
Pam Tanowitz

“Gustave Le Gray No. 1”
In 2019, Ballet Across America was put together with the inspiration of women’s leadership in ballet and dance. To mark the celebration, the Center commissioned choreographer Pam Tanowitz to create a world premiere work for the week’s two participating companies, Dance Theatre of Harlem and Miami City Ballet; both are companies led by visionary women – Virginia Johnson at DTH and Lourdes Lopez in Miami.
Tanowitz set the work on two dancers from each company, with a pianist on stage playing a solo work by the composer Caroline Shaw. The piece had its world premiere during Ballet Across America on May 31, 2019. This video captures the premiere performance.
Pianist: Sylvia Jung
Dancers: Renan Cerdeiro, Lauren Fadeley, Anthony Santos and Stephanie Rae Williams


Iwai’s Piano — As Image Media (1995), a later sound work, is related to these early interactive experiments. Here the user, seated at the piano, triggers a flow of images that depress the piano’s keys; a consequence of this action releases yet another flight of images. The resulting interactive installation synthesizes two different aesthetics: sounds (simple melodies), images and a mechanical object (the piano) with digital media. A projected score and computer-generated imagery transform the piano into image media, hence the work’s name. Sound is the triumphant component in these works, for it activates and shapes the visual work. But the visual aspect of Iwai’s installations is lovely. His interactive systems appeal to the creative impulses of adults and children alike with their celebration of animation, computer potential, and the joy of sound.07


File Festival
Breathing is a work of art based on a hybrid creature made of a living organism and an artificial system. The creature responds to its environment through movement, light and the noise of its mechanical parts. Breathing is the best way to interact with the creature.
This work is the result of an investigation of plants as sensitive agents for the creation of art. The intention was to explore new forms of artistic experience through the dialogue of natural and artificial processes. Breathing is a pre-requisite for life, and is the path that links the observer to the creature.Breathing is a small step towards new art forms in which subtle processes of organic and non-organic life may reveal invisible patterns that interconnect us.Breathing is a work of art driven by biological impulse. Its beauty is neither found isolated on the plant nor in the robotic system itself. It emerges at the very moment in which the observer approaches the creature and their energies are exchanged through the whole system. It is in that moment of joy and fascination, in which we find ourselves in a very strange dialogue, that a life metaphor is created.Breathing is the celebration of that moment.

Studio Roosegaarde

Organic fireworks SPARK illuminates the city as a new sustainable celebration. Artist Daan Roosegaarde became inspired by the magical light of fireflies, and the desire to update the ritual of fireworks. The result is SPARK, a poetic performance of thousands of biodegradable light sparks which organically float through the air. SPARK inspires visitors to wonder and reflect.

Yasmin Whitlock

Yasmin Whitlock

“When you look into the work of designer Yaz Whitlock, you can’t help but notice the dichotomy: elements of fertility and celebrations of the placenta are blended into symbols of birth control.” Pedro Milanezi


“Lorsque vous examinez le travail du designer Yaz Whitlock, vous ne pouvez pas vous empêcher de remarquer la dichotomie: des éléments de fertilité et des célébrations du placenta sont mélangés dans des symboles de contrôle des naissances.” Pedro Milanezi


White Water and Dust
White Water and Dust, a rare double bill by the internationally renowned choreographer Lin Hwai-min, brings great intensity of contrast between the two works. While White Water, set to piano music by Erik Satie, flows like a movable celebration of life, Dust, to a powerful rendering of Shostakovich’s String Quartet No. 8, evokes a memory of Goya’s Black Paintings.


بوب ويلسون
בוב וילסון
밥 윌슨
Боб Уилсон

…Robert Wilson does not portray only famous personalities, such as Isabella Rossellini, Brad Pitt, or Caroline von Monaco, but also unknown people and animals who have until now escaped artistic representation, such as a street dancer or a frog. In precisely these stagings, Wilson’s complex visual and sound languages reach their climax, namely, a celebration of empathy: anonymous people become divas, neutral beings achieve cult status. Wilson’s video portraits thus have a cognitive function. Within the history of portrait painting and photographic portraits, especially staged photography, his staged portraits present not only a pinnacle of accomplishment, but also, first and foremost, a climax that is groundbreaking.


Shibuya Hyper CAST. 2 is a showcase of most cutting-edge urban innovations combined into one building. Shibuya CAST., an existing development designed by noiz, has been an urban lab of mixed function and culture located in the middle of one of the hottest areas in Tokyo. This hypothetical project has started for the 5-year memorial celebration of the CAST., to project future possibility of the building, the area, our society, and potentially a form of future city. It demonstrates how cities of the future could be structured and operated. The project is based on urban studies in the area of mobility, social welfare, administration, funding, security, sustainability and more. Shibuya Hyper CAST. 2 translates the best features of vibrant downtown districts into vertical language of ever-growing cities of the future.

