
Simon Christoph Krenn

Parasitic endeavours
El problema de manipular el cuerpo humano está en el asco. Si coges cabezas y torsos y los unes en una amalgama gelatinosa, obtienes un vídeo de Simon Christoph Krenn. Crea bodegones horripilantes, partes de cuerpos que se funden unas con otras, monstruos complejos a los que aplica nuevas fuerzas de la gravedad hasta que rebotan y toman el carácter de la viscosidad, parecen hechos de goma.


Кристиан Болтански


R.I.P 1944-2021

Preoccupied with collective memory, mortality, and the passage of time, Christian Boltanski creates paintings, sculptures, films, and mixed-media installations that approach these themes in a range of styles, symbolic to direct. Boltanski often makes metaphorical use of found objects, as in No Man’s Land (2010), an enormous pile of discarded jackets set to the soundtrack of thousands of human heartbeats, suggesting the anonymity, randomness, and inevitability of death. In Monuments (1985), electrical bulbs cast a seemingly bittersweet light on pictures of child holocaust victims. Describing his interest in personal histories, Boltanski has said, “What drives me as an artist is that I think everyone is unique, yet everyone disappears so quickly. […] We hate to see the dead, yet we love them, we appreciate them.”


Parasitic endeavours
Simon Christoph Krenn’s 3D animation, Parasitic Endeavours, initially started out as the creative wanting to explore distorted perspectives on human evolution. “I think my main inspiration came from nature and its creative forces themselves. I used to study zoology at university and was especially fascinated by evolutionary biology and the development of animal morphologies. I realized the video’s strange and somehow creepy potential and decided to push the animation even more into this direction.”

Christopher Meerdo

These videos are networked across multiple screens that have ben sculpturally shaped into a tall arch, asserting its physical presence like boding force. Embedded within one of the video sections is a poem the artist wrote about the ties the police have to slave catchers who then became police officers after abolition. The video also separately speaks to the artist’s own personal loss, affecting the video with an additional elegiac quality of the search for a missing friend.

Christoph De Boeck


The intimate topography of the brain is laid out across a grid of 80 steel ceiling tiles as a spatialized form of tapping. The visitor can experience the dynamics of his cognitive self by fitting a wireless EEG interface on his head, that allows him to walk under the acoustic representation of his own brain waves.The accumulating resonances of impacted steel sheets generates penetrating overtones. The spatial distribution of impact and the overlapping of reverberations create a very physical soundspace to house an intangible stream of consciousness.‘Staalhemel’ (‘steel sky’, 2009) articulates the contradictory relationship we entertain with our own nervous system. Neurological feedback makes that the cognitive focus is repeatedly interrupted by the representation of this focus. Concentrated thinking attempts to portray itself in a space that is reshaped by thinking itself nearly every split second.

Christine Ödlund

The Admiral’s Garden
Christine Ödlund’s work explores the borders of our knowledge of the world around us, connecting such themes as the chemical communication of plants, synaesthesia and theosophy. She works in a variety of media, including drawing, sculpture, video, watercolour and sound works.
Stress Call of the Stinging Nettle: When a plant reacts to a butterfly larvae feeding on its leaves, it releases chemical substances, or compounds. The characteristics of these compounds have been analyzed in collaboration with the Ecological Chemistry Research Group at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, and then transposed into amplitude and intensity of sinus tones, recorded at EMS (Electroacoustic Music in Sweden), Stockholm. Thus these beautiful graphic score and soundtrack by Swedish artist Christine Ödlund are direct transpositions of “the plant’s life, struggle and death”.

Sharon Eyal

Soul chain
“La pièce qui semble inspirée d’un numéro de music-hall ou de cabaret qu’elle pervertit aussitôt ne cherche pas l’élégance, ne tire pas vers la séduction aguicheuse et facile. Le geste est moins poli. Il déjoue les attentes et se moque des apparences. Le groupe transpire en permanence d’un irrépressible désir de résistance et de transgression, d’autant d’états, de sentiments intérieurs que Sharon Eyel et ses danseurs cherchent à extraire, à faire s’extirper et se libérer des corps qui exultent dans l’urgence.” Christophe Candoni
Salt Womb
“Laut Programm bewegt sich die Ballett-Compagnie in „Salt Womb“ als Ganzes wie eine Maschine. Und wirklich: im 1. Bild dieses Stückes mit dem enigmatischen Titel stehen die Tänzer und Tänzerinnen des Basler Balletts in einem großen Halbkreis, der zu Ende gedacht wie ein Zylinder wirkt, in dessen Mitte sich ein riesiger Kolben auf und ab bewegt. Die Körper der Tänzer:innen, die sich breitbeinig stehend immer wieder auf und ab bewegen, wirken wie gefangen in einem nicht enden wollenden Kraftakt: die minutenlange, fast stoische Wiederholung einer einzigen Bewegung zu hämmernden Technobeats hat tatsächlich etwas Inhumanes… Nach und nach formieren sie sich zu einer pulsierenden Gruppe in Dauerbewegung, zu einem unheimlich wirkenden Superorganismus, aus dem sich einzelne Tänzer:innen in kurzen Solopassagen herauslösen, aber immer wieder vom Sog des Gruppenpulses aufgesogen werden.” Renate Killmann

