
Sam Twidale & Marija Avramovic

(AI) infinite simulations
‘Sunshowers’ is the third in our series of real-time animation artworks. It is inspired by the opening chapter of Akira Kurosawa’s film Dreams which follows a young boy as he explores a forest and stumbles across a fox wedding (Kitsune no Yomeiri). Our piece explores ideas of animism and techno-animism by assigning life in the form of artificial intelligence to all of the objects, both natural and man-made, within the virtual world. The piece unfolds in real time with the characters themselves deciding which paths they will follow.


the shy picture
Narinda Reeders and David MacLeod
Here is a calm and intimate film in black and white, but which refuses to divulge the plot. The characters in the story are revealed to be in a painting. Although the subject is very classic since the portrayal of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. Everything happens this time as if the problematic of creation ultimately had its own existence. This is often the case for the artist when faced with his production. Where in front of the finished work. Narinda Reeders and David MacLeod’s bring this little photo hanging on the gallery wall to life. It’s calm, discreet and mysterious. It is a duality that nevertheless works in both directions, that of the work vis-à-vis the artist, that of the art lover in front of a work. In both cases there is a personal touch that brings you to life. But the real does not come out unscathed.

Abel Gance


Kevin Brownlow’ restoration

Gance embarked on his greatest project, a six-part life of Napoléon. Only the first part was completed, tracing Bonaparte’s early life, through the Revolution, and up to the invasion of Italy, but even this occupied a vast canvas with meticulously recreated historical scenes and scores of characters. The film was full of experimental techniques, combining rapid cutting, hand-held cameras, superimposition of images, and, in wide-screen sequences, shot using a system he called Polyvision needing triple cameras (and projectors), achieved a spectacular panoramic effect, including a finale in which the outer two film panels were tinted blue and red, creating a widescreen image of a French flag. The original version of the film ran for around 6 hours. A shortened version received a triumphant première at the Paris Opéra in April 1927 before a distinguished audience that included the future General de Gaulle. The length was reduced still further for French and European distribution, and it became even shorter when it was shown in America. Napoleon is a silent film directed by Abel Gance, dramatising the youth and early career of Napoleon Bonaparte. Its most complete screening, said to be nine hours long, took place in Paris in 1927 – but this version was subsequently lost. British film-maker Kevin Brownlow saw a version as a schoolboy and subsequently restored the film to close to its original length from various prints. His restoration was first shown in London in 1980 with a score by Carl Davis.


In 1979, projects began to include work with most major studios, on such feature films as Star Trek: The Motion Picture, followed by, Bladerunner, TRON, 2010, Short Circuit, Aliens, Time Cop, Johnny Mnemonic, Mission Impossible-3, and most recently Elysium starring Jodi Foster and Matt Damon, Directed by Neill Blomkamp. Beginning in 1983, Syd began to develop close working relationships with a number of major Japanese corporate clients, including; Sony, Minolta, Dentsu, Dyflex, Tiger, Seibu, Mitsukoshi, Bandai, NHK and Honda as well as contributing to two Japanese film projects, The New Yamato and Crises 2050. In the 1990s’, Syd supplied designs for two Japanese toy icons, “The New Yamato” and all eight robot characters in the new Turn-A Gundam mobile suite series which were also seen as characters in Television shows.

Sam Twidale & Marija Avramovic

After Party

(AI) infinite simulations

‘After Party’ is an animation about two young girls, Ada and Milica. They find themselves in a strange space where an adult party is happening. With every new simulation their personalities evolve in unpredictable ways: between Childhood and Adolescence, Refined and Savage. Our digital work consists of creating artificial environments in the form of real-time animation using our own custom software, where artificial intelligence characters interact with each other as well as with the virtual world that surrounds them. These pieces are usually inspired by stories or myths found in different cultures.



“Hypergradient” analyzes the different interpretations of an impartial consistent statement. The installation repeatedly changes between two states: the “statement” state and the “interpretation” state. The statement state displays a sequence of characters of a distinct semiotic system, which can be described as a deputy for all known semiotic systems. These single characters are grouped to strings and then form string orders into an abstract proposition.

Kate Cooper

In ‘We Need Sanctuary’ (2016) and ‘Symptom Machine’ (2017), Cooper offers the body up as a contested space for communication and representation. Using computer-generated imagery, situations and characters are brought together to think through politics of exploitative labour, and the somatic experience of image production and distribution. Both works present, scenes of a Computer-generated bodies; both female and non-human who loom at the very edges of the screen. Their hands touch; they move backwards on a conveyor belt; and blood drips from the girl’s mouth while the non-human sweeps the floor behind her.


יוז’י ימאמוטו

彼は自分の哲学と前衛的な精神を服で表現し、現在のトレンドからかけ離れたデザインを頻繁に作成しています。基本的に、彼は特大のシルエットが特徴のラインを作ります。通常、光沢のあるテクスチャのドレープ(ゆるいギャザーとボロボロ)が特徴で、フィギュアの輪郭や動きに応じて自然に変化します。多くの場合、単一の色(特に黒)と単一の色合いが使用されます。山本洋二は服を通して自分を表現しようとしていると言えます。その想いや精神に共感するお客さまを魅了し、熱烈なファンに。川久保玲のコムデギャロンや三宅一生の三宅一生などと並んで、1980年代に国内外で高い評価を得たカリスマ的なデザイナーブランドが「DCブランドブーム」を形成した。 (DCはDesigners&Charactersの略です。現在はDesigners’Brandsと呼ばれています。)彼は現在、Brother、Dolls、Zatoichiなどの北野武の衣装デザイナーを務めています。彼はまた、Soulmates Never Die(Live in Paris 2003)ツアーショーの最中に、アディダスラインでプラセボのプロバイダーとして認められています。