Pamela Tan

‘Eden’ blurs the boundaries between man-made wonders and the beauty of nature. Opening up your senses to a world of delight and new sensations through a curated retail experience. ‘Eden’ is a celebration of natural elements, merging the lush greenery of the existing site-163 Retail Park with a wondrous landscape referenced from the mythical story of the ‘Garden of Eden’. Providing visitors with a refuge away from the hustle and bustle of daily life; as a space of solace and contemplation.

Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui

سيدي العربي الشرقاوي

Faun started from a desire to create a performance around dancer James O’Hara. As part of the centenary celebrations of the Ballets Russes, Sadler’s Wells Theatre in London also invited Cherkaoui to work on or draw inspiration from any of the pieces of the repertoire of the legendary company. Cherkaoui chose L’après midi d’un faune, Nijinski’s choreography inspired by Stéphane Mallarmé’s poem and danced on Claude Debussy’s impressionistic music. Nijinski’s version based itself on Greek representations on vases, it was very two dimensional, very classical yet also daring, sexual and quite controversial in it’s time.

Thea Fitz-James

Naked Ladies
NAKED LADIES is a layered history of naked female bodies in performance. A combination of storytelling, performance art and her own personal anecdotes, Thea asks tough questions around the ‘nature’ of the female body, trying to understand its contested position between stigma and celebration. Between the naked and the nude, between forgetting fathers and remembering mothers, past sexual stigma and personal secrets, NAKED LADIES ask why women get naked on stage. Why, where and for whom?



As a sculptor, I am interested in objects that act as catalyst for an anti-environment – a mindset or space that is not defined, and therefore, infinite in possibilities.The human tendency towards ordering has become an extension of ownership – to understand opens up the possibility of manipulation.Sculpture works in opposition to this.Sculpture is a demonstration of entropy – entropy being the measurable amount of disorder within any system. The system, in this case, is all order. Sculpture is potentially anarchy. The sculptural object is a celebration of wavering logic and structure, exposing the eminent disorder within all systems.


Gretchen at the Potlatch Feast

“Potlatch is a festive event within a regional exchange system among tribes of the North pacific Coast of North America, including the Salish and Kwakiutl of Washington and British Columbia.”
The potlatch takes the form of governance, economy, social status and continuing spiritual practices. A potlatch, usually involving ceremony, includes celebration of births, rites of passages, weddings, funerals, puberty,and honoring of the deceased. Through political, economic and social exchange, it is a vital part of these Indigenous people’s culture. Although protocol differs among the Indigenous nations, the potlatch could involve a feast, with music, dance, theatricality and spiritual ceremonies. The most sacred ceremonies are usually observed in the winter.
Within it, hierarchical relations within and between clans, villages, and nations, are observed and reinforced through the distribution of wealth, dance performances, and other ceremonies. Status of families are raised by those who do not have the most resources, but distribute the resources. The host demonstrates their wealth and prominence through giving away the resources gathered for the event, which in turn prominent participants reciprocate when they hold their own potlatches.
Before the arrival of the Europeans, gifts included storable food (oolichan [candle fish] oil or dried food), canoes, and slaves among the very wealthy, but otherwise not income-generating assets such as resource rights. The influx of manufactured trade goods such as blankets and sheet copper into the Pacific Northwest caused inflation in the potlatch in the late eighteenth and earlier nineteenth centuries. Some groups, such as the Kwakwaka’wakw, used the potlatch as an arena in which highly competitive contests of status took place. In rare cases, goods were actually destroyed after being received. The catastrophic mortalities due to introduced diseases laid many inherited ranks vacant or open to remote or dubious claim—providing they could be validated—with a suitable potlatch.
Sponsors of a potlatch give away many useful items such as food, blankets, worked ornamental mediums of exchange called “coppers”, and many other various items. In return, they earned prestige. To give a potlatch enhanced one’s reputation and validated social rank, the rank and requisite potlatch being proportional, both for the host and for the recipients by the gifts exchanged. Prestige increased with the lavishness of the potlatch, the value of the goods given away in it.


The Spanish have a thing for mixing raging parties with patron saints, and Las Fallas comes with the added touch of fire in this celebration of all things pyro. The fiery event has taken place since the city’s pagan days and incorporates a myriad of traditions. One relates to San José – the Saint of Carpenters – who is celebrated on the spring equinox. The local carpenters used the occasion to burn their wooden winter candleholders, called candelabra. That tradition morphed into a good excuse to set stuff on fire. The festival is also a week of puppets as Valencia fills with several hundred strange, intricate and otherwise weird fallas propped up around the city. The wood and papier-mâché effigies are generally critical or humorous portrayals of events and figures. Some are so big they take months to construct, with locals competing with their neighbours in effigy-making matches.