

Jo Goes Hunting – Run Away

Amsterdam material designer Shai Langen made sculptural headpieces and covered models in hand-painted patterns for Jo Goes Hunting’s Run Away music video.Langen was approached by the Dutch artist’s manager with a brief for “something less conventional”, and was given complete artistic freedom in his approach.The video opens with a close up of a gleaming paint-covered black and white surface, which is gradually shown to be the form of a person.

Ameen Ul Insan

The Flat Arc
​Intent: Experimenting artistic freedom on data, a road to explore possibilities of telling abstract yet emotional stories not with literature but visuals corresponding to datasets. Method: Generative visual parameters based on World Urbanization Prospects data are governed by real time image/video synthesis, with the help of graphic manipulative software platforms and creative coding.


توماس ساراسينو
Space elevator / Spark

Black polyester rope, plastic cable ties, metal frame.

Having studied as an architect, Tomas Saraceno incorporates physics, engineering, and aeronautics into his interactive and evolving artistic structures. Using arachnology, or the study of spiders, to create structures that suggest alternative ways of living, he employs tridimensional webs to better understand how unique building blocks create distinct forms. Saraceno places spiders in cubic frames and leaves them to spin webs, rotating the cubes at various intervals to introduce elements of freedom

Guy Ben-Ner

Self Portrait as a Family Man
Guy Ben-Ner’s works display an acute, self-critical and humorous position towards his familial situation and artistic practice. The struggle between the artist’s freedom and his will to take an active part in the creation of a healthy family life has underlain his works since 1996.