

Instrument de peau
File Festival
Skinstrument est un instrument de musique qui peut être joué par deux joueurs. Au moyen d’un petit courant imperceptible, les joueurs font partie d’un circuit. Lorsque les joueurs se touchent sur la peau, ce circuit commence à générer du son. L’intensité du toucher détermine la fréquence du son.

Laurent Grasso

OttO (solo exhibition)
OttO (the film)
Structured around a set of brand-new works and around the eponymous film, the exhibition interconnects sacred spaces, animistic beliefs and scientific theories. Each of these works concerns imperceptible and yet active phenomena that have in common the real or supposed effects of electromagnetic waves, vibrations and frequencies. Perrotin Paris



Structurée autour d’un ensemble d’œuvres inédites et autour du film éponyme, l’exposition interconnecte espaces sacrés, croyances animistes et théories scientifiques. Chacun de ces travaux concerne des phénomènes imperceptibles et pourtant actifs qui ont en commun les effets réels ou supposés des ondes électromagnétiques, des vibrations et des fréquences. Perrotin Paris

Robert Breer

The Floats – or floating sculptures – that Robert Breer took up producing again at the end of the 1990s, emerged in 1965. The word “float” meaning something floating – a marker, fishing float or buoy – and which also describes those carnival vehicles whose pretend wheels give them the appearance of floating above the tarmac, enabled Robert Breer to apply this principle to works of a new genre. Primary shapes, neutral colours and, for the most recent, an industrial aspect, the Floats were then made with polystyrene, foam, painted plywood, and, more latterly, out of fibreglass. At first glance, these simple structures appear immobile. In fact, they are moving, imperceptibly, within the space they inhabit. Motorised and on mini-rollers – which raise them slightly above ground, giving them an air of weightlessness – they glide unbeknown to the visitor, following random paths that are interrupted by the slightest obstacle that they encounter.


Flypast Sunset
“In this series of animated artworks, which are essentially slowed down versions of the series Time in Motion, I invite you to experience the passage of moments across a landscape. Perhaps understanding that even though all moments are transient, all moments are equally worthy of our respect because they are parts of a larger whole. Each Time Loop is made manually. I captured every moment across a sunset or sunrise using a digital camera, and manually stitched these moments into Time Paintings. Finally, different sequential time paintings were put together to create a sense of motion  almost imperceptible in some of the works, in the manner of clouds drifting across a sky.” Fong Qi Wei


Эрнесто Клар
Convergenze parallele

Convergenze parallele is an audiovisual installation in which airborne dust particles passing through a beam of light are tracked, visualized, and sonified in realtime by a custom software system. The installation reacts to air movements in the exhibition space, allowing the viewer to see and hear the amplified movement of dust particles. “Convergenze parallele” explores the poetic potential of revealing and transforming the imperceptible. The custom software uses a video camera to capture the activity of dust articles passing through the beam of light. It then analyzes the video signal to track the location of individual dust particles, and reveals each particle’s trajectory in the image-processed projection. The physical particles draw traces of their otherwise invisible motion on the digital screen. At random intervals, the software artificially saturates the system by briefly activating the fan-a cloud of dust fills the beam of light and creates dense and stunning patterns of particle trajectories and sound.

File Festival


versuch unter kreisen

This is the artistic result of a residency spent at CERN, where particles circulate on rings at great speed. The four lamps that are suspended from the ceiling also describe circles, but at varying speeds. Starting from there, every imaginable choreography is possible as well as every interpretation. The lamps describe figures that imperceptible transitions trigger one to the other. According to the artist, it’s only a question of mathematics here, though one asks oneself which one of the four incandescent lamps directs the others. And just as quick as they come into alignment as though linked by invisible ties, there is one that seems to accelerate while another can’t manage to keep up with the group. You can watch them for hours on end, hypnotised by the aesthetic beauty of physical laws. The artist, Julius von Bismarck, when receiving his prize admitted to having learned a lot at the CERN. It is likely that the scientists were also marked by his presence.


ماتيلد روسيل
Матильда Руссель
Lifes of Grass
Mathilde Roussel est une artiste française travaillant à Paris. Son travail “questionne la nature humaine dans ce qu’elle a de plus imperceptible”. Chacune de ses œuvres dévoile en effet des évolutions, mutations souvent discrètes qui s’opèrent pourtant en chacun de nous. Pour ce faire, ses installations reposent le plus souvent sur des matériaux et idées très simples mais néanmoins frappantes..

mike winkelmann (Beeple)

Майк Винкельман
minor peon

La cantidad no es lo mismo que la calidad, ya lo sabemos, pero el diseñador gráfico estadounidense Mike Winkelmann (alias Beeple) ha logrado hacer coincidir las dos cosas. Beeple, con su carácter autocrítico, decidió que la mejor manera de mejorar su talento artístico era completar una obra completa en un día, todos los días. Así nació el proyecto Everydays, que ya se encuentra en su octavo año consecutivo, y en 2015 la ciencia ficción es la principal inspiración. Cada año Beeple utiliza un medio diferente para crear sus obras artísticas, y este año el artista ha utilizado herramientas digitales como Cinema 4D, Octane Renderer, Z-Brush y X-Particles. En menos de 24 horas, Beeple es capaz de crear una ilustración digital hiperrealista que parece haber tardado mucho más en hacer. Los increíbles resultados resaltan paisajes y escenarios futuristas que parecen sacados de una película de ciencia ficción, donde hay un claro contraste entre la pequeñez de la figura humana (a veces casi imperceptible) y el aparato tecnológico que tiene frente a él. Otras obras, en cambio, representan formas más abstractas, que, sin embargo, nunca se apartan de su carácter futurista. Profundamente detallada y minuciosa, parece imposible que cada una de estas obras se cree y complete en un día, pero lo cierto es que la estadounidense El artista ya está en el 3030 de trabajo consecutivo y no parece querer frenar el ritmo. Es decir, es un artista reacio a la dilación.

