The resulting look is quite surreal, especially if the subject already had a beard to begin with.

Tremolada writes,

The faces are joined with their own nape (in differentways according to the single person) and are both visible at the same time, a sight that is impossible to have in real life. This act of “merging” creates a surrealistic effect, where the people watching the photos tend to move the eyes from one side to the other, without finding a fixed place, a sight that can give a whole vision of the face. Here document and fantasy are brought together, playing with the thin limit that characterizes photography. We are here between reality and a the way the artist can use and modify it with its own will.
source: criatives

O fotógrafo italiano Davide Tremolada criou uma série um tanto inusitada. Nesse projeto chamdo de Upside Down (faces), Tremolada mostra o rosto e a parte de trás das cabeças juntas. Ambas foram unidas digitalmente sem alterar o formato original. Confira.
source: photohistorytistory

우리의 얼굴은 우리를 증명하는 가장 강력한 수단입니다. 우리의 정체성을 가장 잘 드러내고 있는 얼굴. 그런데 이런 얼굴을 고치고 수정하는 사람들이 많습니다. 전 성형을 그래서 좋아하지 않아요. 자신의 정체성을 바꾸기 때문이죠.

우리는 우리의 초상사진을 가끔 찍습니다. 나를 증명하기 위해서 많이 찍죠. 그런데 그 초상화 사진에 우리의 뒷모습까지 한 장의 사진에 담은 사진작가가 있습니다. 이탈리아 사진작가 Davide Tremolada는 한 장의 사진에 그 사람의 앞과 뒤의 모습을 하나로 담았습니다.

턱수염 같이 생겼네요. 그래서 재미있습니다. 괴상하고 요상한 초상화. 여자도 턱수염이 난 듯한 모습. 참 독특한 초상화이자 아이디어네요. 뒤태도 우리의 얼굴임을 담고 있는데요. 뒷모습은 거짓말을 하지 않는다라는 말이 떠오르네요.
source: lomographytw


義大利籍攝影師 Davide Tremolada,突發奇想地把人肖像的正向與反向同時在同一個空間中呈現,讓人面孔背面的後腦勺部分,以無接縫的感覺連接在人正面的下巴下,呈現出上下倒轉,超現實又帶點詭異的創意攝影!
source: tuxboard

Davide Tremolada est photographe milanais.Il a sorti une série d’images avec 2 prises de vues à chaque fois. Une photo de la partie face et une de la partie dos.