


Deva: Alpha was a series of five live performances blending dance, performance art, music, and concept fashion. The goal of the project was to explore a hypothetical fashion language, one unencumbered by the historical functions and cultural signifiers of fashion as we know it. The peformances were highly improvisational, with a distinct theme for each one, along with distinct live musicians and choreography. Deva: Alpha took place over three days, and was performed in San Francisco.

QUBIT AI: Leilanni Todd


FILE 2024 | Aesthetic Synthetics
International Electronic Language Festival
Leilanni Todd – Floating – United States

Floating explores the concept of surrendering and freeing oneself by allowing oneself to float, symbolizing overcoming adversity and mastering self-confidence. Inspired by her grandmother’s journey to overcome her fear of water through swimming, the work uses water and sea creatures as symbols of resilience and transformation. The personal narrative behind the work adds depth to its exploration of overcoming fears and discovering inner strength.


Leilanni Todd is an award-winning creative director with extensive experience in advertising, fashion and new media. Originally from Toronto and now based in New York, she harmoniously integrates art, technology and culture into her work. Through her FLOAM WORLD platform, Leilanni creates surreal narratives, reimagines traditional norms in fashion and advertising, and addresses complex human issues with humor and creativity.

QUBIT AI: Eduardo Reck Miranda

Sounding Qubits

FILE 2024 | Quantico
International Electronic Language Festival
Eduardo Reck Miranda – Sounding Qubits – Brazil

Although he has learned classical musical instruments since childhood, Eduardo Miranda’s favorite tool for composing is the computer. The researcher has been delving into artificial intelligence and innovative computing methods for compositing for some time, as they offer fresh insights and ideas beyond his own.

A quantum computer deals with information encoded as qubits. A qubit is to a quantum computer what a bit is to a digital one: a basic unit of information. In hardware, qubits exist in the subatomic world. They are subject to the laws of quantum mechanics.

Quantum computers are like super-powered versions of classical digital computers. While a digital computer processes data in a linear, step-by-step fashion, a quantum computer can explore many possibilities at once.

Operating a quantum computer requires different ways of thinking about encoding and processing information. This is where composers can benefit greatly. This technology is destined to facilitate the development of unprecedented ways of creating music.


Composer who works at the intersection of music, science and new technologies. His background as an artificial intelligence scientist and classical composer with early involvement in avant-garde pop music informs his distinctive music. He has composed for BBC Radio 3, BBC Concert Orchestra, BBC Singers and Scottish Chamber Orchestra. He is a professor at the University of Plymouth and a research associate at Quantinuum, where he explores music composition with quantum computers.


Frederik Heyman and Wout Bosschaert

For MOMU3, Frederik Heyman creates, in collaboration with graphic artist Wout Bosschaert, 3 fashion films in which he infuses the rich collection of the ModeMuseum with digital life by using 3D scans and manipulations.


MOMU3 では、フレデリック ヘイマンがグラフィック アーティストの Wout Bosschaert と協力して、3D デジタル化と操作を使用して ModeMuseum の膨大なコレクションにデジタル ライフをもたらす 3 つのファッション映画を制作しました。


Josiah McElheny

Interactions of the Abstract Body
With ‘Interactions of the Abstract Body’ McElheny pushed these ideas further, creating a large and varied body of work that looks at how fashion and modernism have intersected and influenced each other, especially through the common language of the body. Crucially, McElheny animated this dynamic with the constant presence of a performer. By combining a continuous flesh-and-blood performance with static sculpture in the same gallery space, a first for White Cube, McElheny radically fractures the distinction between performance and exhibition.

Nhu Xuan Hua

Nhu Xuan Hua is a Parisian photographer based in London. Her work embodies a visual language that is cross-disciplinary in its approach, reflecting her artistic practices that extend beyond photography into mixed-media and sculpture. Nhu Xuan’s world is always on the edge, it catches the elusive moment when the perception shifts from real to surreal . This interests into arts led her to a signature which goes beyond fashion photography.


Matija Čop is a first-year graduate student of Fashion Design at the Faculty of Textile Design of the University in Zagreb. Before enrolling he studied Croatian Philology at the Faculty of Philosophy. With his mentor Jasminka Končić he is working on understanding fashion. In his work he speaks the language of fashion with a strong conceptual and multidisciplinary background. As he is still a student, his work up to now is occupied by the fashion object as the starting form of studying fashion garments.


The label is based on the principle of bringing out the character in contemporary women. The ideas of fashion is the language of exploration the inner self by materials and silhouette, developing the concept of garments but refine it in cutting and details. The essential components of the label is simplistic with clean refined outline, masculine in a way into details. The label Jamie Wei Huang is to create the idea of the present women herself by developing new ideas of materials and cutting to represent the way of exploring modern women’s character using their own language.

Markus Schinwald

Multidisciplinary in his practice, Markus Schinwald alternately uses painting, video, photography, installation, performance, theater, dance and even the art of the puppeteer. From his training as a fashion designer, the artist has retained a keen interest in the human body, exploring its capabilities and limitations, both physically and psychologically.


Palais Bulles

Bulles was commissioned by a wealthy French businessman, a great admirer of the Hungarian architect. In this first time, the “bubbles house” was used as a beach house, a family holiday in front of the blue of the Mediterranean. The second owner of Palais Bulles was the famous French fashion designer Pierre Cardin. From 1991, Cardin spent his holidays there and organized extraordinary parties.  Palais Bulles represented, for the fashion designer, the female body. Everything, he said, from floor to ceiling, from external to internal space, has spherical shapes. The entire space is invaded by the sensuality of round shapes.
