
Milena Naef

Fleeting Parts

Milena Naef Fleeting Parts

source: milenanaef
Milena Naef questions ‘existing’ structures that are inherent to herself.

The work tries to create the right manifestation of the assumed duality between body and mind.
She translates characteristics of a subjective experience into material, transforming the mental into physical to find a new relation between the two.
Once tangible, the interaction with the concrete material allows for a space to ‘open’ in which a given context can be changed.
The body itself with its physical presence and its absence becomes a vital aspect of the work.

When do structures inhibit or liberate us and our physical form?
What is the consequence of the fact that our bodies are always ‘filling space’?
source: msohu
大理石对艺术家 Milena Naef 来说是非常重要的设计元素,她出生于雕塑世家,擅长对雕塑材料的运用与把控。此次在全新的作品中,她将自己的身体镶嵌在大理石中,同时借助一些元素使整个作品更具表现力。这种极具创造性的表现形式,动与静的结合,使作品传达出一种特殊的意味。观察者在这奇妙的组合之中感受到一丝坚硬背后的柔美,这种感觉上的冲击让人震撼,又使人平静。这似乎是设计师的一种诉说,诉说着她们家族世代与雕塑的历史,诉说着她与大理石的不解之缘。