
Dmitry & Elena Kawarga

Down with Wrestlers with Systems and Mental Nonadapters!
file festival

“The work of Dmitry Kawarga normally deals a lot with ideas of biomorphism. A term and a small branch in art history that was very much influenced and formed by Hans Arp. Not just remaining in biomorphism, like Arp, Kawarga adds a whole new social and urban dimension to the works that make us think of terms like ”rhizome” developed by the post-structuralists Deleuze and Guattari. For Dada Moscow, Kawarga invented a totally new work, which seems to be quite different from the abstract biomorph works he normally does. It is an interactive installation that brings up a very powerful sense of the machine and technology fascination the society before the WWI had and it also shows the brutal consequence this fascination had. Kawarga creates a machine that brings the ideas of social models totally to the absurd.” Adrian Notz


Ad lib
Die Klangskulptur Ad lib. kombiniert eine medizinische Maschine für die automatische Lungenbeatmung mit einigen Orgelpfeifen, die einen musikalischen Akkord im konstanten Rhythmus des mechanischen Atems spielen, und schafft so ein künstliches Organ, das metaphorisch ein mechanisches Requiem ist, das unaufhörlich klingt. Der Titel des Werkes Ad lib., Eine Abkürzung für den lateinischen Ausdruck “ad libitum“, ist eine musikalische Beschriftung, die dem Interpreten Ermessensspielraum bei der Interpretation gibt und es beispielsweise ermöglicht, bestimmte Takte der Partitur “nach Belieben“ zu wiederholen. Die Skulptur soll sich auf die Situation beziehen, in der Menschen, die unter kritischen Gesundheitszuständen leiden, ihr Überleben an ein Atemgerät gebunden sehen und daher im Ermessen derer, die sich um sie kümmern.

Michele Spanghero

Ad lib
The sound sculpture Ad lib. combines a medical machine for automatic pulmonary ventilation with a few organ pipes that play a musical chord to the constant rhythm of the mechanical breath, creating an artificial organ that is metaphorically a mechanical requiem that sounds incessantly. The title of the work Ad lib., an abbreviation of the Latin expression “ad libitum”, is a musical caption that gives the performer discretion of interpretation, allowing for instance to repeat “at will” certain bars of the score. The sculpture aims to refer to the situation in which people, who suffer from critical health conditions, see their survival tied to a breathing machine and, therefore, to the discretion of those who are taking care of them.

György Ligeti

Lux Aeterna
The text (in Latin) is from the Roman Catholic Requiem Mass: Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine, cum sanctis tuis in aeternum, quia pius es. Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine; et lux perpetua luceat eis, which means “May everlasting light shine upon them, O Lord, with thy saints in eternity, for thou art merciful. Grant them eternal rest, O Lord, and may everlasting light shine upon them.”


Symphony No. 1
Dir : John Fiore
1- Aegri somnnia/A Sick Man’s Dream (4.16)
2- Post tenebras lux/After Darkness Comes the Ligh (4.18)
3- Gargoyles (6.51)
4- Et in Arcadia ego/ I am also in Arcadia (3.16)
5- Siste, viator/Wait, Traveler (1.44)
6- Humum mandere/To Bite the Dust (2.59)
7- Requiem for Icarus (9.03)


Tanzkompanie Heidelberg

Nanine Linning is responsible for die best niederländischen Choreographers. After the successful performance “Synthetic Twin”, the fiery “Requiem” and the apokalyptic “Voice Over” she is once again going big. ‘ZERO’ is an excitement Crossover, In which Dance, Game, Film, Music and costumes – by Iris van Herpen – ensure that you are short of eyes and ears. Was it born there when the world changed drastically? What are people different in the last hours before everything else? To the spherical music of, among others, Julia Wolf, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Arvo Pärt and Philip Glass phantasieren von Linning und Haarspangen von faszinierenden Ideen.


Nanine Linning behoort tot de beste Nederlandse choreografen. Na de succesvolle voorstelling ‘Synthetic Twin’, het zinderende ‘Requiem’ en het apocalyptische ‘Voice Over’ pakt ze opnieuw groots uit. ‘ZERO’ is een opwindende cross-over, waarbij dans, spel, film, muziek en kostuums — van Iris van Herpen — zorgen dat u ogen en oren te kort komt.


إريك ساتي
에릭 사티
אריק סאטי
Эрик Сати

Gnossienne No. 4
An Impression of Gnossienne No.4 with sequences of Darren Aronofsky’s Requiem for a Dream



Dans REQUIEM, la chorégraphe Nanine Linning imagine la tension entre la vie et la mort, le profane et le sacré, le charnel et le spirituel. Les thèmes, qui sont inextricablement liés entre eux et sont en même temps des opposés absolus. Inspirée du «Requiem» de Fauré, de «La Divina Commedia» de Dante et des images absurdes et surréalistes du duo d’artistes «Les Deux Garçons», Linning est à la recherche de son propre paradis sur terre.REQUIEM est une production multidisciplinaire avec 25 danseurs, orchestre en direct , deux chanteurs solistes, une chorale, un artiste sonore et vidéo. Il s’agit d’un triptyque où le public montera d’abord sur scène à travers des installations de danse; les danseurs créent un monde figé et silencieux. Dans la deuxième partie, le «Requiem» de Fauré est interprété tandis que chanteurs et danseurs suivent la chorégraphie de Linnings dans un monde d’immenses images vidéo sur scène. Dans la dernière partie, un artiste sonore brisera le «Requiem» de Fauré. Le monde gelé de la première partie fondra et l’énergie de la vie sera libérée dans une chorégraphie dynamique pour la chorale et les danseurs.

Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca


The robot Requiem is an interactive pneumatic exoskeleton made of aluminium sheets, stainless steel and nineteen pneumatic pistons enabling movement of the knees, thighs, groin, hip, shoulders, elbows, jaw and hands. The robot is suspended by the head from an iron support, hanging a short distance from the floor. As an installation Requiem has eight sensors located around the exhibition space and they can be activated by the spectators.



In REQUIEM choreographer Nanine Linning imagines the tension between life and death, the profane and the sacred, the carnal and the spiritual. Themes, which are inextricably linked together and are at the same time absolute opposites. Inspired by Fauré’s “Requiem”, Dante’s “La Divina Commedia” and the absurd and surreal images of the artist duo “Les Deux Garçons”, Linning is searching for her own paradise on earth.REQUIEM is a multidisciplinary production with 25 dancers, live orchestra, two soloist singers, a choir, a sound artist and video. It is a triptych where the public will first walk on stage through dance installations; the dancers create a frozen, silent world.In the second part Fauré’s “Requiem” is being performed while singers and dancers follow Linnings choreography in a world of immense video images on stage. In the last part a Sound Artist will break apart Fauré’s “Requiem”. The frozen world of part one will melt and the energy of life will be released in a dynamic choreography for the choir and dancers.