Lebbeus Woods

The Light Pavilion
The Light Pavilion by Lebbeus Woods in collaboration with Christoph a. Kumpusch, in the Raffles City complex in Chengdu, China, by Steven Holl Architects.
The Light Pavilion is designed to be an experimental space, one that gives us the opportunity to experience a type of space we haven’t experienced before. Whether it will be a pleasant or unpleasant experience; exciting or dull; uplifting or frightening; inspiring or depressing; worthwhile or a waste of time, it is not determined by the fulfillment of our familiar expectations, never having encountered such a space before. We shall simply have to go into the space and pass through it. That is the most crucial aspect of its experimental nature, and we – its transient inhabitants – are experimentalists.Lebbeus Woods and Christoph a. Kumpusch

Andrea Ling

The Wild Swans

The project is the creation of a series of kinetic garments that tell the story of “The Wild Swans” by Hans Christian Anderson. In the fairy tale, 11 princes have been turned into swans from a transformative spell cast by their wicked stepmother. Their sister, the princess, rescues the princes by collecting stinging nettles and knitting them, under a vow of silence and in great pain, into magical shirts so that her brothers can return to their human shape. She is very nearly done knitting them all when she runs out of time; she throws the sweaters onto her brothers to transform them, but the last one is incomplete, leaving her youngest brother forever with a swan’s wing instead of an arm.

Daft Punk


Émilie Brout & Maxime Marion

Lightning Ride
“With Lightning Ride, it is now poles of technology, organics and mysticism that collide with  electricity as a connecting point. The video is produced from excerpts of “Taser Certifications”, a sort of ceremony authorizing in the United States the use of Tasers in the condition of being tased by someone else. Filtered with the Photoshop’s “oil painting effect”, slowed down and accompanied by a disturbing soundtrack, the succeeding images show us bodies and faces whose deformations and positions evoke a feeling of pain as well as a Christian ecstacy. Everything unfolds as if the miracle of electricity, symbol of the rationalization of the world, revived paradoxically an aspiration to transcendence, antipodes joining each other and disappearing in profit of a new map of possibilities.” (Sarah Ihler-Meyer)


インストールは単にFIELDと呼ばれます。 5年前、FIELDクリエーターのリチャードボックスはブリストル大学の物理学部に住むアーティストでした。同僚が裏庭の電力線の下で蛍光灯を使ってライトセーバーゲームをプレイしていると説明した後、彼は蛍灯を植えるアイデアを思いつきました。 。そこで彼は地元の農家に賄賂を渡して、この特別なシーンをセットアップさせ、ライトセーバーのゲームを1000回再現しました。

Tobias Stretch

In seinem fünfminütigen Stop-Motion-Animationsvideo Unity erzählt Tobias Stretch eine zeitlose Geschichte von Liebe, Tod und Auferstehung in eindringlichen Bildern. Das Stück wurde vom Avantgarde-Komponisten Christopher Bono vertont und besteht aus mehr als 10.000 Fotografien. Es enthält 10 Fuß hohe baumähnliche Puppen mit beweglichen Gliedmaßen und seelenvollen menschlichen Augen. “Die zutiefst expressionistische Opernarbeit beruht weniger auf linearen Strukturen als auf evokativen mythologischen Vorstellungen von Zeit und Veränderung”, bemerkt Feature Shoot.

Pet Shop Boys & Javier De Frutos

The Most Incredible Thing
El dúo británico Pet Shop Boys y el coreógrafo español Javier de Frutos logran convecer con su reciente producción, basada en un cuento de Hans Christian Andersen titulado “Lo más increíble”, y que se estrenó recién en el Sadler’s Wells londinense. Javier de Frutos y su equipo, la diseñadora Katrina Lindsay y el cineasta Tal Rosner, eligieron una estética soviética de los años veinte para la puesta en escena de esa fábula, que cuenta la historia de un rey que ofrece la mano de su hija y la mitad del reino al súbdito que invente la cosa más extraordinaria que pueda imaginarse.

