Cristina Coral
source: lofficielcn
平凡空间的颠覆视角:摄影师Cristina Coral以日常中的突兀肢体,质疑人们的习惯性认知
仔细凝视摄影师Cristina Coral的摄影作品,你可能也能感觉到自己仿佛置身那个平凡又奇幻的空间,以视线与诡谲深邃的氛围共存。
透过许多迥异的安排,Cristina Coral的摄影作品像是不断对于我们视为理所当然的一切都提出质问。
source: yatzer
Viewing the work of photographers is truly a unique experience as it allows the observer the opportunity to truly “see” through another person’s eyes. That being said, it comes as no surprise that Italian photographer, Cristina Coral’s photographic series Alternative Perspective brings to heart a truly different view of what could be familiar but often overlooked subjects and locations, therefore both proving its title and living up to its promise.
At first, Cristina hadn’t orchestrated the results for the series. In fact, Alternative Perspective came about almost by chance. “During an editing session I rotated some photos [I had taken],” Cristina says. “I thought that altering the use of perspective creates a whole different perception. The title came spontaneously, and I immediately thought that it was perfect!” she shares when asked about how the series came about.
source: cristinacoralit
About work:
Alternative perspective: altering the use of perspective creates a whole different perception.
About artist:
Educated in Italy where she lives and works as a photographer.
Her approach to photography and its development was almost entirely self-taught.
She has lived her childhood in an artistic environment.
Her father was a composer, music and art have always been a very important part of her life. She has chosen the camera as my main artistic expression since 2012.
Photographing has become an imperative language.