

Дэвид Линч
ديفيد لينش
데이비드 린치
Dune: The Alternative Edition Redux (Alternate Ending)
En l’année 10191, l’empereur qui règne sur l’univers, connu sous le nom de Shaddam IV, établit une alliance avec les Harkonnen de la planète Geidi Prime pour éliminer de la galaxie la dynastie des Atréides, et plus particulièrement leur chef, le duc Leto, de la planète Caladan. Pour réussir ce projet funeste, l’empereur envoie les Atréides sur la planète Arrakis, appelée également “Dune”, où ils sont attendus par les terribles Harkonnens. Deux survivants échapperont au massacre : Paul Muad’Dib, l’héritier du trône Atréides et sa mère Lady Jessica. Après avoir été attaqués par les vers géants et sauvés des griffes du baron volant Vladimir, ils sont secourus par les mystérieux Fremen. Ces habitants de Dune consomment l’Epice qui assure pouvoir et longévité. Ils vivent dans l’attente de la venue du messie qui doit leur rendre leur liberté, et ils voient en Paul l’homme attendu de la prophétie…

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拉斐尔·洛萨诺 – 亨默
라파엘 로자노
רפאל לוזאנו, המר
Open Air
Depending on atmospheric conditions, Open Air could be seen up to 10 miles away from the Parkway each evening from 8 to 11 p.m. The Project Information Center at Eakins Oval was equipped with app download, free mobile loan stations and seating areas for watching the lights and listening to the messages. There was also be an Information Outpost located at Sister Cities Park (18th Street and Logan Square).The Open Air voice archive also features selected “Voices of Philly,” recorded messages from distinct individuals both past and present who have inspired and influenced the flavor of Philadelphia. “Voices of Philly” messages are accessible on this website and were played at various times throughout the project. Content for “Voices of Philly” was collected by project partner WHYY executive producer Elisabeth Perez-Luna and includes David Lynch, Sonia Sanchez, Sun Ra, Louis Kahn, M. Night Shyamalan, Tina Fey, ?uestlove, Marcel Duchamp, Buckminster Fuller, Jimmy Heath, Santigold, Maurice Sendak, Patti LaBelle and many more.


File Festival
Enter the world of Journey, the third game from acclaimed developers thatgamecompany and presented by SCEA Santa Monica Studio. Journey is an interactive parable, an anonymous online adventure to experience a person’s life passage and their intersections with other’s. You wake alone and surrounded by miles of burning, sprawling desert, and soon discover the looming mountaintop which is your goal. Faced with rolling sand dunes, age-old ruins, caves and howling winds, your passage will not be an easy one. The goal is to get to the mountaintop, but the experience is discovering who you are, what this place is, and what is your purpose.


When French producers asked Jodorowsky to adapt Dune, he was at the peak of his prestige.
…Jodorowsky’s Dune shows, the director managed to assemble a jaw-dropping group of talent for the film. This version of Dune was set to star David Carradine, Orson Welles, Salvador Dali and Mick Jagger. It was going to have Pink Floyd do the soundtrack. And it was going to have the then unknown artist H. R. Giger along with French comic BOOK artist Jean Giraud, otherwise known as Moebius, design the sets. Sadly, Jodorowsky’s grand vision proved to be too grand for the film’s financiers and they pulled the plug. The movie clearly belongs in the pantheon – along with Stanley Kubrick’s Napoleon and Welles’s Heart of Darkness – of the greatest movies never made. Compared to those other films, though, Jodorowsky’s movie sounds way groovier.