
geoffrey mann

Cross-fire cutlery detail
The focus of the Past, Present & Future Craft practice commission was to examine the intangible characteristic of the spoken word and investigate the unseen affect of sound upon its inhabited environment.The project centralizes around the context of a domestic argument. In this case the event samples an audio excerpt from the 1999 Sam Mendes Film ‘American Beauty’. The slow building dialogue between the three central characters family dinner climaxes with a sound clash of emotions. The cross-fire of the argument traverses the dinning table but where previously the inanimate everyday objects such as plates, cutlery, teapot etc were unable to express their character, the intensity of the conversation deforms their once static existence into objects of unseen familiarity.The presented sound artifacts each encapsulate a momentary emotion of the argument.

vincent leroy

stone age
Paris-based artist vincent leroy takes movement as the motivation for his work. he prefers this over form, material, or color. instead, he focuses on adding rhythm, pauses, and creating different patterns to set and differentiate every piece. ‘stone age’ is his latest sculpture and is made of fourteen triangular mirrors that move subtly, breaking its surroundings into thin reflections of space. these mirror images deconstruct the environment allowing for different visions of it.
This sculpture situates itself between poetry and technology, generating the opportunity to test visual and physical experiences that relate to space. ‘stone age’ looks like a heavy and rigid structure, but it will surprise the user when it twists and deforms with flexibility and fluidity, creating a delicate contrast. all the movement is created using very low technology.