
Nicholas Stedman

After Deep Blue

ADB is a modular robot designed for tactile interactions with people. It is composed of a chain of prism-shaped robotic modules. Through the modules’ coordinated behavior, the robot writhes, wriggles and twists in response to the presence of skin and force. The robot is animated only when actively engaged by a person, otherwise it is at rest. Stroking, rubbing or grasping ADB results in it pushing back, retreating or occasionally grasping onto a body part, depending on the combination of stimulus. Participants may experience the object at their leisure. They can play with the device, exploring how it feels, and how it responds to their touch.


Compass is a kind of orientation machine to wear around your waist that gives you directions while you are walking through virtual corridors and rooms. These have been programmed to fit the physical exhibition space or any other venue. The machine creates a feeling of attraction or repulsion that can be compared to be being in a magnetic field. You can explore this environment and discover a tactile architecture. The machine is programmed to make you follow an invisible map, but you can choose between resisting to the machine or giving in and letting yourself be guided.

Kuldeep Malhi


Kuldeeps Wandinstallationen überschreiten die Grenzen zwischen Keramikkunst und Architektur. Die Inspiration stammt aus einer Mischung von Einflüssen von der erotischen Skulptur in alten indischen Tempeln bis zur modernistischen Architektur. Einige Stücke verwenden Softround-Formen oder Tentakel in sich wiederholenden Mustern, die mit experimentellen Glasuren versehen sind, um eine taktile und zutiefst sinnliche Umgebung zu schaffen, in der andere Würfel verwenden, um eine geometrische Schnittstelle zum Raumraum zu schaffen. Alle haben ein Gefühl von Bewegung und Wachstum, aber nicht nur von der Anordnung der einzelnen Komponenten, sondern aus der sanften Farbabstufung. Die Arbeit stellt eine Begegnung östlicher und westlicher Kulturen dar – die erotische Taktilität der orientalischen Kunst kombiniert mit dem mechanisierten Glanz des Westens. Die dynamischen Installationen entsprechen den vertikalen Ebenen in architektonischen Räumen und bilden eine Schnittstelle zwischen den Wänden und dem Innenraum des Raums. Bei der Arbeit geht es auch um Taktilität und Berührung. Optisch und kompositorisch kann es als Bild oder Komposition wie ein dreidimensionales Gemälde betrachtet werden, eine Kreuzung zwischen Malerei und Skulptur.


New Tangible Interfaces TTI

Interactive surfaces makes everyday objects multi-functional and fun. Reactive technologies have now enabled normal interfaces with new functions and new possibilities. The role of the surface is changing radically, according to how it’s designed and incorporated with objects. My proposal was to re-define the role of the surface in future lifestyle, exploring how surfaces can be an integrated as part of a product or environment.

TTI, (standing for Tangible Textural Interface) is a new sound system that embeds a tactile surface. TTI has flexibility that enables people to physically touch and feel the response through the controls and physical morph of the surface. TTI delivers new aesthetics through integrated flexible surfaces as interface material unlike adapting conventional materials for interfaces such as plastic or glass. Unlike existing 2D interfaces, TTI has a curved 3D surface opening up new possibilities in making flexible forms and shapes within the interface.

TTI consists of 3 main functions, backwards and forwards, volume control and equaliser, having a physical feedback and control interface within one surface. As you control the functions, the left surface physically responds to the controls. Tactile surface also responds to the beat of the music.


feel Me tactile interactive bed
File Festival
“feelMe” is a work that for the first time remotely transmits the tactile sensation. Our work provokes the exploration of the sense of touch while promoting the interaction between two people mediated by a machine. The work is constituted of two surfaces, or “beds”: the first one (tactile transmission unit), in which one of the participants, layed down, imprints marks to its surface by pressing it with the weight and movement of the different parts of his/her body; these impressions will be captured and transmitted to the other participant, who lies in the second “bed” (tactile reception unit) and receives them simultaneously in the same positions and in proportional intensities, however, in negative, that is, when the surface in the first bed sinks, it rises in the second one, promoting a touch. The first body touches the second one, and the “beds” may be a few meters or thousands of kilometers apart from each other. Between the bodies, dozens of occult sensors, microcontrollers, engines (lineal actors), computers and a program that orchestrates that tactile communication. We allow the participant to experiment the possibilities of encounter between bodies through the digital world, with a different approach from the one provided by virtual reality. We want to explore the tactile perception separately in its “corporal way”, and only in future works to propose the expansion/extension of multimedia perception with the inclusion of tactile perception.