

Reliquiario Rigenerativo
Sfruttando l’intelligenza delle cellule staminali umane, ha creato “Regenerative Reliquary”, un’impalcatura biostampata a forma di mano umana stampata in 3D in un idrogel pegda biodegradabile che si disintegra nel tempo. La scultura è installata in un bioreattore, con l’intenzione che le cellule staminali mesenchimali umane (hMSC da un donatore adulto) seminate su quel disegno alla fine crescano in tessuto e si mineralizzino nell’osso lungo quell’impalcatura.


Poiché la consapevolezza della realtà è soggetta all’individuo, »Frammenti di RGB« è un esperimento nella deformazione di questo fenomeno attraverso l’interazione e la proiezione di punti luce. Quando lo spettatore si avvicina a uno schermo illusorio, il contenuto cambia per alterare e dissolvere la realtà percepita.
»Frammenti di RGB« sperimenta la percezione e l’illusione a vari livelli. Il classico schermo a LED come supporto è stato simulato e successivamente disintegrato creando un’ottica pixel-like utilizzando una semplice proiezione anziché generare l’intera immagine da singoli punti luce.

Thijs Biersteker

‘Dark Distortions’ – was inspired by Euclid, a forthcoming ESA mission to study the mysterious nature of dark matter and dark energy, which is due to launch in mid-2022. Dark matter is thought to account for 85% of the matter in the universe. Visible stuff within galaxies – such as stars and planets and dust – has insufficient gravitational pull to prevent galaxies from disintegrating as they rotate. But galaxies don’t fly apart in this way, so astrophysicists proposed that they must contain “dark” matter that has sufficient mass to keep galaxies intact – but which has never been seen directly.


«Dark Distortions» – был вдохновлен Евклидом, предстоящей миссией ЕКА по изучению загадочной природы темной материи и темной энергии, запуск которой запланирован на середину 2022 года. Считается, что темная материя составляет 85% материи во Вселенной. Видимое вещество внутри галактик – например, звезды, планеты и пыль – обладает недостаточным гравитационным притяжением, чтобы предотвратить распад галактик при их вращении. Но галактики не разлетаются таким образом, поэтому астрофизики предположили, что они должны содержать «темную» материю, обладающую достаточной массой, чтобы сохранить галактики в целости, но которую никогда не видели напрямую.

Zilvinas Kempinas

WAVES is an attempt to return to basic experiences provided by light and sound. The intersecting waves of ligh and sound are creating a multi-layered spectrum, which allows us to experience ourselves and others as different wavelengths: either intertwining or dissolving.


regenerative reliquary
Leveraging the intelligence of human stem cells, she created “Regenerative Reliquary”, a bioprinted scaffold in the shape of a human hand design 3D printed in a biodegradable pegda hydrogel that disintegrates over time. The sculpture is installed in a bioreactor, with the intention that human Mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs from an adult donor) seeded onto that design will eventually grow into tissue and mineralize into bone along that scaffold.


Beyond Cassini
“BEYOND CASSINI” uses this narrative to celebrate the accomplishments of one of the most successful and beloved Satellites in space exploration history. As Cassini begins its final flight into Saturn’s upper atmosphere with a mission of disintegration, visuals flash back through time giving viewers highlights of this dying satellite’s life.

Peeping Tom

Peeping Tom’s dance shoves certain motifs towards the very limits of acrobatics. Yet between bruised, nostalgic people, or people in love, the situations are deeply dramatic and expressed with feeling. This new piece develops the generic persona of the old father, his mythology, his prestige and his ridicule, his pitiable power deleted by gradual disintegration. It is an intensely human portrayal.


Зе, Сара

“These works investigate movement, disintegration, and disorientation. Here I wanted to enter a two-dimensional frame and find a location that is entropic, fragmenting, spinning, and adrift. These drawings frame a fragment of a larger system that could potentially expand beyond the frame. They start from an exploration of atmosphere, fleeting situations, and environments with a specific kind of weather.”


1st light

Paul Chan’s work summons the darkness that envelops us despite the greedy illumination of our cities. Evoking our world on the verge of disintegration, it celebrates the light that emerges in too much light.
The fight is no longer the fight between day and night that inaugurates Murnau’s Faust, but that between the light of the spirit and the light of things. In this shadow theater, under the auspices of a telegraph pole shaped like the Golgotha ​​cross, we witness the rise of the objects of our consumerist societies.
Phones, I-Pods, scooters, whole trains rise to the sky, saved, as the shadows of men fall, hurled to the abyss, like the suicide bodies of “September 11” victims falling from burning towers.
The image, gradually modified along the continuum of projection, carries with it the prophecies of the Apocalypse rehashed by American fundamentalist movements, and the obvious disgrace of a society that celebrates its materialist cult.