Anna Horcinova

In the photo project INposition (2013), which was shot by a Hasselblad 501CM camera, she’s using playful manipulation of physical fragments to express existentialism or the limits of body and mind. Anna Horcinova staged her models – mostly dancers in physically difficult dance poses expressing an emotional state of mind together with a gesture. And with the help of the body she tries to cross the imperceptible boundaries between her subject and the world around it.


Peter Jellitsch (born 1982) operates at the intersection of science and art. His research-based practice develops in a complex process, in virtual and analogue worlds. His main concern is the visualisation of what is in fact invisible, of virtual phenomena and structures existing in everyday life yet imperceptible to the human eye. Peter Jellitsch is an exponent of a young generation whose perception of reality has undergone a radical change, due to new technology, and who quite naturally spread out their fields of work and ideas in new dimensions.


16 pillars

Skinstrument is a musical instrument which can be played by two players. By means of a tiny imperceptible current the players become part of a circuit. When the players touch each other on the skin this circuit starts to generate sound. The intensity of the touch determines the frequency of the sound.


레이 놀드 레이놀즈
Secrets Trilogy
Secret Machine

Secret Machine is the second of the Secrets Trilogy; a cycle exploring the imperceptible conditions that frame life and is preceded by Secret Life (2008) and followed by Six Easy Pieces (2010)
In Secret Machine a woman is subjected to Muybridge’s motion studies. She is treated in the same fashion as in the original Muybridge photography: with Greek aesthetic in a Cartesian grid. A short time after Mybridge’s studies, Duchamp painted Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 (1912) attempting to show time on a flat surface. He is expanding cubism and painting into another dimension: time. Time is about movement and change, like our experience of reality. Without change life does not exist. Photography does not capture this experience. In Secret Machine different filming techniques are compared to the motion of the body. The film camera becomes another measurement tool in a way a video camera cannot. The intention was to make an art piece from the point of view of a machine, specifically a camera.


Slow Motion Car Crash

Jonathan Schipper’s work provides an alternative way of experiencing the world by slowing down physical events to almost imperceptible movement. His slow motion car crash sculptures are actual cars moving at speeds of 7mm per hour into a choreographed collision. The spectacular moment of the car crash is rendered safe and almost static. With a dramatic inevitability that reflects our own mortality, over the course of the Festival month the car is eventually destroyed.

Lionel Estève

Circulation rouge

L’œuvre de Lionel Estève se situe à la croisée du dessin, de la sculpture et de l ‘installation. L’informel et la fragilité, qui caractérisent ses œuvres, éveillent notre perception d’une réalité infinie en dévoilant un espace palpable, presque tactile. Son travail joue sur l’espace, les couleurs et la perception sensorielle.
Ces œuvres rappellent l’intérêt de l’artiste pour les énergies créatrices et leurs captations.
Artisan, chercheur, Lionel Estève déploie matières, lignes, couleurs dans l’intervalle du perceptible et de l’imperceptible

Tim Coe

Perfect face

The viewer is confronted with a face on the screen that is constantly, almost imperceptibly changing. The perfect hair and make-up give rise to the expectation of a beautiful model, but this is not always fulfilled. The starting point is super-model Claudia Schiffer, however, the facial features are in a state of flux, ‘mutating’ every few seconds to a new configuration. Our reaction to the face changes accordingly between attraction and repulsion. Beauty has long established itself as a commodity that can be sold and bought. ‘A PERFECT FACE’ constantly tests and challenges our idea of what beauty is.

Alicja Kwade

Die Gesamtheit aller Orte

“It’s easy to trace the curves in Kwade’s perfectly placed bent tubing and piping, but it takes a second to realize that even the installation’s larger, solid objects—a door, a window, mirrors, iron gates, sheets of metal, and even a bicycle—not only travel on her orbits’ paths, but have also been altered (in some cases just barely) to conform to them. The white door’s slight curvature is hardly noticeable until you’re at close range. The imposing rusty gates are generously rounded. There’s an almost imperceptible bend to a door with an oval mirror. A few copper pipes in the outermost rings disappear into the gallery wall; in the very center of the installation, a two-euro coin, propped up on its rim, and a sharply curved sheet of metal face each other, mysteriously.”Kimberly Bradley


File Festival

Skinstrument is a musical instrument which can be played by two players. By means of a tiny imperceptible current the players become part of a circuit. When the players touch each other on the skin this circuit starts to generate sound. The intensity of the touch determines the frequency of the sound.