
Howeler and Yoon Architecture

Swing Time

SWING TIME est un espace de jeux interactif composé de 20 balançoires en forme d’anneau lumineux. L’installation active un parc temporaire entre le Boston Convention and Exhibition Center et D Street pour créer un espace public expérimental. Fabrication sur mesure à partir de polypropylène soudé, les balançoires sont conçus en trois tailles différentes de sorte que les spectateurs peuvent participer, le but de l’exercice, est de jouer avec SWING TIME à titre individuel ou en groupe.L’éclairage LED au sein de la balançoire est contrôlé par un micro-contrôleur personnalisé, signalisant le niveau d’activité de la balançoire. Un accéléromètre interne mesure les forces d’accélération de l’oscillation. Lorsque les forces sont statiques et les fluctuations ne sont pas utilisés, ils émettent une lumière douce, blanche qui éclaire la zone. Lorsque les balançoires sont en mouvement, le micro-contrôleur allume la lumière du blanc au violet, en créant un effet lumineux coloré.


Нед Кан
A 10-foot tall vortex is formed by air blowers and an ultrasonic fog machine inside a sculpture installed in the atrium adjacent to the Winter Garden. The vortex continually changed shape in response to the surrounding air currents.These fluctuations gave the vortex an erratic and life-like appearance. Viewers were encouraged to alter the shape of the vortex with their hands. The calm, central core of the vortex is clearly evident.
Kahn’s interactive scientific projects leave little doubt about his command of meteorological processes. Through his immense technical ability, he demonstrates the versatility of turbulent systems, such as the vortices of wind and water. He employs diverse mechanical, pneumatic and electrical technologies to design, build and refine his installations. This is how he constructs dazzlingly complex but comprehensible images of nature that respond to viewers, conform to architectural structures, and reveal environmental conditions.

Kimchi and chips

99 robotic mirrors continuously move throughout the day to follow the sun like sunflowers. These mirrors, arrayed across two 5 meter tall towers and one 15 meter long track, each emit a beam of sunlight into a cloud of water mist. The beams are computationally aligned so that together they draw a bright circle in the air. Dependent entirely on the presence of the sun for its completion, the work explores the possibilities and limitations of technology to capture what is out of reach, to harness nature and bring the sun down to earth. Collaborating with the natural fluctuations in the climate, Halo appears only for moments when the wind, sun, water, and technology coincide, creating a form which exists between the material and immaterial.


Light painting WiFi
Wireless networks are everywhere these days, creating invisible layers that we cannot see. This unique light painting project seeks to change that by mapping the signal strength of Wifi networks in a variety of environments. The light painting is made using a WIFI signal strength detector and a bar of LED lights. They used a long exposure camera to capture the fluctuations in signal strength as they walked across a street, campus, etc.