
Tzu-Jung (Dexter) Huang

‘Meta-prosthesis’ explores the potential of synthesising the natural and artificial to increase the performance of environmental design. Through capitalising on the formal and compositional expressions derived from animalistic attributes, the performance of materials and environment can be enhanced. The project for a theraputic centre has a highly-articulated envelope which is achieved by manipulating the geometry, from the microscale to the macro. This includes: material typology, texture typology, surface typology and building typology. The resultant patterns are informed, generated and tested through computational algorithms and scientific understanding to satisfy different programmatic criteria, regulating the environment.

Daniel Arsham

다니엘 아샴
Connecting Time
‘Connecting Time’ is a survey show with works spanning Arsham’s entire career. Included are four at first glance ‘conventional’ architectural interventions that subtly manipulate the physical environment to create surrealistic settings. Fitness gear and objects rooted in pop culture are presented in eroded form as though excavated from some archaeological site, while swaddled animalistic figures recall the work of Christo or Man Ray, but with a playful, childlike twist.



Design Research Laboratory (AADRL) and the experimental design studio Minimaforms examining a behavior-based agenda that engages experimental forms of material and social interaction. Cybernetic and systemic thinking through seminal forms of prototyping and experimentation will situate the work through continued experiments that have manifested since the early 1950s as maverick machines, architectures and computational practices exploring the generative potential of self-regulating phenomena as proto-architectural environments. Through explicit models of interactions, observable patterns and proto-animalistic agency; the research will discuss the capacity of these systems to evolve, adapt and self-structure through computation.


كوهي ناوا
Kohei Nawa, giapponese di Osaka, è un giovane artista che sperimenta con sfere di vetro trasparente, ricoprendo e inglobando i più svariati soggetti, dai giocattoli agli animali impagliati. Lo scopo, è quello di alterare grazie alla rifrazione della luce attraverso il vetro, la percezione visiva delle spettatore. L’oggetto rimane tale, ma ciò che verrà percepito dal nostro sguardo sarà deformato e modificato, non è l’oggetto che cambia, ma il punto di vista che ne attua la trasformazione. Kohei Nawa, che ha recentemente esposto anche in Italia, ha al suo attivo numerose mostre in Asia e Stati Uniti e la partecipazione alle più importanti fiere internazionali.


Never Mind That Noise You Heard

Through sculpture, photography, performance, sound and video, Allora and Calzadilla’s works have been informed by questions of mark making, traces, and survival in a way that is simultaneously conceptual, metaphorical and spatial. Their understanding of material and metaphor as a couple is crucial; for them a material is never simply self-evident in its meaning, it is always marked with histories, cultures, and politics that are at once irreducible to and indivisible from the material in question. Another recurrent trope in their work is that of animality, and its unstable relationship to the realm of the human. Most recently, they have created a series of works that explore the interplay between militarism and sound in the context of today’s global state of war.


“O impossivel”

They touch. They bite. They get warm. They penetrate. They are made. They get rid of. They stick their tongues in. They put the body in. They get body. They split up. They exist.
They want to be one. It is impossible (“O impossivel”). Which means that a single body, as you would like, is impossible. It can not. For a moment yes, for a moment they can. But no, they can’t. Impossible. They cannot be one. Despite the bites. Their bodies are different. They were born and will die self-absorbed, in themselves. Between them there is an abyss, a discontinuity. But they want to be continuous, they want their bodies to be one body. Since they cannot, they celebrate the sacrifice of the meat. “Essentially,” says Georges Bataille, “the field of eroticism is the field of violence, the field of rape.” Isn’t it violent, perhaps, to want to break the discontinuity of the other closed in on itself? Isn’t it violent to force the discontinuity of the other to be a continuous whole with him? O impossível by the Brazilian Maria Martins (1894/1973) shows the excesses of sex (take note: excess, sex). Or impossível is the moment in which the organs swell with blood and gush sexuality. The moment when animality makes us gloriously human.


