

荷兰设计师 Daan Roosegaarde 和他的专家团队创造了世界上最大的烟雾吸尘器。无雾塔采用专利离子技术,在公共空间产生无雾气泡,让人们免费呼吸,体验洁净空气。

daan roosegaarde


Dubbed “the northern light of the Netherlands” by Studio Roosegaarde, the Waterlicht installation is designed to create the impression of a “virtual flood”.The waving lines of light spread across 1.6 hectares bear a resemblance to the northern lights – the natural phenomenon created when charged particles enter the Earth’s atmosphere – when viewed from underneath.

Daan Roosegaarde

WINDVOGEL are energy generating kites which create up to 100 kW and can supply about 200 households with green energy. Floating in the air, the smart kites move around and are connected with a cable to a ground station. This push and pull of the cable transforms into electricity, like the dynamo of a bicycle.

Daan Roosegaarde

WINDLICHT is a artwork by Roosegaarde which shows the beauty of green energy by connecting windmill blades with lines of light. Special software and tracking technology detect the windmill blades rotating at 280 kilometres per hour. Visitors can tune into radio canal WINDLICHT FM 105.3 FM to hear the stories behind the artwork. WINDLICHT creates the missing link between the Dutch and the beauty of our new landscape.

Daan Roosegaarde

SPACE WASTE LAB PERFORMANCE is a unique large-scale outdoor artwork of LEDs and real-time tracking information to visualise space waste above your head on an altitude of 200 to 20.000 kilometers. A real piece of space waste is part of the outside exhibition. Special designed software and camera technology developed in the last year enables the SPACE WASTE LAB PERFORMANCE to be exhibited international, in compliance with strict safety and aviation regulations.

daan roosegaarde

Smog free tower
Dutch designer Daan Roosegaarde and his team of experts have created the world’s largest smog vacuum cleaner. The Smog Free Tower uses patented ion technology to produce smog-free bubbles of public space, allowing people to breathe and experience clean air for free.

Daan Roosegaarde

Intimacy Dress

INTIMACY is a high-tech fashion project exploring the relation between intimacy and technology. Its high-tech garments entitled ‘Intimacy White’ and ‘Intimacy Black’ are made out of opaque smart e-foils that become increasingly transparent based on close and personal encounters with people. Social interactions determine the garmentsʼ level of transparency, creating a sensual play of disclosure.

Studio Roosegaarde

Organic fireworks SPARK illuminates the city as a new sustainable celebration. Artist Daan Roosegaarde became inspired by the magical light of fireflies, and the desire to update the ritual of fireworks. The result is SPARK, a poetic performance of thousands of biodegradable light sparks which organically float through the air. SPARK inspires visitors to wonder and reflect.


Urban Sun
URBAN SUN des Designers Daan Roosegaarde und seines Teams ist die weltweit erste künstliche Sonne, die öffentliche Räume mit einem sicheren UVC-Licht von 222 Nanometern vor dem Coronavirus desinfiziert. Nach dem erfolgreichen Start in Rotterdam geht URBAN SUN auf Welttournee zum Aarhus Festival in Dänemark, dem Museum of Design Atlanta in den USA, dem niederländischen Pavillon auf der World Expo 2020 Dubai in den VAE und anderen Orten. URBAN SUN ist eine innovative Designinstallation, die bessere und sicherere Räume schafft, um freier zu atmen.

Studio Roosegaarde

Daan Roosegaarde’s latest artwork GROW is an homage to the beauty of agriculture. In the world film premiere GROW appears as a luminous dreamscape of red and blue waves of light over an enormous field. GROW is inspired by scientific light recipes which improve plants’ growth and resilience. Most of the time we hardly notice the huge areas of the Earth which are literally feeding us. GROW highlights the importance of innovation in the agriculture system: How can cutting-edge light design help plants to grow more sustainably? How can we make the farmer the hero?


GROW, la dernière œuvre de Daan Roosegaarde, est un hommage à la beauté de l’agriculture. Dans la première mondiale du film, GROW apparaît comme un paysage onirique lumineux de vagues de lumière rouges et bleues sur un immense champ. GROW s’inspire de recettes lumineuses scientifiques qui améliorent la croissance et la résilience des plantes. La plupart du temps, nous remarquons à peine les immenses zones de la Terre qui nous nourrissent littéralement. GROW souligne l’importance de l’innovation dans le système agricole : comment une conception d’éclairage de pointe peut-elle aider les plantes à pousser de manière plus durable ? Comment faire du fermier le héros ?

Studio Roosegaarde

Lotus Oculusは、光と熱に反応するスマートフォイルでできています。ミラノサローネでは、光に敏感な壁が見る人と相互作用し、呼吸するように花を広げ、光がそれを通して輝くことを可能にします。この光の遊びで、ロータスオクルスはミラノの歴史的な現代美術館の建築を活性化します。 Studio Roosegaardeによって特別に開発された素材とデザインは、ブルガリの歴史における自然と素材の根本的な使用に触発されています。 Lotus Oculusはまた、パンテオンの素晴らしさに敬意を表し、動きと影の有機的なアーキテクチャを作成することで、その遺産を継承しています。アーティストのDaanRusegaardeは、このダイナミックな対話を「テクノ詩」と呼んでいます


Urban Sun
디자이너 Daan Roosegaarde와 그의 팀이 만든 URBAN SUN은 코로나바이러스로부터 222나노미터의 안전한 UVC 빛으로 공공 장소를 소독하는 세계 최초의 인공 태양입니다. URBAN SUN은 로테르담에서의 성공적인 출발을 끝으로 덴마크 오르후스 페스티벌, 미국 애틀랜타 디자인 박물관, UAE 두바이 2020 세계 엑스포 네덜란드관 등 세계 순회 공연을 펼친다. URBAN SUN은 보다 자유롭게 호흡할 수c 더 좋고 안전한 공간을 만드는 혁신적인 디자인 설치입니다.