

Cascade Versailles
Une cascade haute et étroite se jette dans le bassin du Grand Canal, le long de l’axe visuel principal des Jardins de Versailles. La cascade est soutenue par une tour en treillis construite à partir de poutres en acier jaune ; des pompes transportent l’eau à travers d’épais tuyaux noirs jusqu’à une plate-forme au sommet de la tour, d’où elle s’écrase dans le canal bien en dessous. L’infrastructure visible de la cascade attire l’attention sur la nature construite à la fois de l’œuvre elle-même et des jardins environnants, tandis que le tumulte de l’eau met en évidence la présence de forces naturelles plus importantes qui jouent sur cet environnement artificiel : la force et la direction du vent, les conditions de la lumière à un moment donné.

Daniel Canogar

The sculptural artwork is composed of four metal ribbons lined with LED screens that cascade down the wall. The sinuous shape of Waterfall is reinforced by the constant flow of abstract images that slide down the screen surface. The video is generated in real-time by global trading data. Waterfall attempts to capture the ceaseless ebb and flow of financial data that touches us in more ways that we can imagine.

Zaha Hadid Architects

ShenZhen Science Technology Museum
A cascade of terraces will frame a large atrium at the heart of the Shenzhen Science & Technology Museum that Zaha Hadid Architects is developing in China. Slated for completion in late 2023, the pebble-shaped museum will encompass 125,000-square-metres and contain a mix of public spaces, galleries and educational facilities. It has been designed by Zaha Hadid Architects as a landmark for Shenzhen’s new Guangming Science City – a masterplan intended to establish the city as a hub for innovation.

Harrison Pearce

Defence Cascade
In the installation inflated silicone forms are suspended amidst an austere metal structure, and are prodded by automated rods. Set to contrastingly beautiful music by composer Alex Mills, which is punctuated by the industrial sounds of the mechanised device, the art work looks like a science experiment, or some kind of torture device, and you may find yourself anthropomorphising the poor, inflated bags which are at the mercy of their mechanical environment.

bill viola

빌 비올라
ביל ויולה
martyrs (earth, air, fire, water)

“As the work opens, four individuals are shown in stasis, a pause from their suffering. Gradually there is movement in each scene as an element of nature begins to disturb their stillness. Flames rain down, winds begin to lash, water cascades, and earth flies up. As the elements rage, each martyr’s resolve remains unchanged. In their most violent assault, the elements represent the darkest hour of the martyr’s passage through death into the light.”


The Cascade Project explores matter by capturing the pattern of muons: i.e. electrically charged subatomic particles. It does so through an installation comprised of three live elements: a muon detector; a complex assemblage of pumps; and an arrangement of tubes through which fluid flows. When muons are detected, a light and connected pumps are activated, triggering the movement of an uncanny, viscous fluid through the sculptural system.

Jennifer Steinkamp

Jennifer Steinkamp uses computer animation to create video projections and immersive installations, dynamic works that explore the relationship between architectural space, motion, and perception. When projected, Steinkamp’s dimensionally modeled images create the illusion of receding space, generating a dialogue with the real space occupied by the viewer. Steinkamp’s imagery ranges from abstract undulating forms to subjects drawn from nature, such as the cascade of flowers in her 2008 series, “It’s a nice day for a white wedding.”


Low pieces
Une performance mouvante, labile, qui résulte d’une série de propositions en cascade, élaborées avec différents groupes, en diverses institutions, studios de danse et centres d’art. Les relations entre groupes, les danseurs, nus, entre eux, comme entre ces dernier et le public, y tiennent une place motrice. Cela joue, mais pas dans les registres esthétique, émotionnel, ni purement performatif.

team lab

Universe of Water Particles
Universe of Water Particles is a waterfall created in a computer-simulated environment. A virtual rock is first sculpted and computer-generated water consisting of hundreds of thousands of water particles is then poured onto it. The computer calculates the movement of these particles to produce an accurate waterfall simulation that flows in accordance to physical laws. Next, 0.1 percent of the particles are selected and lines are drawn in relation to them. The sinuousness of the lines depends on the overall interaction among the water particles and forms the magnificent cascade seen on screen.

bill viola

빌 비올라
ביל ויולה
Martyrs (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)
Bill Viola dit:
Au début de l’œuvre, quatre individus sont montrés en stase, une pause de leur souffrance. Peu à peu, il y a du mouvement dans chaque scène alors qu’un élément de la nature commence à perturber leur immobilité. Les flammes pleuvent, les vents commencent à frapper, l’eau tombe en cascade et la terre s’envole. Alors que les éléments font rage, la résolution de chaque martyr reste inchangée. Dans leur assaut le plus violent, les éléments représentent l’heure la plus sombre du passage du martyr de la mort à la lumière.


Street Views

Jennifer Steinkamp uses computer animation to create video projections and immersive installations, dynamic works that explore the relationship between architectural space, motion, and perception. When projected, Steinkamp’s dimensionally modeled images create the illusion of receding space, generating a dialogue with the real space occupied by the viewer. Steinkamp’s imagery ranges from abstract undulating forms to subjects drawn from nature, such as the cascade of flowers in her 2008 series, “It’s a nice day for a white wedding.”


The Tree

アーティストは、彼の「連続線」を、さまざまなワークシップのオブジェクト、多かれ少なかれ知られているさまざまな性質の要素、およびアーティスト自身を表す古典的なキューブに適用します。個人的な主題や個人的な世界を描くためにそれを使用することに加えて。その後、「Berkovitz’s Cube」から、アーティストが使用する一連のバリエーションに分割されました。 「CascadeofCubes」から「Universe」Berkovitzまで。 Berkovitzは、単純な素材でArtePoveraの仕事をほとんどしていません。大きな石積み。材料の絵画とあらゆる種類の寸法。より多くの解釈を提供しようとする機械的作業。彼の作品に隠されたメッセージは、他の人が見ることができないものを見て、見る忍耐力を持っている人が報われることを確実にすることによって。 Berkovitzは、発信者に最下位に到達するように要求します。見た目や見た目にとどまらない。研究と文化は私たちが利用できる2つの非常に強力な武器であり、無防備な者を犠牲にして強者に報いる新世界秩序に服従することを忘れないように、そしてそれらを使用します。 第一印象にとどまらず、深めてみてください。 これはベルコビッツの仕事を必要とするディクタットです 実線は、自分自身を変容させて果てしなく生まれ変わる物質と精神を表しています。永遠のものはなく、すべてが変容します。デビッドバーコビッツはジョバンニロッシの分身です。ロッシが神経衰弱の苦しみの中で、不在の社会に対する彼の復讐をすることを決心した秋の午後に生まれました。これを行うために、彼は印象的なジェスチャーを探します.. テレビ番組のように、重要な地位を獲得するには、子供を殺したりレイプしたりして、たくさん盗む必要があります。 彼の作品を通して、ベルコビッツは「世界の超大国」の時間はすべてを消し去り、すべてが変わると警告しています。 Berkovitzは主にストリートアーティストです。 彼は「ストリートライティング」から来ています。


Джеймсе Низаме
제임스 니잠
Cascade of doors