
Andy Wen

Shenzhen Genzon Technology Innovation Center


Cette image vivante implique les possibilités infinies dans l’intégration de la technologie, de l’énergie et de l’innovation. La conception propose des ascenseurs-navettes et des terrasses partagées le long du côté centripète de chaque tour pour engendrer un environnement de bureau relaxant à expansion verticale. La zone ouverte s’étend longitudinalement et se rejoint naturellement au fond; accentué par l’éclairage intérieur, des contours d’étamines dorées émergent et les panneaux de verre incurvés se présentent comme des pétales, faisant allusion à la muse florale du projet.


universal everything

super consumers floral

Superconsumers is a response to the luxury consumer products on sale within the department store. Universal Everything created a series of extreme digital-pop-art amplifications of these products, bringing them to life as a diverse, animated parade of characters – from metallic puffer jackets to elaborate jewellery, gastronomical creations to bold floral arrangements.

Sabrina Ratté

Inspired by the writings of Donna J. Haraway, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Greg Egan, the work plunges us into a speculative future, where samples of then extinct plant species are preserved and displayed in a virtual archive room. Through editing and visual strategies, this archive room is sporadically transformed under the effect of interference caused by the memory emanating from the listed plants, revealing traces of a past that continues to haunt the place. Floralia is a simulation of ecosystems born from the fusion of technology and organic matter, where past and future coexist in a perpetual tension of the present.

Richard Quinn

Spring Summer 2019
Quinn’s clothes conjure a couture fantasy, with unabashedly extravagant shapes and lavish embellishments. This season the look veered between thigh-grazing confectionary frocks and a more dramatic voluminous silhouette that tumbled to the ground and swept the floor. The floral cocktail dresses of last season were even frothier this time around, bold in the shoulder and replete with handfuls of bows along the sleeves. If that sexy, legs-for-days line evoked frivolity, then the longer, grander gowns readdressed the balance.

Kengo Kuma

Botanical Pavilion
To realize the ‘Botanical Pavilion’, Kengo Kuma worked alongside Geoff Nees — a melbourne-based artist and curator who has also worked on a number of architectural pavilions. Made in the japanese tradition of wooden architecture, where pieces interlock, held by tension and gravity, the structure at the NGV triennial features a tessellated interior lined with timber collected from trees felled or removed over several years at Melbourne’s royal botanic gardens. Some of the trees used within the architecture pre-date european settlement, while others signal the development of the gardens as a site of scientific research and botanical classification. Prioritizing natural phenomena over scientific order, the botanical species used are color-coded, rather than following any taxonomic order. this approach offers a statement by the designers against the reductive nature of science during the colonial era — a mindset at odds with many indigenous cultural beliefs and knowledge systems.

Projet EVA

The Object of the Internet
L’Objet de l’Internet est une installation jouant le rôle d’un mausolée destiné à la Fin du web, Grâce à des procédés optiques et cinétiques placés dans une boîte fermée où le visiteur insère sa tête, le visage humain est décomposé en une multitudes de fragments. Les visiteurs deviennent les sujets d’une fiction dystopique post-humaine où, sur les réseaux sociaux, ne demeureraient sous la forme d’une résonance que les traces de quelques égo-portraits encore artificiellement animés. Ces derniers, condamnés au statut de solipsismes stériles, s’agiteraient dans le vide sidéral de la fin d’Internet.


File Festival

Randomly selected, acoustically usable finds (electronic junk, relays, plastic toys,compressed air valves, pneumatically operated components) are combined with cables and tubes. Via a device controlled by computer, they are turned into interactive instruments. An improvised ensemble evolves, from which – per mouse-over and mouse-click -short miniature compositions of dense rhythmic clicks, hisses, whirs, hums and crackles can be elicited. A tapestry of sound bursts forth from the floral-like web of cables and tubes. The installation can be used by the projected mouse-cursor: rolling over the improvised instruments causes small sound events. Activating the installation by rolling over its parts enables the user to play spontaneous improvisations. Clicking these objects starts short programs of loop-like compositions. Small “techno-compositions en miniature”, rhythmic patterns of analog (or real) sounds; a physical low-tech simulation of electronic, digital music, perhaps an ironic comment on interactivity.

Richard Quinn

Fall 2018
Even though he was only given a few days’ notice of the royal’s attendance, Quinn lived up to the expectations. He maintained his focused vision, shining the spotlight on his impressive printwork and flair for standout, dramatic silhouettes. An array of abstracted floral prints — all created in-house at the designer’s print studio in Peckham — were mashed up on loose halterneck dresses, delicately pleated chiffon skirts and oversize bomber jackets, to create a visual feast of color and pattern.


Esta hermosa serie de collages, de temática floral y anatómica, han sido diseñados por el artista residente en Moscú conocido como “FFO”. FFO realiza ilustraciones clásicas, vintage, que se mezclan y moldean juntas, orgánicamente.

Anne Ferrer

Anne Ferrer is a sculptor based in Paris, France who makes inflatable, kinetic objects that are either worn on the body or appear free-standing. Since completing her MFA at Yale University in 1988, Ferrer has worked as a painter who places colors in space, playing with versatile and hybrid forms that are inspired by the human, animal, and floral worlds. Air serves as a solution that resolves space and transport issues making each piece seem as if they literally breathe.


Маша Рева
Botanical Layers

For Botanical Layers fashion designer Masha Reva teamed up with Syndicate of Kiev to create a sweater collection in which they mashed up a mix of botanical paraphernalia and printed the floral arrangements. The concept of Botanical Layers is that people who are living a contemporary lifestyle, are fully immersed in gadgets, but are always searching for nature.