Ребекка Стивенсон
ريبيكا ستيفنسون
sweet shell

Le sculture figurative di Rebecca Stevenson sono allo stesso tempo inquietanti e belle. Usando principalmente poliresina e cera, il suo concetto di solito inizia con una figura umana o animale proiettata in un tenue colore monocromatico che poi sembra sbocciare o decadere con varietà di composti organici multicolori. Questi fiori consumano quasi le figure, dando vita a sculture provocatorie e surreali. Il suo lavoro incarna il processo di creazione e distruzione, rivelando la bellezza che emerge da questo ciclo organico. Alcuni mi ricordano di camminare per i pascoli della fattoria quando ero più giovane e di scoprire vari teschi di animali attraverso i quali l’erba aveva cominciato a arrampicarsi. Se il suo lavoro disturba, è solo perché non cerca di mascherare la macabra bellezza del processo di crescita / decadimento. “Il mio lavoro riguarda il viscerale e il sensuale. Si basa sul disegno anatomico e sull’illustrazione botanica, ma occupa un territorio liminale tra l’indagine scientifica e il corpo immaginario e soggettivo. “

Ballet Preljocaj

And Then, One Thousand Years of Peace is a huge, ambitious monolith of a work. First created by Angelin Preljocaj for the Bolshoi Ballet in 2010, it takes inspiration from the vision of apocalypse conjured by St John in the biblical Book of Revelation.There are no horses galloping across the stage or horned beasts. But Preljocaj sets himself a barely less daunting task: choreographing the essential meaning of apocalypse, as a cataclysm so profound it lays bare the very essence and history of human nature.Preljocaj launches his work with a shattering opening sequence. Ten women drive through hard, slicing, geometric formations; lights flash, electro-percussive music reverberates; and the air becomes as thick and swarming as a tropical thunderstorm as the movement accelerates towards its convulsive climax.Out of this intensity emerges a Garden of Eden tranquillity, where men lope and flutter in delicately animalistic moves, and two women in white tunics play like lazy cherubs.


Ephemeral and ethereal

Ephemeral and ethereal, the work of artist Rein Vollenga is particularly notable in his ‘wearable sculpture’. Vollenga’s unique and visceral work is darkly seductive, and his creations have been embraced by many of fashions forward thinkers as they continue to venture into darker, more fetishistic territory that celebrates a deeper, animalistic sexuality and revels in individuality and fragmented identity. Vollenga is a native of Berlin, reflected in the Teutonic avant garde nature that pervades his work, as is a dangerous, slightly sinister and hedonistic sense that harks back to pre-war Berlin’s days of decadence and ‘voluptuous panic’; his creations conjure all the allure of the decadence of a futuristic Ball Masque. Renowned for his wearable art, which takes form in sculptural headwear and accessories, the artist is now gaining the attention and patronage of the fashion industries elite; a more severe and gothic, 21st Century Dali if you will. Chasseur sat down with Rein himself to discuss his work; its origins and nature, and what drives the man behind the masks.



Lymphatic System

“Il lavoro di Gerda Steiner e Jörg Lenzlinger tratta di un adattamento della natura attraverso la sintesi. La valuta degli artisti svizzeri è una dialettica hegeliana che subisce un ribaltamento empirico con l’uso di oggetti come animali e insetti tassidermizzati, luccicanti stagni di olio per motori, alberi e piante morti e flussi fluenti di sostanze chimiche. Il loro lavoro tratta francamente dell’unità degli opposti come la vita e la morte, il bene e il male, la speranza e la disperazione. È un giro esistenziale altalenante che conferisce bellezza a quasi tutto.”  Steve Peralta




A Cosmos riflette l’interesse dell’artista nel creare uno spazio in cui le idee possano esistere tra diverse discipline, passate e presenti. Molti degli oggetti e delle opere d’arte, selezionati da Trockel in dialogo con la curatrice Lynne Cooke, producono un contesto per il lavoro dell’artista all’interno di altri campi di indagine, come le scienze naturali e la storia naturale. Gli acquerelli dipinti dalla pioniera botanica Maria Sibylla Merian si trovano accanto a intricati modelli di invertebrati marini realizzati da Leopold e Rudolph Blaschka, inizialmente utilizzati come strumenti di ricerca da naturalisti che non avevano accesso a esemplari viventi. Per più di trent’anni Trockel ha resistito a uno stile identificabile, lavorando in una varietà di materiali, tra cui lana, bronzo e oggetti trovati, e una gamma di mezzi, tra cui fotografia, collage, video e assemblaggio. Le costanti della sua pratica ad ampio raggio includono questioni che hanno a lungo occupato il suo pensiero e che hanno sostenuto la sua diversa attività, come le idee contrastanti del femminismo e le divisioni costruite tra dilettante e professionista, celebrità e anonimato, e il fine e applicato. arti. Più in generale, attraverso i suoi lavori Trockel sonda non solo le interrelazioni tra esseri umani e animali, ma anche il nostro impatto, come specie, sul mondo naturale.