Laura Scozzi

Jean-Philippe Rameau
Les Indes Galantes

The first merit of this new production, streaming with intelligence, is that Laura Scozzi and Christophe Rousset have read Fuzelier’s verses deeply. And of Rameau, we must add, so much the composer, perpetually dissatisfied with his poets, harassed them word for word, when he did not take up the pen himself. In addition to lines which, like his contemporary Marivaux, seem to have been invented instantly, Fuzelier has built a dialectical finesse between peace and war, joy and hatred, pleasure and violence, the state of Nature and the state of society. The Gallant Indies according to Laura Scozzi are not a gigantic burst of joy. On the contrary, they reveal a perpetual and restless balance between shadow and light and are a look, less consensual but true and human, on the Age of Enlightenment. Here is a startling ideological reversal, without any forcing: Laura Scozzi has simply revealed the implicit nature of a libretto, so far read superficially.

Marshmallow Laser Feast


Inspired by Homer’s Odyssey
Loosely based on Homer’s The Odyssey, Marshmallow Laser Feast’s light installation lit the primary performance space within the chapel’s hazy internal dome. Grid-like projections crossed with mobile structures (designed by the architectural practice Studio Weave) as agile bodies crept over, in and through the many lit towers and surfaces. This first act was seen by the audience from the left and right balconies above. The second act, down flights of rope-lined staircases in the concrete basement, was more disorienting, lit only with triangular neon tubing and an eerie glow that seeped from an open door. The style of dance, in keeping with the more rapid and percussive score, by Canadian composer Christopher Mayo and electronic music composer / performer Anna Meredith, confronted the audience and was staged without boundaries dividing the dancers (some of whom were in street clothes) and viewers.

Daniel Arsham

다니엘 아샴
Connecting Time
‘Connecting Time’ is a survey show with works spanning Arsham’s entire career. Included are four at first glance ‘conventional’ architectural interventions that subtly manipulate the physical environment to create surrealistic settings. Fitness gear and objects rooted in pop culture are presented in eroded form as though excavated from some archaeological site, while swaddled animalistic figures recall the work of Christo or Man Ray, but with a playful, childlike twist.

Franck Scurti

More is less
Franck Scurti réinterprète un tableau de Paul Gauguin , le Christ Jaune (1889), sous la forme d’une installation qui ressemble à une chapelle.
« More is Less », dont le titre prend le contrepied de la thèse de l’architecte moderniste et minimaliste Mies van der Rohe —Less is more—, revendique le glissement de sens, des valeurs. L’artiste n’en fait pas une œuvre à charge, mais une critique de notre société.

D.W. Griffith

Intolerance: Love’s Struggle Throughout the Ages
Regarded as one of the most influential films of the silent era (though it received mixed reviews at the time), the three-and-a-half-hour epic intercuts four parallel storylines, each separated by several centuries: (1) a contemporary melodrama of crime and redemption, (2) a Judean story: Christ‘s mission and death, (3) a French story: the events surrounding the St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre of 1572, and (4) a Babylonian story: the fall of the Babylonian Empire to Persia in 539 BC. Each story had its own distinctive color tint in the original print, but not in the currently available versions.
cinema full


Empyrean: In ancient cosmologies, the Empyrean Heaven, or simply the Empyrean, was the place in the highest heaven, which was supposed to be occupied by the element of fire (or aether in Aristotle’s natural philosophy). The word derives from the Medieval Latin empyreus, an adaptation of the Ancient Greek empyros (ἔμπυρος), meaning “in or on the fire (pyr)”

Empyreum  (The Divine Comedy, Gustave Doré )

The Empyrean was thus used as a name for the firmament, and in Christian literature for the dwelling-place of God, the blessed, celestial beings so divine they are made of pure light, and the source of light and creation. Notably, at the very end of Dante’s Paradiso, Dante visits God in the Empyrean.


Джон Мак-Кракен
Star, Infinite, Dimension, and Electron

“The geometric forms McCracken employed were typically built from straight lines: cubes, rectangular slabs and rods, stepped or quadrilateral pyramids, post-and-lintel structures and, most memorably, tall planks that lean against the wall. Usually, the form is painted in sprayed lacquer, which does not reveal the artist’s hand. An industrial look is belied by sensuous color.His palette included bubble-gum pink, lemon yellow, deep sapphire and ebony, usually applied as a monochrome. Sometimes an application of multiple colors marbleizes or runs down the sculpture’s surface, like a molten lava flow. He also made objects of softly stained wood or, in recent years, highly polished bronze and reflective stainless steel.Embracing formal impurity at a time when purity was highly prized, the works embody perceptual and philosophical conundrums. The colored planks stand on the floor like sculptures; rely on the wall for support like paintings; and, bridging both floor and wall, define architectural space. Their shape is resolutely linear, but the point at which the line assumes the dimensional properties of a shape is indefinable.” Christopher Knight